Being direct and honest is the most beta thing you can do, you have ti lie to women and trick them to get what you want never reveal your true self
Saying to her you love her, while internally being cold is more alpba than saying you hate her while still havibg feelinfs for her
I have no problems being a man whore as long as i get what i want, i have no problems crawling to a women and use beta game when i see alpha game dont work on her, i try different things out and see how they go you have to be flexible as a player ots ok to lose your outer frame as long as you keep your inner frame strong
Thats what some guys dont get they want to game all women in the same way
The most effective game is neither the beta game nor the alpha game its the nice asshole game, superifcally nice internally evil and manipulative thats the way of the most pussy juice
Ps all my clothes are tight around my upper body and i have a great pheromone smell like i am on trenbolone
Saying to her you love her, while internally being cold is more alpba than saying you hate her while still havibg feelinfs for her
I have no problems being a man whore as long as i get what i want, i have no problems crawling to a women and use beta game when i see alpha game dont work on her, i try different things out and see how they go you have to be flexible as a player ots ok to lose your outer frame as long as you keep your inner frame strong
Thats what some guys dont get they want to game all women in the same way
The most effective game is neither the beta game nor the alpha game its the nice asshole game, superifcally nice internally evil and manipulative thats the way of the most pussy juice
Ps all my clothes are tight around my upper body and i have a great pheromone smell like i am on trenbolone