A new DMSI journal for a new version. My 3.1 journal can be found here. As I don't post often, I've decided that this pre-listening first post might best be done as a recap/brain-dump/journal forward to mark my starting point for 3.3. These mental snapshots help me to track changes.
What this journal will be:
A report of summarized specifics, observations, and perspectives. I'm not aiming to impress, entertain, or claim universal applicability, just to share what I see, how I respond to it, and, to the best of my self-awareness, why. 

Why I'm running DMSI 3.3:
- For fun and personal growth.
- For a higher quality of sexual attraction than I currently have.
- To enjoy sexual attraction to a greater degree than I presently enjoy it.
- To become sexier than my current self already is.
- To make the most of what I am, enjoy, and attract.
- To dismiss any lingering fear, resentment, doubt, regret, or other negative responses to (or associations with) positive sexual experiences.
- To prove that the sub "doesn't work" or that its goals are impossible.
- To judge whether the sub "works" as my preconceptions think that it should.
- To expect the sub to change me instead of help me to change myself.
- To insist on the form in which outside help should be offered to me.
- To chase the newest 5.5G tech, irrespective of the sub's specific goal(s).
- To focus on (much less care about) what other men may be, enjoy, or attract.
- To replicate another person, their possessions, or their life.
- To compete with others over sexual resumes, sexual manifestos, or goals.
- To demand options that aren't actually on the table.
- To aim for more of anything rather than for a higher quality of it.
- To be won without also being worth winning.
- To insist that I can't be sexy to anyone unless I'm sexy to everyone.
- To insist that I can't be sexy to anyone unless I'm sexy to specific people.
- To insist that I can't be sexy if anyone else is.
- To insist that absent traits are mandatory prerequisites for being sexy.
- To insist that my pet obsessions are mandatory prerequisites for being sexy.
- To insist that my experience on any subject is all that the subject is.
- To overestimate or underestimate results before they're actually results.
- To decide for others what they should and shouldn't find sexy.
- To steal others' decisions from them rather than offer them a new option from which to decide.
- ~29 years of being approached out of attraction (at intervals).
- ~27 years of sexual history (again, at intervals).
- ~25 years of past mind-programming history.
- ~3.5 years of various IML subs.
- ~1.5 years of some version of DMSI (AOSI through DMSI 3.1).
- An 80-day break from any 5.5G sub.
- SE, PTPA, USLM1, and OTNFC (Overcome The Need For Control 3G) runs.
- 4 very different improvements to the quality of my smile (health reasons).
- Some untested ideas about how I might better support DMSI's instructions.
- 11 months of health improvements and other unitemized miscellanea.
In the future.
I'm not interested in making a premature commitment to (or in betraying myself with) a boatload of arbitrary expectations. Right now, I prefer to influence the variables and choices within (sometimes distant) reach rather than insisting on authorship over all present and future variables and constants. I'd rather react to (and decide based on) what does and can happen, not to (or on) what I think should've happened instead, with an attitude of adaptation (work with) instead of defiance (work against) or surrender (work for).
Besides, my available options change with each intervening decision, action, and event, so over-committing to the destination that the present me can see now only distracts and derails me from the many and potentially more wonderful destinations that await the future me. This isn't a race for me; it's a journey through everywhere. I care about all of the yet-to-be-possible destinations where I can finish, not just one finish line that I've chosen at the start (or how quickly I'd get there). I want to end up wherever my evolving self eventually chooses to take me, not necessarily where today's past self is still telling me that I originally wanted to go.
For me, walking the path helps me to choose the most satisfying destination that it offers, something that teleporting to a pre-chosen destination would not. Unless I make the journey (and keep my eyes and mind open during it), I know nothing of the many destinations it truly offers. That makes the journey itself a valuable resource in choosing where I end up.

Besides, my available options change with each intervening decision, action, and event, so over-committing to the destination that the present me can see now only distracts and derails me from the many and potentially more wonderful destinations that await the future me. This isn't a race for me; it's a journey through everywhere. I care about all of the yet-to-be-possible destinations where I can finish, not just one finish line that I've chosen at the start (or how quickly I'd get there). I want to end up wherever my evolving self eventually chooses to take me, not necessarily where today's past self is still telling me that I originally wanted to go.
For me, walking the path helps me to choose the most satisfying destination that it offers, something that teleporting to a pre-chosen destination would not. Unless I make the journey (and keep my eyes and mind open during it), I know nothing of the many destinations it truly offers. That makes the journey itself a valuable resource in choosing where I end up.
How I see mind programming:
As a three-legged race, a team effort. Or as a road trip where the suggestions are merely my navigator, reliably keeping me focused in the goal's direction. The vehicle still goes where I take us, and the navigator isn't doing the piloting.
If we end up somewhere other than the navigator suggested, I don't attack the navigator for what I did with its directions or, like a kid in the back seat, insist that we should have already arrived at our destination when we're only part-way there. If I disagree with the navigator and don't trust the navigator's directions in the first place, I simply don't take the trip with that navigator; as far as I'm concerned, there's no reason for me to take an untrusted navigator along and spend the entire trip telling it what directions to give me. For me, things like subliminals and hypnosis are about teamwork and trust, not about me expecting my toolbox to build a garden shed by itself or about me insisting that I'm the expert on directions to new places because familiar landmarks are nearby.
If we end up somewhere other than the navigator suggested, I don't attack the navigator for what I did with its directions or, like a kid in the back seat, insist that we should have already arrived at our destination when we're only part-way there. If I disagree with the navigator and don't trust the navigator's directions in the first place, I simply don't take the trip with that navigator; as far as I'm concerned, there's no reason for me to take an untrusted navigator along and spend the entire trip telling it what directions to give me. For me, things like subliminals and hypnosis are about teamwork and trust, not about me expecting my toolbox to build a garden shed by itself or about me insisting that I'm the expert on directions to new places because familiar landmarks are nearby.
Who I am:
An ever-changing organism who will be a different conglomeration, from molecular and cellular structure upward, tomorrow from whatever he is today, yet still encounters old acquaintances who demand the secret of how he "hasn't changed at all" in the last quarter of a century. In adding, keeping, discarding, replacing, and re-prioritizing that which makes me who I am, I am, AFAIK, the intersection of same and different, of old and new, of predictable and unexpected. And I've frequently been called the exception to various rules, partly because I have rarely believed that the popular ideals from which I successfully deviate are, in actuality, rules (or, at minimum, truths) in the first place.
Who I am is not who I've been or who I will be, but all three comprise me. Life, for me, is decisive evolution, not a forced effort to remain the same, to "keep up" with others, or to become "done." I had four legs at sunrise, I have two legs during the day, and I may have three (or maybe twenty-seven?) at sunset, but I will have also been everything in-between too. Other people taking me for granted is one thing (what others think is their own business), but me taking myself for granted is something else.
I am now what I will never be again, but that's what's wonderful about it: I'm really the entire book, not just the current page. I don't buy the notion that the present or future will cause me to lose my past, even if my current page differs completely from every previous page, because my past is always still part of my book. I don't need to keep repeating Chapter 2 inside of every other chapter to ensure that it stays in the book. It was once, so it always will have been. I haven't lost Chapter 2 from the book by being in Chapter 14 now, so I don't need to fear or grieve its absence from the third chapter onward.
It isn't gone, hasn't un-happened, doesn't need to un-happen, and needs no permanent addiction to it re-happening; it just happened earlier than now and, once written, edited, and faced (pun intended). can be appreciated (positively, negatively, or in some mixture of both) as it was (or "still is, previously") without endless reprise or regret. Life is experienced in motion, it allows me to have lived several different lives across one lifetime, and, until I reach the last page, there's still more story ahead.
After re-reading the last few paragraphs, I'm not sure if I've made "who I am" any clearer to anyone else, but I think that it says a lot to me about the current page that I'm on.
It'll be interesting to see what adding DMSI 3.3 as a teammate does to my story. So ends the forward. It's time to see what's on the next page.
Who I am is not who I've been or who I will be, but all three comprise me. Life, for me, is decisive evolution, not a forced effort to remain the same, to "keep up" with others, or to become "done." I had four legs at sunrise, I have two legs during the day, and I may have three (or maybe twenty-seven?) at sunset, but I will have also been everything in-between too. Other people taking me for granted is one thing (what others think is their own business), but me taking myself for granted is something else.
I am now what I will never be again, but that's what's wonderful about it: I'm really the entire book, not just the current page. I don't buy the notion that the present or future will cause me to lose my past, even if my current page differs completely from every previous page, because my past is always still part of my book. I don't need to keep repeating Chapter 2 inside of every other chapter to ensure that it stays in the book. It was once, so it always will have been. I haven't lost Chapter 2 from the book by being in Chapter 14 now, so I don't need to fear or grieve its absence from the third chapter onward.

After re-reading the last few paragraphs, I'm not sure if I've made "who I am" any clearer to anyone else, but I think that it says a lot to me about the current page that I'm on.
It'll be interesting to see what adding DMSI 3.3 as a teammate does to my story. So ends the forward. It's time to see what's on the next page.