1) Is it important to listen all the way to the end of the audio track, or is it ok to end the track mid-way? What I mean is, if I wake up and the track is, say, 5 mins in, do I need to listen to the end of the track or is it ok to end the track there? I've always wondered this with the subs but since the AM stages are longer than the usual 30 mins this could potentially make me late for work quite a lot 
2) I know not to do NLP or hypnosis with the subs, but how about the teachings of Lester Levenson - letting go of disapproval and giving approval? It's not scripting as such, it's more about doing it, but I do say in my mind "Let go of the disapproval" [then I let go of it] then I say "Give myself approval" [and I do]. Would this interfere with the subs?
Thanks for any input.

2) I know not to do NLP or hypnosis with the subs, but how about the teachings of Lester Levenson - letting go of disapproval and giving approval? It's not scripting as such, it's more about doing it, but I do say in my mind "Let go of the disapproval" [then I let go of it] then I say "Give myself approval" [and I do]. Would this interfere with the subs?
Thanks for any input.