01-08-2015, 11:27 PM
Yesterday around 8pm I started to have a headache. At this point I didn't care much because it wasn't unbearable. So I kept reading my current book till 10pm. At this point I begun to feel something that begin to bother me in my head. I lye on my bed just thinking I was maybe tired after all this reading though usually I don't. So around 10:30pm the headache didn't go even if I lied on my bed doing nothing. I didn't want to take any pill so I went to sleep using hypnosis.
In the same time I used it to remove the pain which partialy worked, the pain came back 10 minutes later. After 30 minutes even with this pain that was growing I was able to sleep thanks to hypnosis but it was harder than usual.
Around 3am I had a lot of weird dream which was related to this pain I was going through. I woke up and the pain was even more severe, I never had this kind of headache, I'm not sure but this may be some kind of cluster headache. So even asleep my subconscious was waking me to warn me something wasn't good. Usually my subconscious wake me up to drink water or to take a piss.
But this time I didn't know what to do. I didn't take pills because there wasn't anymore.
My last chance was the general pain relief from Shannon. So switch BIABW to the general pain relief. Then 20 min I noticed some kind of relief and in the meantime I used some hypnosis too, I forced myself to think I was having sex with a girl. It felt better than the pain
. I think at the 20 mark and with my hypnosis I started to sleep again. 2 hours later I woke up the pain was gone, there were maybe still 2% remaining. So I switch to BIABW.
When I woke this morning the pain was still gone maybe around 4% of pain remaining.
So I'm sure this General pain relief has worked wonder, I don't think I would be able to be that fine without it.
Thanks Shannon for this amazing product that you give for free.
I now wonder if I used your paid pain relief product if it would have worked better, faster?
In the same time I used it to remove the pain which partialy worked, the pain came back 10 minutes later. After 30 minutes even with this pain that was growing I was able to sleep thanks to hypnosis but it was harder than usual.
Around 3am I had a lot of weird dream which was related to this pain I was going through. I woke up and the pain was even more severe, I never had this kind of headache, I'm not sure but this may be some kind of cluster headache. So even asleep my subconscious was waking me to warn me something wasn't good. Usually my subconscious wake me up to drink water or to take a piss.
But this time I didn't know what to do. I didn't take pills because there wasn't anymore.
My last chance was the general pain relief from Shannon. So switch BIABW to the general pain relief. Then 20 min I noticed some kind of relief and in the meantime I used some hypnosis too, I forced myself to think I was having sex with a girl. It felt better than the pain

When I woke this morning the pain was still gone maybe around 4% of pain remaining.
So I'm sure this General pain relief has worked wonder, I don't think I would be able to be that fine without it.
Thanks Shannon for this amazing product that you give for free.
I now wonder if I used your paid pain relief product if it would have worked better, faster?