12-23-2020, 02:08 PM
Difference most definitely noticed. 
New journal for the new version, since that's Shannon's preference. I usually lean toward reporting well after having started the sub, since I'm more about tracking the past that's actually happened than about prematurely hyping the future awesome that may not, but there's too much to report already:
I won't be surprised if any or all these things fade in the coming weeks as new thoughts/feelings become familiar/normal. But it's still an interesting start.

New journal for the new version, since that's Shannon's preference. I usually lean toward reporting well after having started the sub, since I'm more about tracking the past that's actually happened than about prematurely hyping the future awesome that may not, but there's too much to report already:
- Auto-config seems to work. I know my instincts and my internal progress bars. This is not them. After the first loop, I was certain of the listening schedule that I should run, and it was neither by way of my usual signposts nor by posted loops/days. I'm going to delay the use of my progress bars once again, but I really want to explore this unfamiliar certainty of scheduling. (Taking full responsibility on deviating from the instructions.)
- Calm is appearing as instant-on/instant-off. Can't begin to guess to what others are experiencing, but, for me, stress and tension vanish while I'm listening. When the last loop ends, the weight of the world returns. I'd love to try sleeping while listening, but logistics preclude that.
- Dreams have been more involved and complex, but they're still not scary. Still lacking in zombies and action film motifs, but they always are. It's more about solving what would ordinarily be stressful situations, just at a slightly more social level than my daily life involves.
- On the first night, I'd had a sensory experience similar to my first night on E2, years ago. On the first night of E2, I'd had a feeling of being held down underwater, as if a current were washing over me. With OF v2's first night, I'd had a strong mental image of my anxiety (played, curiously, by a frenetic fraggle) whooping and bouncing off of the walls, floor, and ceiling of a cage. Both events had occurred at the precipice of sleep. With E2, it'd been while listening, but, with OF v2, I'm not listening during sleep. Multiple plausible interpretations come to mind, but I don't consider any one uniquely correct.
- As with v1, fleeting opportunities are still being taken, and the decisions continue, thus far, to be good ones. Interestingly, in the past, I've skipped several choices that, even when backed by trustworthy data, seemed too rushed, and, if I'd observed them in others, I'd have considered acting on that sort of hastiness to be prompted by the fear of missing out. Now, between v1 and v2, I've been appreciating that, for better or worse, some choices simply have a narrow window of opportunity and that seizing such a moment, when visible, isn't necessarily prompted by fear, just limited availability.
I won't be surprised if any or all these things fade in the coming weeks as new thoughts/feelings become familiar/normal. But it's still an interesting start.