06-26-2011, 07:27 PM
Wow Shannon, that was a great post on masculinity!
I agree.. it really starts to piss me off what they have one some of my favourite shows that I didn't realize when I was younger. Like last night I watched some new episodes of futurama.
In one of them they went to some planet and were arguing who should lead and it was tied between a husband and wife, all the women chose the wife, and all the men chose the husband.
Some rock alien creature come and said "there has to be a superior species, I have some tests".
And eventually went to some questions such as "who are the main characters in sex and the city?" and other crap about clothes which of course the women knew the answers, the then said obviously the women were superior. I then decided to turn it off, I skipped forward out of interest and seen all the men dressed as women and I was like WTF!?..
This show is good, but crap like this I hate. It seems to go through all these cartoons Family guy, american dad, the simpsons, it's like they are supporting that agenda.
I have actually turned off several episodes of the simpsons, they are the worst for it.
What the f&^k is going on in the world? I love your mission Shannon and fully support the message!
I agree.. it really starts to piss me off what they have one some of my favourite shows that I didn't realize when I was younger. Like last night I watched some new episodes of futurama.
In one of them they went to some planet and were arguing who should lead and it was tied between a husband and wife, all the women chose the wife, and all the men chose the husband.
Some rock alien creature come and said "there has to be a superior species, I have some tests".
And eventually went to some questions such as "who are the main characters in sex and the city?" and other crap about clothes which of course the women knew the answers, the then said obviously the women were superior. I then decided to turn it off, I skipped forward out of interest and seen all the men dressed as women and I was like WTF!?..
This show is good, but crap like this I hate. It seems to go through all these cartoons Family guy, american dad, the simpsons, it's like they are supporting that agenda.
I have actually turned off several episodes of the simpsons, they are the worst for it.
What the f&^k is going on in the world? I love your mission Shannon and fully support the message!