07-29-2017, 05:02 PM
They talk about activating this part of the brain, then suggest 'just adopting the mindset can do this'. But that's not deep enough, as we're doing with subliminals it's changing your internal programming which then leads to mindset shifts. Trying to force yourself to switch the mindset on top of all the 'baggage' under that just leads to stuff like the pua guys overcompensating and being weird and not really coming from a real place with it.
I don't think much of fake it until you make it either, it never helped me with proper or long term change and under it was always the same insecurities and such.
They talk about activating this part of the brain, then suggest 'just adopting the mindset can do this'. But that's not deep enough, as we're doing with subliminals it's changing your internal programming which then leads to mindset shifts. Trying to force yourself to switch the mindset on top of all the 'baggage' under that just leads to stuff like the pua guys overcompensating and being weird and not really coming from a real place with it.
I don't think much of fake it until you make it either, it never helped me with proper or long term change and under it was always the same insecurities and such.