03-14-2010, 07:04 PM
I'm also very interested in this subliminal. Does money come out of thin air and lots of synchronicities happen to people who use this? What are the results people report using this subliminal?
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
03-14-2010, 07:04 PM
I'm also very interested in this subliminal. Does money come out of thin air and lots of synchronicities happen to people who use this? What are the results people report using this subliminal?
This title was originally built as a result of sitting down in a bookstore and reading some books on how to do this in one's life. It was an experiment to see if I could automate the process. It worked for me in initial testing as follows.
First, I started noticing that I was thinking differently about what I deserved and what I could achieve. Then it started doing things in my life that would doubtless vary from person to person because each person's circumstances are unique. In my case, it started motivating me to work on my business more (this one) and I met several people who were introducing me to multi-millionaires, who in turn were interested in marketing my stuff. It didn't take long before I was sitting in front of a situation where all we had to do was pull the trigger and I'd have been a multi-millionaire, almost literally overnight. Only thing was, I couldn't keep my damned mouth shut until it had happened. I told my girlfriend at the time what was happening. She responded with fear because she was sure that when I got rich I would leave her... and so she de-railed the whole thing right before it actually happened. I almost ended up losing the whole business completely as a result. So... yes, it works. Yes, it takes time. (This process took about 9 months in my case, but may require more or less time for you.) And yes, it can be screwed up if you don't keep your mouth shut. One thing I have noticed about people concerning wealth is that they are where they are in terms of wealth because they are held in place by either the people around them, their own fears/perceptions, or both. When you are attempting to make such a huge change in yourself and your life, be prepared to either make some changes or have to give up in order to maintain the status quo. And keep your mouth shut about what's happening, until the money is in the bank! Telling everyone about it is only going to interject their thoughts/beliefs/skepticism/responses into your efforts and usually this will de-rail them and prevent them from manifesting. Remember that it's a lot easier to destroy something than it is to create it. I have people ask me why I don't simply try again. Well, the time is not right. It will be right again, and when it is I will definitely use the program again. For the moment, I must be happy with slowly and steadily building my business instead. Definitely a lot of amazing synchronicities show up with this program. And if you're serious about it, use it and Ultra Success together and nothing else for at least a year straight. One thing I can say is... when this baby kicks in, it's a feeling like no other. It was very much like living with one foot on earth and one foot in the best possible dream I could have imagined... kind of like I wasn't dealing with reality in the same way anymore, it was like not only was anything possible, but it was becoming, and I could feel it becoming, and... not sure how to describe it. Like living a dream on the crest of manifestation, I suppose you could say. It's amazing. Takes a while to get that feeling, but it is amazing. I can't wait until the time is right to start using it again.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
Thank you. I will be buying that and Ultra Success, and using them just like you suggest, after I see results from Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women Version 6.0.
I totally agree with the fact that the people you hang around have a direct impact on your wealth. My best friend, who couldn't hold down a job or anything committed suicide a month ago. While I still feel real sad, from time to time, it really caused my to take notice of the people I'm hanging around. None of my friends can hold onto money. One friend of mine, who's part Native-American and gets free money from casinos blew through over $3 million in just a few years. And he's thinking about applying for bankruptcy! And I, of course, am having money issues all the time (it's irritating that I can't just go to the nearest Radio Shack and simply buy the speakers that I need). So, I promised myself I'm going to be making huge changes this year. I really do not want to live like I have been living. And I don't see much of a choice other than I have to make these changes. And I'm going to keep my mouth shut about the subliminals amongst people who are around me and know me personally. That's one reason I love the fact that you have silent subliminals! I've learned it's best not to let people know what you're up to when you're making drastic changes to your life. Especially when it concerns anything to do with the Law of Attraction. Btw, will Ultra Success also have the same results when played with Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women Version 6.0? If so, then I might as well buy Ultra Success asap. Also, it would be interesting to see what I manifest through this program. I don't have any products to sell, or anything like that. I don't know if I have any real marketable skills (partially due to the people I hang with, and the area I live in). Of course the latter could just be a limiting belief.
The woman I was dating was a lot different than me in terms of how she viewed and spent money. I have a tendency to spend grudgingly when I am below a certain minimum amount of money in the bank and I'll wait, work hard and do without in order to have that financial cushion and security. She was of the belief that because she worked hard, she was entitled to play hard. She was, in fact, always spending more than she had, and had several credit cards. Her belief was that she should enjoy her money now, because tomorrow might never come. I am of the belief that spending money because you are bored and unwilling to think of something to do otherwise is rather silly. You begin to see some of what the problem was before I ever opened my mouth. We had incompatible mindsets concerning money.
I tell you this to illustrate a point. There's nothing wrong with spending money that you have, but if you look at the general population of the United States (I'm not assuming you live here, but if you do, you know this too) they are more likely to be in debt than not. And it is almost always either student loans or credit card debt or both. Mostly CC debt. Americans (United Statesians?) have the mindset as a whole that they are simply entitled to more, just because. Simply put, spending more than you make leads to debt. At the lowest level, all you have to do is live below your means and save the rest. That doesn't happen here - not from natives, at least. Most people in this country don't have a clue about becoming wealthy because they have the wrong mindset and belief system. The first thing you need to do if you want to become wealthy is make sure you change your mindset about wealth. Otherwise, easy come, easy go. That's what you see with these lotto winners who are bankrupt and sometimes in prison for debt within a few years... and your Native American friend is a good example. For that, you want Think Like A Millionaire. Become A Multi-Millionaire Within Four Years is also a good choice - I'll be rebuilding it as a multi-stage set as soon as I get to that on my to-do list - but using two major manifestation subliminals at once is not recommended. Think Like A Millionaire, Ultra Success and manifest Unlimited Wealth, Abundance & Success are a killer combination. The difference between MUWAS and BAMMI4Y is that one is scripted to happen how and when it happens, and one is scripted to take no longer than 4 years, and uses a more logical, steadfast, build the traits of a self made millionaire within yourself and then work hard approach. Whichever appeals more to you. Ultra Success is an awesome program because it literally helps with and improves everything... whatever you are focused on, that's what it helps you achieve success with. Including other subliminals. What I have seen from MUWAS is that it always finds a way... and in the most unexpected and amazing ways, sometimes! Everyone's results are different because everyone has different circumstances.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
03-15-2010, 12:33 PM
Thank you. I think you've just answered my question about Ultra Success. I will probably buy the download tonight and make a playlist with Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women.
The Think Like a Millionaire and Become a Millionaire in 4 Years make me confused on just what I want. It's not so much of a problem of me overspending, I'm just not getting enough money. Even if I tried saving, and only eating Ramen Noodles (I've tried it). But, when I was actually making some money, it was at a job I absolutely hated and people who made more than me, or were too lazy to go get a job, constantly were coming to me for money. So, there's definitely a limiting belief in there (hence, the desire to get newer and better friends). However, I certainly want to be a multi-millionaire in 4 years. I think I will buy Manifest Unlimited Wealth and Think Like a Millionaire, and make a playlist with Ultra Success--as I understand that you are suggesting the use of all three together?
03-15-2010, 12:43 PM
Those three together sound like an excellent combination for your situation, yes. About the friends who are moochers, you're going to have to get rid of them or learn to stand your ground and tell them to get their own money. If that is going to be a problem, you might want to try using the Alpha Male training set with the Manifest Unlimited Wealth and Think Like A Millionaire, and then start using Ultra Success when you're finished with the alpha set. Or you could push it a bit and use all four at once. Just make sure you are able to, and strong enough to, set boundaries so that moochers don't drag you down. Generosity and community is one thing, but you need to sustain yourself first.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
03-15-2010, 12:49 PM
That's something I've found out. Actually, I got rid of the primary moochers, but the feelings of being mooched kind of persist.
I think Manifest Unlimited Wealth and Think Like a Millionaire, with Ultra Success will be my best bet.
03-15-2010, 01:15 PM
The more wealth you have, the stronger you need to be. Self control-wise with spending it, and with dealing with people wanting hand-outs.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
05-03-2010, 04:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2010, 04:47 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
(03-15-2010, 01:15 PM)Shannon Wrote: The more wealth you have, the stronger you need to be. Self control-wise with spending it, and with dealing with people wanting hand-outs. This is sooooo True Shannon,good advice. I have a cousin who is a few years older than I am,a REAL COUNTRY BOY at 55 YEARS OF AGE,Vince'. He hit the Lottery 15 years ago for four million bucks,yep. He still has OVER half of those 'earnings'. He's spent his money very slowwwwwly and delibreatly. so the self control part he had down ,and had to learn very quickly about setting his boundaires with people,especially women,who the week before didnt know his ass or didn't wanna know him,suddenly when he hit the lottery,they were asking my own sister to hook them up with him,AFTER he hit the Lottery. JUst for the record not all women are like this, darn shure enuff of them defitenly ARE this way,though. He's had to be strong and maintain his own 'ground rules ' for living,so it can be done and works well once you make it known and make it clear yers not gonna give into 'handouts' Though I have a good realtionship wiht my cousin Vince,I purposely STAYED AWAY from Him for 2 1/2 years,didnt even seen him at all during this time,then ,one day,I met him in a restaurant in the next town over ,where I was staying at the time . I told him as I'll share with the same with you. I wanted him to know I wasnt after his money and wasnt upset wiht him. I felt as I do now,"Let MY actions speak for themselves". He knew where I lived,if he wanted to give me some of the money he won,he would've done so. its his money,he can do witht it what he will. I blessed him wiht love and good light and let it be. See- heres the deal #1) Money doesnt change people it ONLY reveals then"( if yer a closeted Mother Tersea that';ll come out and show up, if yer a secreted gludious maximus orfice-that'll come out too,whatever it is ,money can maginfy the energy- the consciousness,after all it is a CURRENCY- a Current of enrgy #2) OH yes " if you resent people who have a lotta money,then what do you thinks gonna happen when you come rolling in the dough?" so it requires a change in consciousness-attitude- bless the wealth of others not resent it, cuz if you do-then yr stuck! free yerself, guaranteed Man = you bless yerself wiht love and bless others or anything wiht sincere love ,= yr blessing yr own life and yrself. these CD"s are helping tremedously,to creating the shifts internally and they are starting to show up in my reality more and more and more. Blessings and Light I swear this stuff work. Keith.
05-03-2010, 08:47 PM
Good post, Keith but there's one point I'd like to make.
People who resent people who have a lot of money or wealth don't come into money, as a rule of thumb; and that's because of the Law of Attraction. Or, rather... the reverse of it, which is the Law of Repulsion which states (in simplified terms): Quote:What you resent, you prevent. Basically, by resenting people who have wealth (which is really very common - a lot of people resent those who have what they themselves want, be it money or other things) you are actually preventing it from becoming a possible future reality for yourself. You are in effect using the laws of the Universe to keep yourself where you are, because you will never allow yourself to become what you resent! This is true for overweight people as well regarding losing weight. It's true for people who want to become successful in any endeavor they see others succeeding in and resent those others for their success. What you resent, you prevent. Think about it. Pretty potent stuff. I used to resent wealthy people. Like many people, I thought wealthy people were all snotty, stuck up and full of themselves. Very negative associations. Well... let's face it. Some wealthy people are all that and worse! But the fact of the matter is, most wealthy people are not! And regardless, by making myself wealthy, *I* do not have to be those things. So I removed that programming, and replace it with success based thinking, and now I am on my way to wealth. You have to accept the wealth into your life, and allow yourself to be wealthy before you can achieve it. That and much more is what Think Like A Millionaire and Become A Multi-Millionaire Within Four Years are all about.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
05-03-2010, 09:54 PM
Well Basically thats what I JUST said....however I disagree that resentment is an absolute that prevents one from becoming wealthy. So my response would be 'yes ,no ,maybe ,never always,sometimes' to that. I've known enuff Millionaires and some very very wealthy people,as well, who clearly had some serious issues on 'the way up' and AFTER they've made it ,including fears,and resentments. and NOT all of them like you say were knuckle heads(putting it lightly) I mean LOOK at Donald Trump,who clearly had/has resentments and I've, again, met those who have resentments and/or fears that made ,it,too. So its not an absolute that having some form of resentment will prevent wealth,it might hender it sometimes,it might slow a person down,but it also can be used as 'positive' driving force to success,just like fear can be a driving force....you can heal ' Yer Stuff' along the way,while 'making it' also,and that I defintely believe. I dont think you have to walk on water to make it,not that you were saying that.I'm sharing my Heart here and I have a right to do so.
It depends on what you resent. If you resent "wealthy people" as a whole, you won't let yourself become one. If you resent the way certain "wealthy people" act, spend their money or do things, gaining wealth won't necessarily be impeded. Resentment can also be directed as fuel for success, as you say, and as we have discussed in the past; but again it depends on the specifics of what is being resented.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
05-04-2010, 10:45 AM
True, thank you. (hands clasped and slight bow,in honor and appreciation)
here's the example that I didnt expound upon last night: If a person resents people who have lots of Money,then when they themselves come into money,however that may be, then what happens is that they themselves start becoming fearful and perhaps even paranoid that others will resent them for now having money= they start to run thier 'old patterns' on others the same way they did before ONLY its in reverse. A lotta times folks that have this going on,internally,in addition may also have " I dont deserve this,Im not worthy of it' 'Im bad for having lotsa of money' or whatever it may be along those lines,that coupled with the projection of 'people will hate me,resent me,now that I'm the one whose 'in the money"- and this person with new found wealth starts to get rid of it: over spending,giving it away to 'tons' of people ect,be it consciously or subconsciously,thier ruining thier own success in the name of being 'liked,accpeted,wanted,need,loved" be cuz to them,in thier own mind and heart thye themselves are the opposite of that,ect. now this example is JUST THAT,and example,this does not fit everyone who comes into wealth. But I have seen enuff people who've come into money 'do this routine',and they're darn good at it... and in a year or two they're FLAT BROKE. In short it PAYS to be CONSCIOUS,understatement, so that you dont have to create this 'routine' for yerselves. I wanna say one more thing here too,I find it interesting,that Shannon,created 'End Self Sabotage','Overcome Fear of Failure',and 'Over Come Fear of Sucess'-all excellent addtions to making money,creating-attracting wealth,be it 'on the way up' or expo-facto of wealth.
Good points, again, Keith. But isn't that essentially just proving we're saying the same thing?
Consider. Person A resents Person B "for being wealthy". Person A comes into a huge amount of wealth, and now has the conflict of "I resent wealthy people" and "I am a wealthy people". You will never allow yourself to be what you resent, because it's difficult to resent yourself! So two things are therefore true:
Furthermore, coming into money this way - "chance" or inheritance - for someone who strongly resents wealth/the wealthy in such a manner that they would never become wealthy without this "chance" experience or inheritance, is more than likely experiencing a karmic lesson in appreciating wealth and understanding poverty! And as such, they do not need to be free of their resentment, as their resentment actually becomes the reason they must experience wealth in that case! So really, we're saying the same thing in two different ways. ![]()
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness! |
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