12-22-2016, 07:54 AM
DAY 21
Lately, I had a string of strange dreams. Last night dreams were particularly interesting.
In one of the dream, there is some kind of disaster. It remind of some of the episodes of Fear The Walking Dead season 1.
Me and a group of people decided to go on a rescue party in some type of building.
I dont know what the building was about. It could be a hospital, a hotel or even a school. Nonetheless, you could feel a lot of terror in the air.
They are various groups of people barricaded in an aisle of the building.
To arrive to safety people have to leave that aisle of the building cross a courtyard to another area of the premise.
We go join the barricaded people to rescue them. We also have to go to the basement to make sure everything is clear.
But in the basement, one of rescue guy switch something on. Its not
electricity :-) But, a self-destruct system, a countdown begins and an alarm siren erupts. We are told that in 2 hours explosives will detonate in the ocean and 6 hours later , a tsunami will arrive and it will wash away everything, all this drama, terror, stories will be all gone.
At that announce the fearful barricaded people start running in panic in the courtyard to safety even though safety will be gone too.
I'm wondering if the fearful barricaded people are a symbol for my unconscious fears
and perhaps the tsunami is a symbol of releasing, letting go of those fears.
In the other dream, I 'm having a platonic relationship with the perfect girl. I m staying at her house as a guest with her family.
Later on, we are walking in the street and she suggests that because we are both single we should start a romantic relationship together.
I'm wondering if those dreams are symbol of let go of fear and willingness to have what I really want.
Lately, I had a string of strange dreams. Last night dreams were particularly interesting.
In one of the dream, there is some kind of disaster. It remind of some of the episodes of Fear The Walking Dead season 1.
Me and a group of people decided to go on a rescue party in some type of building.
I dont know what the building was about. It could be a hospital, a hotel or even a school. Nonetheless, you could feel a lot of terror in the air.
They are various groups of people barricaded in an aisle of the building.
To arrive to safety people have to leave that aisle of the building cross a courtyard to another area of the premise.
We go join the barricaded people to rescue them. We also have to go to the basement to make sure everything is clear.
But in the basement, one of rescue guy switch something on. Its not
electricity :-) But, a self-destruct system, a countdown begins and an alarm siren erupts. We are told that in 2 hours explosives will detonate in the ocean and 6 hours later , a tsunami will arrive and it will wash away everything, all this drama, terror, stories will be all gone.
At that announce the fearful barricaded people start running in panic in the courtyard to safety even though safety will be gone too.
I'm wondering if the fearful barricaded people are a symbol for my unconscious fears
and perhaps the tsunami is a symbol of releasing, letting go of those fears.
In the other dream, I 'm having a platonic relationship with the perfect girl. I m staying at her house as a guest with her family.
Later on, we are walking in the street and she suggests that because we are both single we should start a romantic relationship together.
I'm wondering if those dreams are symbol of let go of fear and willingness to have what I really want.