04-30-2017, 11:56 AM
Off day again. I had my weekly meeting today. It was a short meeting cause of the weather, cold rainy moist and wet again. Been that was for the last few days. Most of my interested in me friends where absent. I did have my dancer girl that was there. Since she was free form spying eyes she just straddled her self in my line of sight and even allowed herself to try stroke my interest with some basic conversation. Usually I had to make some effect to talk, today was different. So during the meeting she just keep slipping in looks and easing her self into my direct line of sight even though the boss that was taking was totally the other direction. I could tell she had this longing to come talk to me. She'll had to hide any naughty things she might of been planning for another time. After the meeting was over I had to help the guys move some trash that got dumped in the yard by somebody. So she'll have to plunge into been close to me next week. I/e After 32 days of B I'll think I'll go back to version A might be a few things that need heeling. I know I'm a lot more conformable with the idea of sex happening with a lot of these girls there may be tiny sliver of myself holding back in the case that sex with a lot of these girls happened. So by the time the next version rolls around I want to hit the ground running.