Quote:When one hears such results from a 4g subliminal , one wonders if we have simply made it too complicated with Dmsi in 5.5. From the start i hoped that Shannon will keep just the script of DAS plus as few as possible additions to make it work better. That is all. Now if you look at the list of additions , it is incredible almost reaching the 50 or so and we are still struggling or at least most of us. Shannon does not like to hear that his search for perfectionism is sometimes counterproductive. But he is not to blame most of us are reallly asking about one addition after the other. Now MLs will most probably have the same fate! It is sad!
Yeah, you get such results from a 4G subliminal.. and then what?
I don't think you realize the gravity of DMSI. It works like this - every addition has an inherent possibility that your subconscious will resist it.
But, there is no limit to how many additions you can have or execute. There is no upper limit. It is unlimited, completely depended on how your subconscious resists. It can easily execute 5 million additions.. but will it resist?
Now, why am I mentioning this? Because, DAOS 4g script is unbelievably short. It is like a small paper you would write in elementary school (talking about the size, not the knowledge needed to write those suggestions so they work).
Meaning, your subconscious doesn't have a lot of things to resist, but it CAN.
So, that's all great, right? What about DMSI? Well, DMSI is up to now, THE biggest and most cutting-edge subliminal out there on the market. I wouldn't be surprised if it has over a hundred things that can get resisted.
But this also means that there are more things to execute. Hopefully, by now you are understanding what I'm getting at.
The more things you have to execute, the stronger and more obvious the results will be as time passes on, and as resistance falls off naturally, the more modules come into life.
To compare DAOS 4g and DMSI 3.1 :
DAOS - the basic sexual aura, self confidence.
DMSI - Snipers, auric shielding, self confidence, complete clearing out of anything sexual (which also means everything that interferes with the aura), reality bending, manifestation, guilt/fear/shame clearing (which also interferes with the aura) and so on.
Now, tell me, do you think a basic sexual aura and increased self confidence can compare, in the long run, with the fully powered and activated, reality bending and fully cleared out, aura?
My point has been made.

Also, everyone is struggling because there are mountains of things that need to be cleared for maximum effectiveness of DMSI execution. But, that isn't 100% DMSI's fault (as I said, each module has a chance to be resisted), since it is YOUR subconscious that decides what to execute and what to resist.
Ultimately, it is you who executes, DMSI doesn't do shit. It's just a set of instructions. It is up to you to take responsibility.
Quote:No light, it's on his shoulders because that some of suggested at conception. And opts to not heed us. You can't use more the one sub at once and expect result. How is a sub going in 50 directions any different? He himself states the subconcious needs focuses on one goal. These subs are getting diluted.
50 directions?
Every single addition Shannon has made to DMSI has a very well defined purpose. He himself stated it, yes, and he is sticking to what he said.
The subs aren't getting diluted, they are getting stronger and stronger, with increasingly powerful technology that literally allows your subconscious to BEND reality..
.. while still keeping each goal in mind, with additions that are like support columns that allow the goal to be reached in a powerful and quick manner.
Of course, we bend reality all the time, but with subs, it's a completely new league of bending.

If you don't believe me, examine each DMSI addition carefully, and you'll be able to see how each module connects to ultimately allow you to reach DMSI's goal.