03-20-2017, 04:33 PM
Quote:Tbh, I'd personally much rather use a version of DMSI with "unsafe levels of reality shifting" that changes my life than to wait for a "just enough, perfectly executed" version. I'm just at that point now. Overkill it, because I'm starting to doubt that the sub alone can get me there.
You know Maxx, I love reading your journals because sometimes I'll be thinking about typing something into my own journal but then I look at your journal and you end up lamenting the EXACT same emotions, thoughts, and feelings I had lol.
I actually empathize with how you feel because those thoughts have crossed my mind MANY times especially in the past couple of days when I read about the great results others get. Most of the progress I've gotten with DMSI has been internal although I have gotten external effects via the celebrity vibe. This version of DMSI has definitely affected me more than V3.01...but again...INTERNAL effects. I know the importance of internal effects so I'm ecstatic that the ASS/ART modules have gotten to a point where they can effect me. I just would like to see those externals.
I'm sure there are certain negative side effects related to reality bending that Shannon hasn't revealed or has strong reason to believe may exist. I do believe that one possible reason for him not just ratcheting up the power of the reality bending quickly has to do with shock and awe. In other words, if a person suddenly found themselves in a reality where women were aggressively approaching them the shock would probably cause them to freeze up repeatedly and the lack of an effective ASS/ART module would most likely cause that person to cock-block themselves repeatedly derailing said results.
That's why I feel there's more potential negatives to reality bending than just "shock and awe" and self-sabotage. Because if there wasn't, I believe (although I could be wrong) that Shannon would simply have gotten the program to the point to where the reality bending got the approaches coming for the user after which he'd power up everything else. Of course, the program first has to be able to get the person to execute so powerful reality bending would probably be useless without strong ASS/ART modules lol.
Tldr; I agree with you Maxx, I wish the reality bending was way stronger but I'm sure Shannon has a good reason why it's not...yet