04-23-2015, 08:44 AM
(04-20-2015, 04:32 PM)Shannon Wrote:Quote:yeah this might be true shanon buts the gender war cannot be stopped you can only choose on which side you want to be
That is false, and based on faulty thinking. The gender war can be "won" by the same means as you would eradicate hate. Hate perpetuates hate, so STOP HATING! This back and forth "women hurt/used me, so I'm going to hurt/use them!" begetting "men hurt/used me so I'm going to hurt/use them!" begetting "women hurt/used me, so I'm going to hurt/use them!" is a never ending carousel of stupidity. You know how you stop a war? You outgrow the thinking that started and perpetuated it. And this one will eventually end, if the species does not eradicate itself first, when people understand that just because you are not me does not mean that you have no value or feelings. By your logic, there would never have been an end to the very first war that was ever fought by humans.
Quote:and pick up works only for poeple who are good in it and does only harm beginners....
Who, then, got to be good at it without ever being a beginner? Pickup harms the beliefs of the person learning it by teaching them to believe things that are not true ("people only have value for what you can get from them", "women are only worth knowing if you get to **** them", "I can disregard the emotions of a person if I get what I want from them, because their only value is in their sex organs and it doesn't matter if I use them for sex and then walk away", "they and their emotions don't matter", "sex is the only valid goal in life", "it does no harm to a person to be used for sex" and "it does no self harm to use others for sex" being some prime examples)
Women by nature feel in connection with sex. They associate it with emotions and emotional bonding. Those who don't are damaged. So with men, but our society has so brainwashed both genders to believe that men have, and should have, no emotions or emotional value or response, that men consistently self damage by having sex carelessly. And they're so in denial because they've so bought the ***** line about having no emotions or not being allowed to express or accept their own emotions that they self repress to the point of not even seeing the damage they do to themselves by having sex carelessly.
Sex for fun is great, and you can do it safely once in a while, but if she's got to be manipulated into doing it, she was resisting more than likely to defend her emotions from the damage they will suffer if she has sex without regard to them. Like you want her to do.
Quote:pick up wont get you love or a girlfriend thats very unlikely to happen pick up will make you good at gettin laid thats it many guys dont understand this... pick up will change you and possible make you unable to love a women or be satisfied with only one women...
If you make "getting laid" your primary goal, you end up with a lot of time spent acting like an animal. No benefit to it but the moment of orgasm, and maybe the street cred you get from others like yourself for being good at manipulating others into having sex with you when they would not have otherwise. It's an empty, valueless activity. Getting laid to get laid is just acting like an animal. It is the primal expression of the genes with no real value, because the results are what? A moment of orgasm? Bragging rights? An STD or a baby? Sex has value as a way of reproducing, and a way of sharing intimacy and bonding emotionally to make a relationship stronger. Otherwise, you're just fooling yourself thinking that having nailed that "10" made any positive difference or mattered at all.
I'm not saying that every time you have sex it has to be the grand end all, be all. I am saying that having your life's goal be to get pussy is a shallow, useless, time wasting goal, taken by itself. It doesn't get you anywhere. It doesn't get you anything. So you ***** a lot of women, so what? So you bedded a lot of "hot girls", so what? At the end of the day, what have you accomplished that you could not have accomplished with your own hands, if the whole point is just ejaculating? Nothing. Instead you've wasted your time and money, and you have nothing of real value to show for it.
You cannot use people for sex alone and really enjoy yourself. Or your life. Or them. And that activity only breeds people who are more and more damaged, cautious, difficult to get, wary, and resentful of the gender who did it because various members of that gender were good enough at manipulation to get them to let their guard down long enough to get used and tossed asside. Then they learn to be wary, harder to get, and they start following the same training you are reading trying to get up on how you did what you did, so they can defend their emotions from you. And then someone has to invent some new technique, and the cycle begins anew.
In the end, you get what out of this? Not a damned thing. Unless maybe you landed yourself an STD or three and maybe a kid.
Sex for fun is great, for an occasional thing. But humans need more than NSA sex.
I have been in your shoes. I did the whole "anything for some pussy" thing. I also know that the best way to get to sex is not PUA.
Quote:look at the real pua masters they have no girlfirend or women at all so choose wisley which way you will go...
You mean they've bought their own BS so much and self damaged so much that they're typically incapable of understanding, appreciating or achieving anything but sex only.
Quote:if i knew this years ago i wouldnt probably learn pick up but now i have to go this way...
Because you're not getting a new chance to make new choices and decisions, every second of every day. Because someone else is controlling your mind, and you're helpless. Right?
Every single second of every day, you can make hatever choices you want to make, and telling yourself otherwise is a cop out that enables you to have an excuse to do something other than what you know is right. Otherwise you wouldn't have to make up lies to yourself such as, "I don't have any choice in the matter."
If you want to do PUA, do PUA. But own your choice. If you disagree, disagree. But own your choice. And understand that you make your choices, and giving away your power with "I can't," and "I have no choice" and the like is ***** thinking designed to excuse your choice to do something you at some level know isn't the right thing to do.
You want unlimited sex? Make yourself a real alpha, own your truth, and then accept nothing less. The women who will fit your needs will naturally be attracted to you. And you'll have all the pussy you could ever enjoy. You CAN have it all, as long as you're strong and courageous enough to decide what you want, go after it and refuse to accept anything else, or anything less. You'd be absolutely amazed what a woman will do when she trusts you enough. And the best way to gain her trust is to be openly honest, own the truth, do what you say you will and say what you will do.
Thanks for this. This needed to be said, imho. Maybe something similar can be included in the instructions of AM6/SM3? I say this, because I have the subjective impression based on some journals that success in SM3 is measured in "how many" instead of "what quality". For me it was the latter, that's why I am satisfied with the results SM3 ( and I will do it again). I met high quality women with it, because I filtered out the ones that were "obvious affairs", instead I looked for women that have life experience (you can see that in their eyes, whether she is 16 or 46). The downside is, I came close to them only after talking and having some "common experience" outside of bed. Meaning, some kind of emotional bondage possibility had to be checked out by them first (i.e. they did not want an asshole), as you might have hinted at. I also have the advantage that a person close to me is and ever was a natural PUA. He is the most unhappy person I know. I thought, "who would that guy f***?" and ignored those

Focus and push through. (Uncle B)