02-13-2013, 04:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2013, 06:42 AM by ncbeareatingman.)
I"d Love to see an experimental with Killing off Candisis/Candida
a program that would produce tangible results WITHOUT the "healing crisis' that so often accompanies die off of candisis.... I take a product called SYNTOL that gently does thee exact same thing only it takes a long long time to get the candia out of the system. it removes not only the 'shell' of the candisis it then gobbles it up so there fore theres no rotting,carci of the dead candisis in the body,rather it is flushed out quickly before the decaying candisis starts producing toxic waste-decay in the system. Thats whats commonly called "die off",that is where the 'healing crisis' part comes in ususally,with da syntol (au natural) it does not. A sub could potentially do thee exact same things,only faster and perhaps more permanantly.
takes anywhere from 6 months to a year with constant use of syntol,eassiac,ect perhaps a sub could cut the time in half?
Candida-yeast infections are mostly commonly thot of as ONLY effecting women,yet many men have candida and do not even know it.It can be created by a combination of High high stress/traumatic experiences,eating lots of yeast producing products such as High intake of Breads,Lotsa Beer Drinkin,Highly Acidic Diets( Most american's have a highly acidic diet) steaks,soda's,pork,ect. Not to mention the parasites that accompany much of these food items,theres a whole list of such foods. Pork and most not all seafood have high amounts of parasites in them,thats why if yer gonna eat them Make sure they're damn well COOKED, good & WELL,I mean really cooked well ! Candisis and parasite's are more often than not mis-diagosed and therefore compounded by tons of anti-biotics( the words literally MEAN against the body! For crying out LOUD!)Ect.
SO yeah a subliminal to combat this most incidious and bitch to kick dis-ease(Lack of Ease)condition Candida.
PS: some of the symptums of candida are 'easily overwhelmed,irratiable,tired all the time,looks like chronic fatigue often, but is REALLY CANDIDA,not to say there isnt real chronic fatigue syndrome out there,burning in urine flow(parasite waste-emmision,fumes,toxic release,ect) yeah I know its disgusting to say these things but hey forewarned is for-armed. there are things to heal this gunk,ya just have to know what and where to git 'um stating the obvious. A Sub to Help would be grrrreat! understatement! MaxSpeed(?)included. Keith.
a program that would produce tangible results WITHOUT the "healing crisis' that so often accompanies die off of candisis.... I take a product called SYNTOL that gently does thee exact same thing only it takes a long long time to get the candia out of the system. it removes not only the 'shell' of the candisis it then gobbles it up so there fore theres no rotting,carci of the dead candisis in the body,rather it is flushed out quickly before the decaying candisis starts producing toxic waste-decay in the system. Thats whats commonly called "die off",that is where the 'healing crisis' part comes in ususally,with da syntol (au natural) it does not. A sub could potentially do thee exact same things,only faster and perhaps more permanantly.
takes anywhere from 6 months to a year with constant use of syntol,eassiac,ect perhaps a sub could cut the time in half?
Candida-yeast infections are mostly commonly thot of as ONLY effecting women,yet many men have candida and do not even know it.It can be created by a combination of High high stress/traumatic experiences,eating lots of yeast producing products such as High intake of Breads,Lotsa Beer Drinkin,Highly Acidic Diets( Most american's have a highly acidic diet) steaks,soda's,pork,ect. Not to mention the parasites that accompany much of these food items,theres a whole list of such foods. Pork and most not all seafood have high amounts of parasites in them,thats why if yer gonna eat them Make sure they're damn well COOKED, good & WELL,I mean really cooked well ! Candisis and parasite's are more often than not mis-diagosed and therefore compounded by tons of anti-biotics( the words literally MEAN against the body! For crying out LOUD!)Ect.
SO yeah a subliminal to combat this most incidious and bitch to kick dis-ease(Lack of Ease)condition Candida.
PS: some of the symptums of candida are 'easily overwhelmed,irratiable,tired all the time,looks like chronic fatigue often, but is REALLY CANDIDA,not to say there isnt real chronic fatigue syndrome out there,burning in urine flow(parasite waste-emmision,fumes,toxic release,ect) yeah I know its disgusting to say these things but hey forewarned is for-armed. there are things to heal this gunk,ya just have to know what and where to git 'um stating the obvious. A Sub to Help would be grrrreat! understatement! MaxSpeed(?)included. Keith.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"