01-26-2012, 08:02 AM
I thought this would be a good thread for all of us to participate in; I'm actually bewildered of the lack of reviews/testimonials on here.
But I've got two subs that, well, frankly, so far are nothing to write home about (with emphasis on so far).
Seeing as I'm an impatient man I purchased the Poetry of the Silent Eros volume 1 to use covertly in my study hall in university ; and frankly it somewhat seems to be working - this is only, what, the third day I'm using it (the Luck Magnifier sub is sitting on the backburner).
I'm writing this as I'm pretty lazy in jotting down in my notepad about any thing I see and think can be attributed to the sub – however, I can‘t seem to distinguish between regular indicatiors of interest and something specifically to the sub .... but today I think I can.
I was working my sub on two girls that were sitting askew from me (from my left) and over twenty minutes had passed and I was only seeing what I would attribute to indicators of interest - I caught the girl sitting closer to me looking at me twice; and then when she and her girlfriend were leaving I noticed a very slight licking of the lips but with no eye contact – but I didn‘t pick up on anything from the female friend ... and these are two girls that I don‘t recall seeing before.
Then a friggin‘ cute redhead comes in and is walking towards our seatrow and she‘s obviously going to sit also askew from me (from my right - I‘ve seen her before but she isn‘t a „regular“ here in the study hall and I haven‘t picked up on any indicators of interest from her), as she‘s about to plant her school bag and such on the floor I caught her eye and we maintain eye contact and I think I smile as she smiled as well – and man, it‘s obvious she has good taste in men
. But this is clearly not influenced by the sub.
I picked up my phone and now placed it towards her; I don‘t recall getting anymore eye f#cki#g from her
but after some time (I‘m very lazy in trying to time it) I noticed her blushing ... which was a huge turn on. That in it self was a pretty darn good indicator that the sub works – at least on some levels (you‘ll have to excuse me as I‘m quite the semi-James Randi on pretty much all matters :angel
But I didn‘t notice anything else beside the blushing. She sat in her seat for a good while, but then she packed her things and left – to do what I don‘t know. But she didn‘t give me any eye contact or even a licking of the lips. So I placed it towards another girl and I didn't pick up on anything, but shortly after the redhead hottie left another girl came in and sat down exactly where she had been sitting, and this girl has been giving me indicators of interest with no eye contact, but even though the phone isn‘t towards her she is carassing her skin quite a bit – but I don‘t know if that is just her or the sub, but I think it's just her.
But I‘ll turn the phone towards her and see if any blushing comes up – seeing as it hasn‘t, then I don‘t think so (I‘m thinking it could be just the cycle of the month)
....update: bloody hell, the chick to my left is about to leave and I looked over towards her and she looked at me and we 'locked' eyes and she smiles - and the speakers aren't pointed towards her ...this is why I would love to have sub that makes females approach you, at least girls that you see often [...] and now the girl that I was aiming my speakers to has left and she didn't blush. What I've noticed from the short time I've gotten to play around with this sub (oooeeerrr) is that girls can't seem to sit down for a long time.
Well, now I have no more girls around me; and I encourage everyone with this sub to contribute to this thread. The more the better.
But I've got two subs that, well, frankly, so far are nothing to write home about (with emphasis on so far).
Seeing as I'm an impatient man I purchased the Poetry of the Silent Eros volume 1 to use covertly in my study hall in university ; and frankly it somewhat seems to be working - this is only, what, the third day I'm using it (the Luck Magnifier sub is sitting on the backburner).
I'm writing this as I'm pretty lazy in jotting down in my notepad about any thing I see and think can be attributed to the sub – however, I can‘t seem to distinguish between regular indicatiors of interest and something specifically to the sub .... but today I think I can.
I was working my sub on two girls that were sitting askew from me (from my left) and over twenty minutes had passed and I was only seeing what I would attribute to indicators of interest - I caught the girl sitting closer to me looking at me twice; and then when she and her girlfriend were leaving I noticed a very slight licking of the lips but with no eye contact – but I didn‘t pick up on anything from the female friend ... and these are two girls that I don‘t recall seeing before.
Then a friggin‘ cute redhead comes in and is walking towards our seatrow and she‘s obviously going to sit also askew from me (from my right - I‘ve seen her before but she isn‘t a „regular“ here in the study hall and I haven‘t picked up on any indicators of interest from her), as she‘s about to plant her school bag and such on the floor I caught her eye and we maintain eye contact and I think I smile as she smiled as well – and man, it‘s obvious she has good taste in men

I picked up my phone and now placed it towards her; I don‘t recall getting anymore eye f#cki#g from her

But I didn‘t notice anything else beside the blushing. She sat in her seat for a good while, but then she packed her things and left – to do what I don‘t know. But she didn‘t give me any eye contact or even a licking of the lips. So I placed it towards another girl and I didn't pick up on anything, but shortly after the redhead hottie left another girl came in and sat down exactly where she had been sitting, and this girl has been giving me indicators of interest with no eye contact, but even though the phone isn‘t towards her she is carassing her skin quite a bit – but I don‘t know if that is just her or the sub, but I think it's just her.
But I‘ll turn the phone towards her and see if any blushing comes up – seeing as it hasn‘t, then I don‘t think so (I‘m thinking it could be just the cycle of the month)
....update: bloody hell, the chick to my left is about to leave and I looked over towards her and she looked at me and we 'locked' eyes and she smiles - and the speakers aren't pointed towards her ...this is why I would love to have sub that makes females approach you, at least girls that you see often [...] and now the girl that I was aiming my speakers to has left and she didn't blush. What I've noticed from the short time I've gotten to play around with this sub (oooeeerrr) is that girls can't seem to sit down for a long time.
Well, now I have no more girls around me; and I encourage everyone with this sub to contribute to this thread. The more the better.