But that's a fear based answer. When I say what you say can it will be used against you , I mean everything in a general context. I don't mean in just a work environment. Also the sub that I used was not Shannon's for the record. But even in sex magnet women were hating on me also based on fear and thruth. The reality is women get way with alot of things here in the United states at least as far as i know. Overall I think it's a good idea , and I think it's up to the subliminal user to exercise caution and common sense. Regardless of the sub you use , you will be tested.
It always seems impossible until it's done."_ Nelson Mandela
"Continuous improvement is better then delayed perfection."_ Mark Twain
"We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become. " _ Dr. David Hawkins