11-12-2011, 06:48 AM
(11-11-2011, 08:04 PM)LionMonkey Wrote: Stage 4 - Day 16,
Last night I was talking with a beautiful, cute and crazy girl, 19 years old. It's funny how she told me about attraction. I know there are some guys in here that have a lot of experience in this, so it would be nice if some of you put some feedback to this.. The girl I talked with made it pretty clear to me how attraction is.
I was talking with this girl and her friend was talking with my friend. I liked this girls cuteness mixed with craziness and a bit of sexiness and I expressed my desire to her at a point, which she recognized that I was different and honest, a guy who she could talk 'girl' stuff with BUT she wasn't attracted to me anymore because I wasn't intriguing anymore when I gave her all the attention I think.. then she asked me some questions about my friend, I just said that she could ask him herself and then she explained to me;
"Everybody wants what they can't have. Your friends mannerism and the way he is isn't attractive to me but (maybe JUST maybe) because he doesn't pay me attention and doesn't answer me, when I ask him something, that intrigues me. It's like he thinks he is better than me and I want to show that I am better somehow because I am…"
Of course I thought it was a f***ed up view. She said, yeah.. but that's how it works in modern time..
And I saw her friend and my friend was both attracted to each other and you could see that they both wanted each other.
So I told the girl I was talking with, "I prove you wrong.. your friend is clearly interested in mine and he is paying a lot of attention to her."
Which she replied, "Yeah.. I think it's because they both have a girlfriend/boyfriend, so they are just seeing if there's something there."
I got quickly a thought of, hmm.. that's f***ing weird..
So you have to behave like you have a girlfriend or more, to let a girl "genuinely interested" in you..? A genuinely interaction that leads to something real?
So I got very bored at the table and with this girl and walked around to see if there's something interesting.. but there wasn't.. or at least I didn't notice.
I got really bored and I just didn't give a f*** and I annoyed the girl from before as HELL.. talked dirty to her as, "I wanna f*** you" and hugged her a LOT etc.. I actually wanted her to slap me and said it, lol.. really don't regret it but I told her friend to excuse myself for my behavior when we left.
I think I kinda got a epiphany right there. I thought back of the times where women would just DO CRAZY things to me ONLY because I really didn't give a f***. I didn't give them attention and I was just in my world and talked very little if any but it wasn't very fun either these times because I wasn't expressing myself into the world, I was more like a STILL MAGNET but the largest part of women likes it??…
I thought.. Ahaaa! first AFTER you have slept with her, that you can be all fascinated by her beauty and expressing your desire directly.
Lol of course women are more fascinated by men that ignore them. She was actually very honest to admit that to you, a lot of women wouldn't. And you get more women interested when you have a girlfriend because you don't care and you're more unattainable.