02-05-2016, 07:20 PM
Leaving life behind and cutting ties with the family I grew up with...........
Now before you say I am jumping to conclusions, I am really not. I am actually writing a paper outlining pros and cons of ditching my past and starting fresh again with my "soul mate"
I hate my religion just as much but I guess I dont hate it as much to still be dedicated to it for life but between religion and family, I am afraid I have to ditch the family and keep my religion and faith.
With all that said, I plan on leaving after 2 situations
1. after becoming an AM (6 OR 7)
2. find my AYP and run with her together.....
Timeline might be about 2 years......
My question is since you should run AM 6 two or three times upgrading yourself from who you are then finding that partner, who's not to say that you could use AM 6 for a life time and use it 30 to 40 times in your life and keep on "evolving" where it doesn't end after just 3 runs? So if I keep changing and find my AYP then I will grow and evolve from her.....and I cant keep doing it as I keep evolving with every new run of AM 6 and future generations of AM that will be created down the road.
So why not find your perfect woman and then both of you evolve together......to keep that compatability going.....is that even possible? She runs the woman version and you run the man version.....
But if that's not possible then I might just run it maybe two times at most then use AYP
But I wish I could just run it as many times as I want and then find the woman at the level of AM that I am and just keep her for life without outgrowing her to ditch her (when I find my AYP, I want to be with her till death do us part).
What do you guys think?
Now before you say I am jumping to conclusions, I am really not. I am actually writing a paper outlining pros and cons of ditching my past and starting fresh again with my "soul mate"
I hate my religion just as much but I guess I dont hate it as much to still be dedicated to it for life but between religion and family, I am afraid I have to ditch the family and keep my religion and faith.
With all that said, I plan on leaving after 2 situations
1. after becoming an AM (6 OR 7)
2. find my AYP and run with her together.....
Timeline might be about 2 years......
My question is since you should run AM 6 two or three times upgrading yourself from who you are then finding that partner, who's not to say that you could use AM 6 for a life time and use it 30 to 40 times in your life and keep on "evolving" where it doesn't end after just 3 runs? So if I keep changing and find my AYP then I will grow and evolve from her.....and I cant keep doing it as I keep evolving with every new run of AM 6 and future generations of AM that will be created down the road.
So why not find your perfect woman and then both of you evolve together......to keep that compatability going.....is that even possible? She runs the woman version and you run the man version.....
But if that's not possible then I might just run it maybe two times at most then use AYP
But I wish I could just run it as many times as I want and then find the woman at the level of AM that I am and just keep her for life without outgrowing her to ditch her (when I find my AYP, I want to be with her till death do us part).
What do you guys think?