first of all i am not a native speaker of english, so i apologize for my mistakes...
but i had to tell you my experience about the changes i notices on my brother...
i don´t want to make shannons work look bad... i just want to tell you my experience and give you some background informations about my older brother...
my older brother was always some kind of rude guy or asshole, he started using steroids since he was 13, was several times in prison and later in psychiatrie he was diagnosed as an narcistic, emotional instable antisocial personality with borderline syndrome... he was aggressiv and mean his hole life, he is my brother and i like him but some would call him a psychopat...
he had no problems with getting to know girls and getting laid... but none of his relation ships lasted longer then 3 weeks because his jealousy and abusive character...
i discovered subliminals a year ago... and started to use them with great succes... and convinced my brother to use them as well... we used a subliminal for removing negativity and things like this... and my brother started to change... he got a job was much calmer met a new girl... and so on... but 2-3 months ago he discovered this site and the alpha male subliminal... at the beginning he was good the first 10 days... but then he started to become more negative and negative every day and more aggressiv and depressed. He started talking about missed opportunities and other negative things... i heared about something called positiv negativity and that many feel depressed the first 3 stages... but he is extreme... he broke up with his girlfriend, lost his job because he punched his boss in the face and now is so depressed now he even can´t make a sandwich for himself i have to cook all the time the only thing he is doing is smoking...
my questions is, is this kind of programming maybe the wrong thing for a guy like my brother is ?
what do you suggest he should do ?? I´ve read in another post from shannon that the refresher has the entire script and that it is theoretically possible to listen only to the refresher for 6 months... and that all the effects kick in at the same time but i takes much longer (but in a smoother way) to notice the effects...
don´t know i am just confused...
but i had to tell you my experience about the changes i notices on my brother...
i don´t want to make shannons work look bad... i just want to tell you my experience and give you some background informations about my older brother...
my older brother was always some kind of rude guy or asshole, he started using steroids since he was 13, was several times in prison and later in psychiatrie he was diagnosed as an narcistic, emotional instable antisocial personality with borderline syndrome... he was aggressiv and mean his hole life, he is my brother and i like him but some would call him a psychopat...
he had no problems with getting to know girls and getting laid... but none of his relation ships lasted longer then 3 weeks because his jealousy and abusive character...
i discovered subliminals a year ago... and started to use them with great succes... and convinced my brother to use them as well... we used a subliminal for removing negativity and things like this... and my brother started to change... he got a job was much calmer met a new girl... and so on... but 2-3 months ago he discovered this site and the alpha male subliminal... at the beginning he was good the first 10 days... but then he started to become more negative and negative every day and more aggressiv and depressed. He started talking about missed opportunities and other negative things... i heared about something called positiv negativity and that many feel depressed the first 3 stages... but he is extreme... he broke up with his girlfriend, lost his job because he punched his boss in the face and now is so depressed now he even can´t make a sandwich for himself i have to cook all the time the only thing he is doing is smoking...
my questions is, is this kind of programming maybe the wrong thing for a guy like my brother is ?
what do you suggest he should do ?? I´ve read in another post from shannon that the refresher has the entire script and that it is theoretically possible to listen only to the refresher for 6 months... and that all the effects kick in at the same time but i takes much longer (but in a smoother way) to notice the effects...
don´t know i am just confused...