Neediness and fear. Some external "wanting a saviour/safe me" thing is going on. I notice how some part seems to cry/grieve now. Purely mentally tho. Lots if fear stuff coming to the forefront, expressing itself. Snapshots.
Also procrastination is up yet intellectually its just frustrating. Starting to think the "idk what to do" is fear/selfsabotage and straight up bullshit. Same old, same old spiral feeding in itself. Seems part of me wants to kerp me or/and itself safe. Fear and not wanting is definitely expressed.
It doesnt make sense. Here I am, playing a game on my phone, yet knowing(!) that doesnt bring stuff in fruition, unless I would make bank from it.
Allowing this to process drops mood. Stuck. Feelin like shit. Argh. This whole spiral/feeding in itself cycle is just fucked.
Also, ngl, money manifestation would be nice now. Seems even there is fear.
tho I indentified the money magnet things last evening.
Such UMS. much wow.
Also procrastination is up yet intellectually its just frustrating. Starting to think the "idk what to do" is fear/selfsabotage and straight up bullshit. Same old, same old spiral feeding in itself. Seems part of me wants to kerp me or/and itself safe. Fear and not wanting is definitely expressed.
It doesnt make sense. Here I am, playing a game on my phone, yet knowing(!) that doesnt bring stuff in fruition, unless I would make bank from it.
Allowing this to process drops mood. Stuck. Feelin like shit. Argh. This whole spiral/feeding in itself cycle is just fucked.
Also, ngl, money manifestation would be nice now. Seems even there is fear.

Such UMS. much wow.