06-26-2011, 12:20 PM
(06-16-2011, 07:55 AM)AwesomeYoungDude Wrote:(06-14-2011, 04:06 PM)Shannon Wrote:(06-14-2011, 10:05 AM)AwesomeYoungDude Wrote: First off, my apologies to all. In the process of growing a rose I've thrust its thorns on many.
Shannon, I could use a better understanding of "confidence in masculine core". Can you give my your definition of what characteristic this entail. I learn best with the use of examples, real or created in order to illustrate the point. Note: I will most likely dwell on this topic for a little while until I have a clear picture. I expect that if you are not able to or preferred not to respond that you will indicate so.
That is a very difficult question, primarily because most of the answer is difficult to put into words. But, I shall endeavor to try.
The masculine core is the essence of what it is to express what is masculine. Traditionally, this is as Yang is to Yin: outgoing, active, expressive, direct, bold, forthright, self confidence, self reliance, self direction, self actualization, self control, and leadership qualities resulting from all of this. It is natural for the healthy male to think for himself and lead, whether he leads just himself or others choose to follow him.
I think I am too tired at the moment to make much sense of answering your question... so perhaps I should wait until I have had some sleep.
So I'm going to step back and make sure I'm asking the right question. I understand from your posts that AM11 works to build confidence in the masculine core. The first question Is this a correct statement regarding AM11?
Second if correct then, maybe its easier to describe how AM11 builds this confidence instead of describing what masculine core is.
Confidence in masculine core is confidence in your self identity as a man. What it means to be a man. In this day and age, we have a lot of trouble with men not being entirely sure what it is to be a man, how to be a man, whether it's okay to be a man... alpha male is designed to help with all of those. AM2011 definitely works on these things.
Think about it. Ever since the feminist movement started in the late 50's/early 60's, men (males, I should say) have been getting conflicting information (or in some cases, NO information) about how to be what they are, what other men expect them to be, what women expect them to be, etc.
Whether it's in a business/corporate environment or in a romantic/sexual situation, a man has to know how to be what's expected of him if he wants to succeed. This contradicts part of being an alpha, because alphas do as they please - but at the same time, it fits, because women expect a man to be a man before they'll generally give him much attention for romantic or sexual interest. I believe that our gender roles are at least partially genetically programmed into us, and probably that is true to a much larger degree than society as an entity (which is a human invention that doesn't really exist, since it is just individuals all "going with the herd" because they all think the herd is doing that too) would have us believe, or consider acceptable.
One or two groups of women, in their efforts to achieve (and in some cases, exceed) a state of equality with men, have muddied the waters as to what is acceptable to them and the rest of society (remember, blind herd-think) for what a man is, should be, can be, can do, etc.
Unfortunately, the men were not able to differentiate between adjusting to achieve equality, and being manipulated beyond equality in this sense, and so now we have a society here in the United States where we have a major division of "what's a man". Some say a man is a leader, and some say a man should be a follower. Those who want equality think a man should be the partner. Those who want one gender to be dominant will want the man to either lead or follow.
This has destroyed the common theme of what it is to be a man. And if you follow my line of thinking, then men need to be taken out of this confusion and given the definite gender role again, so they can be strong in and of themselves as men, but also as individuals.
Time and again, we see evidence that single mothers, no matter how well intentioned, raise their male progeny to be unsuccessful with women, because they raise them to be too nice, too polite, too uncertain, too weak. Consciously, women say they want these things, and they may actually. But genetically, a woman wants a man to live up to his genetic potential. We haven't outgrown that, and I doubt that it will ever happen in the next hundred generations. Women want a man to be a man, a leader, a protector, a provider, but some women also want to be the leader, etc. Unless she can accept the role of equal, there will be a problem if the man actually is a leader type. The confusion for men about what is what has got to stop.
The solution is to train men to be men, and be confident in themselves AS men. And as a man, a true man, he won't need anyone else's approval, he will do his own thing, and whether he has a woman or not is not a major concern because he is his own man. Two of the biggest secrets I ever uncovered in my journey are as follows:
- No matter how you look, there will always be someone who thinks you're ugly, someone who thinks you're gorgeous, and a whole lot of people who think you're average.
- When you make a choice and stand firm with your choice, you will naturally attract those who agree with your choice, and the rest will fall away.
So instead of males letting themselves be told what to do and how to act by a society that is itself just a bunch of people all tossing their hats into the ring, we need males to become men, and then let the chips fall where they may. If a particular woman doesn't like it, she's welcome to her point of view and her choice of responses, but that doesn't mean that a man should be less than what he is for anyone. The same is true for women, by the way.
The end goal is to produce a situation in which we do have defined gender roles, and remove the confusion so we can get on with enjoying one another's company and being happy. Gender roles don't have to be negative, but they by definition have to be sexist: they are determined purely by gender.
What I advocate here is not a negative thing, but the re-alignment of men with being themselves, being male, being strong in their self-ness, and not allowing anyone to manipulate, control or use them. Right now, our society is very heavily in favor of women in control, in certain very subtle directions, and that control is being perpetrated based on a very negative mindset by a small group of women who are not willing to be equals with men.
Men and women have to be equals, or there cannot be harmony. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Within that status of equality, there must be a satisfactory situation between the man and the woman in any couple where they achieve an equilibrium that they agree on. He must do his part, and she hers. His job is to fill in where she does not, or cannot, and her job is the same. Male and female are complimentary, and they represent the parts required to achieve the whole.
Confidence in masculine core is being the essence of that male polarity, and being that essence of male polarity without apology or being distracted by those influences which would have us believe that men are by nature incompetent, insecure, inefficient, insufficient, unnecessary, inferior, or whatever-else-have-you that those who would seek female dominance are trying to spread in our media.
Hopefully, that helps. I got a little off track there to some degree.

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The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!