10-23-2011, 04:53 PM
(10-22-2011, 08:01 AM)Shannon Wrote: Ironically, I find myself torn between finishing (restarting?) sex magnet, and stopping it to run Attract Your Primary Soul Mate. I had a realization while I was in Death Valley... I don't want just sex. I want sex to be a natural expression of physical and emotional intimacy that is an organic component of the greater whole of the relationship. Which is surprising only because I thought that while I was healing, sex alone would be fun. But, there's no kidding myself, sex without some sort of emotional connection is self destructive for me, and always has been. I wonder how true that is of other straight men, but they just don't know it because our society has taught them that they're not (allowed to/not supposed to/do not) have valid emotions.
Society has definitely caused a lot of problems for men in general, so I wouldn't be surprised. Sex with a lot of women is just something most guys are pressured with. I think the act of sex just affirms their masculinity or validates their ego. But then again I can't speak for the masses and I hate assuming, so none of that should be taken to heart. The one thing I did realize is it's almost impossible to pull someone out of that conditioning if they aren't willing to help themselves. They have to see it themselves before they can learn. Then there are some guys who don't even believe in love, only because they have been wronged in the past and now they carry negativity around in them.
I know for certain I have trouble expressing emotions for whatever reason. I think it's a poisonous thing and nobody should have to feel that way. Men are taught to be very stoic, but it just doesn't allow us freedom of expression. I think every guy wants a meaningful relationship, but sometimes women don't see that because of the way society has taught men to act.