01-14-2012, 11:09 AM
(01-14-2012, 08:28 AM)Spiral Wrote: and NCbear, there is an end self sabatage program. I may run that in the future if I have to. but not before disconnect from negativity.
Yes Sprial I am aware of that. thank you though. I have the program infact,also,Man,End Self Sabotage. I was thinking along the lines of "If yer gonna soup' up
the Ultra Success to Ulitimate Ultra,Ya wanna 'git all the blocks,barriers and impedments",outta da way FIRST- TO ALLOW greater success,sooner and faster. rather than the suibconscous KNEE JERK REACTION of 'Oh shit,I'm getting what I want/wanted...am I ready for it,this scares me,or whatever,blah blah stuff comes up. the addtional sabotage removal system in place within the ULtimate Ultra Success Program,of whatever the final title Maybe...would allow for a much smoother transtion when doing a Hyped UP program like this one: Ultra Success on (the preverbial)Steroids.
I Never understood this (to me) bullshit statement' be careful for what chew ask for you might git it !' So what! and??? shit. I Mean isnt that what chew wanted in the first place ???? and if you get it and its not quite to yer liking,ask again,damn. ya know... it aint that hard to do.
to me that phrasing is exactly what Im talking about as far as garbage removal in the collective consciousness/un-consciousness.
THe abouve statement keeps people held in a limited place and keeps them from having what they really want, all with thier own consent. its nuts. HIgh Ho Silver rides again... Ultimate Success to the rescue! ;-)