[Day 29]
Play a soccer games with friends today and some guys said hi to me with a respect manner. It's strange, they somewhat ignored me in the past and have a competitive behaviour with me.
When I ride on street, many guys keep trying to challenge me, like they want to test do I afraid of them or not. BS.Getting familiar and more indifferent with this.
Today I hear some scent spread out from the armpit, naturally. It's new. It feels inviting and quite addictive
Maybe increasing of anabolize exercise made it. Love it.
Play a soccer games with friends today and some guys said hi to me with a respect manner. It's strange, they somewhat ignored me in the past and have a competitive behaviour with me.
When I ride on street, many guys keep trying to challenge me, like they want to test do I afraid of them or not. BS.Getting familiar and more indifferent with this.
Today I hear some scent spread out from the armpit, naturally. It's new. It feels inviting and quite addictive