04-10-2011, 12:34 PM
@ Patti: No, it will be covert ops, lol
BTW, since there was a 10% disc, I pulled the trigger and bought it. With this being uncharted territory with me, it will be interesting. I'm running the Become Irresistibly Attractive (sexually) right now, contemplating ditching that and going right into stage 1 on SM. It [biatbw sexually] seems to have more kick to it with regards to the regular version of BIATBW, having ran that one for 32 days. I also realize that sub is more of a "slow burn" seeing that it may need upwards of 2-3 months for it to really work. But anyways, thanks for the sub and thanks for putting on a 10% discount
I have another journal on this forum that is more or less "general purpose" so it's time for an update on that one.
BTW, since there was a 10% disc, I pulled the trigger and bought it. With this being uncharted territory with me, it will be interesting. I'm running the Become Irresistibly Attractive (sexually) right now, contemplating ditching that and going right into stage 1 on SM. It [biatbw sexually] seems to have more kick to it with regards to the regular version of BIATBW, having ran that one for 32 days. I also realize that sub is more of a "slow burn" seeing that it may need upwards of 2-3 months for it to really work. But anyways, thanks for the sub and thanks for putting on a 10% discount

I have another journal on this forum that is more or less "general purpose" so it's time for an update on that one.
Get your pickles!!!