At the end of this week, I am going to quit smoking cigarettes after smoking for a period of 6 years. I discovered this site from my best friend who gave me his Quit Smoking 5G to try it out as a support in my journey to kill this devil :@ called Nicotine and his other 3000 brothers (chemicals) inside that cigarette. He never mentioned me that he used subliminals, he thought I would laugh or something, but I like these things very much. And I see that this company is literally the best out there.
Since I am running my own online business and various other online projects, I am more interested into Ultra Success & Ultra Motivation.
I know that I should use the Quit Smoking 5G subliminal pack for as much as 6 months, however I won't do that because I believe more in my will and the hate I developed for these cancer-sticks. I am better than these cigs. My idea was to use it only for like 1 month, and I know you will say that is not recommended, but that's what I really want. Why?
Because in January, after I'll finish with the Holidays rest and such, I want to buy and get pumped up and go long term (3-6 months) with Ultra Success 4G sub. and Ultra Motivation 4G sub. I know I should not mix any 5G product, so I won't; I also read that US 4G & UM 4G can be combined well
I want to start long term with UM & US, and I'll even keep a journal for that which will stretch for a very long period of time. But I wonder, considering that I am very determined to try the US & UM, should I start with the US 4G from now and include UM after 3 weeks and ditch the Quit Smoking? I'm asking because I don't want to use Quit Smoking 5G product for such a long period of time, and I am aware that some smokers can return to their bad habits even after months
But I'll take my risks.
If any of you read all this, please suggest me your personal opinion.
PS I am very open(minded) to US & UM, I think I won't resist to it.
What should I do?
Since I am running my own online business and various other online projects, I am more interested into Ultra Success & Ultra Motivation.
I know that I should use the Quit Smoking 5G subliminal pack for as much as 6 months, however I won't do that because I believe more in my will and the hate I developed for these cancer-sticks. I am better than these cigs. My idea was to use it only for like 1 month, and I know you will say that is not recommended, but that's what I really want. Why?
Because in January, after I'll finish with the Holidays rest and such, I want to buy and get pumped up and go long term (3-6 months) with Ultra Success 4G sub. and Ultra Motivation 4G sub. I know I should not mix any 5G product, so I won't; I also read that US 4G & UM 4G can be combined well

I want to start long term with UM & US, and I'll even keep a journal for that which will stretch for a very long period of time. But I wonder, considering that I am very determined to try the US & UM, should I start with the US 4G from now and include UM after 3 weeks and ditch the Quit Smoking? I'm asking because I don't want to use Quit Smoking 5G product for such a long period of time, and I am aware that some smokers can return to their bad habits even after months

If any of you read all this, please suggest me your personal opinion.
PS I am very open(minded) to US & UM, I think I won't resist to it.
What should I do?