07-13-2011, 11:51 AM
"One thing you gotta learn is to let go of your expectations." I always found that to be such a joke,to "Tell" some one to NOT have expectations,which ironically IS AN EXPECTATION in and of itself,to have no expectation ,that is...of which most people cannot do anyway...I would say relax,let go and like the guy said try not to over anaylize it.
"The question is,does a buddist vaccum cleaner come with attachments?"
grinzzz. you sincerity is seen as is yer heart for answers.
all the best man. Ncbeareatingman
"The question is,does a buddist vaccum cleaner come with attachments?"
grinzzz. you sincerity is seen as is yer heart for answers.
all the best man. Ncbeareatingman