(03-23-2015, 08:11 AM)zen Wrote: I really like how you put your thoughts into words. I think you said that you are not a native English speaker but from the way you write I hardly say so.
Keep up the good work! You inspired me with the learning programming.
Thanks for the kind words, zen! Yes, I'm not a native speaker, I'm from Bulgaria.
Happy to have inspired you to learn programming! Just be sure you're not doing it to get the girls.

(03-23-2015, 09:48 AM)Adri Wrote: Hey Ivaylo, I've got a question for you since I'll soon start to learn programming too: why did you choose Python over Ruby? I'm considering both languages but don't know which way I should go
Hey, Adri! Back when I didn't know anything about programming, I chose Python because the general consensus seemed to be that it's the best first language. The Python community also seems to be more active than Ruby's.
To top it off, back then I found this online series of tutorials - Learn Python The Hard Way, which was right up my alley in terms of teaching style.
Now that I have some experience coding, I'm glad I've chosen Python. It's a language that will be around for a long time. There are other reasons as well, but they are a bit more project-specific.