Saturday 26th September - 12.03pm (at my location)
I have purchased Overcoming Fear subliminal and waiting for my paypal payment to pass through so that I can then download and start this bad boy!
Background: I havent experienced any success from the subliminals of the past save for some dreams here and there and this has been a combination of stonewalling or resistance from my subconcious or my inability to adhere to the usage instructions due to my erratic travelling across Europe and my sleep cycle having been terrible.
Currently said sleep cycle is awful. I sleep around 6am and dont wake until 2pm. However I do manage to get up when I need to on those days but then the pattern returns. Either way however I do sleep enough hours to get the required listening in.
Also due to the Covid Pandemic, my travelling has reduced and I dont believe I will be travelling now until Xmas thus enough time to get started on OF.
Plan is to give OF a chance to do something for me until UMOP3 is released.
This UMOP3 sub will be given free to me and will be a 5.75.3G tech and hopefully the 1 to work on someone as resistant as myself however if OF by this time works well I will have a choice to make, that being whether to remain on OF for the full 8months duration or to give UMOP3 a chance.
I dont know what I will do but for now lets get OF going
Signature has been updated before beginning this journal as is my method.
I will use Ultra Sonic Track mostly and if I change tracks I will say so that the journal data is accurate of course.
All tracks I will use will be .flac (not mp3).
It seems most likely I will get the 6 loops done at night rather than in the day however I was kindly told by @tolgaocal80 in Shannon's discussion journal that my phone Samsung S10 has stereo speakers so that really saves me a lot of trouble.
I have purchased Overcoming Fear subliminal and waiting for my paypal payment to pass through so that I can then download and start this bad boy!
Background: I havent experienced any success from the subliminals of the past save for some dreams here and there and this has been a combination of stonewalling or resistance from my subconcious or my inability to adhere to the usage instructions due to my erratic travelling across Europe and my sleep cycle having been terrible.
Currently said sleep cycle is awful. I sleep around 6am and dont wake until 2pm. However I do manage to get up when I need to on those days but then the pattern returns. Either way however I do sleep enough hours to get the required listening in.
Also due to the Covid Pandemic, my travelling has reduced and I dont believe I will be travelling now until Xmas thus enough time to get started on OF.
Plan is to give OF a chance to do something for me until UMOP3 is released.
This UMOP3 sub will be given free to me and will be a 5.75.3G tech and hopefully the 1 to work on someone as resistant as myself however if OF by this time works well I will have a choice to make, that being whether to remain on OF for the full 8months duration or to give UMOP3 a chance.
I dont know what I will do but for now lets get OF going

Signature has been updated before beginning this journal as is my method.
I will use Ultra Sonic Track mostly and if I change tracks I will say so that the journal data is accurate of course.
All tracks I will use will be .flac (not mp3).
It seems most likely I will get the 6 loops done at night rather than in the day however I was kindly told by @tolgaocal80 in Shannon's discussion journal that my phone Samsung S10 has stereo speakers so that really saves me a lot of trouble.

OF3 5.75.7G 13/15Vol
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days