(09-25-2016, 02:36 PM)Shannon Wrote: Dzemoo, your reference to "my religious leader is better that this other religious leader" (although I don't think Confucius was a religious leader, he was a philosopher if memory serves) is exactly what we are trying to prevent with Rule 4. We don't want people arguing about religion, who is the better or more correct religious leader, etc. It breeds flames (also against the rules) and destroys community unity.
There actually is a religion in china that is build on the concepts of confizius and even called like that, thats why i ddint say prophet Mohammed but mohammed since he was not only a religiois leader but a warlord and leader/king in the traditional way because he ruled the arabic island and so i was refering to him as a historical person and not religious leader also then quote didnt contain anything religious, if you still think its wrong i can edit it