Well, time to create a journal in advance.
I'm on day 17 off DMSI, so should be near-valid tester status

I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it huuurts
Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
02-28-2017, 03:23 PM
I've got my work cut out for me when coming up with my title with these titles and videos in the 3.1 threads.
Went to sleep yesterday. Fell asleep, and then after a while I had this urge to lower the volume, because the track was too loud. I could hear the waves from the track playing, and they were making it harder to sleep.
I really needed the sleep too, university was gonna be tough. Well, I woke myself up, turned onto my left side to grab the phone that was on the floor and intended to take out the earphones. I grabbed it, and pulled out the earphones.. only to realize the earphones aren't in my ears. They never were. Then it hit me.. "F*cking hell, f*ck me sideways with a fridge" - I said as I grabbed the phone and started writing frantically to the Skype group. I never listened to DMSI. In fact, I've been off DMSI for 19 days. Yet, I could hear the DMSI track (for some reason I knew it's DMSI, I've had this sub-like feeling that comes when I listen to DMSI, and somehow I just knew, but it seemed normal). I could hear the waves playing as if I was actually listening to the track itself. Might be P5 and the TID effect. Or it was just a dream. Either way.. F*cking DMSI.
03-03-2017, 04:50 AM
Ran my first loops yesterday, right after DMSI 3.1 got released.
Shannon, I noticed that you are supremely curious in how the clearing feels for everyone. Good thing is, that's the main part of this post. So, I didn't notice any big, full body vibrations or full body heat. What I did notice is very feathery and silky feeling. Almost feels like angelic magic. ![]() This was combined with a feeling like the sub is.. going around the wall. DMSI 3.0 felt like it had this huge wrecking ball and went straight at it. DMSI 3.1 feels like it literally went around it. While I'm pretty sure there's still resistance, it feels less strong. It feels like there is an open casket full of wires, and everything is exposed, and this angelic magic goes straight there and fixes everything up. Also, there was a feeling of slight pressure in my chest, so I believe there was some heart chakra action there. At times, I would get feelings of slight.. something like goosebumps, but not them. Like internal electricity. All over the body. But it was feint, and at times it would go into full-body goosebumps. Gonna go take a cold shower now, and then run another 2 loops. Gonna be running the sub during the day for now (well, technically during the night it was yesterday.. not really, but f*ck it, lol). Also, do the aura/snipers still work even when you are in clearing mode? Like, does the clearing turn off while you are in a social situation or trying to snipe somebody, and does it go into full clearing when you are alone? I believe this is the case, and I think I remember seeing you say this somewhere, but I'd like some confirmation on whether this is the case or not. And do comment on the angelic magic thing please ![]()
03-03-2017, 08:14 AM
Quote:Also, do the aura/snipers still work even when you are in clearing mode? Like, does the clearing turn off while you are in a social situation or trying to snipe somebody, and does it go into full clearing when you are alone? I believe this is the case, and I think I remember seeing you say this somewhere, but I'd like some confirmation on whether this is the case or not. And do comment on the angelic magic thing please The clearing and healing works when it is needed. I try to make it so that it works with the other parts of the program, but if you resist, then you'll only get the clearing/healing. 3.1 was a lot of work on ASS/ART, so it may be that this one you get both at once. As for angelic magic, I'm not sure what to tell you. There's solar energy sourcing, but I have no idea what that would feel like or how it works, and there's the new auric shielding and the new snipers... not sure what they feel like either. I'm going to have to stay on MIR for a while yet, it seems.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
Day 17 of DMSI 3.1 A.
Massive internal changes and growth. A month ago feels like an eternity ago. Been through bouts of depression, and massive disrespect from others. Still get it at times, but much, much less frequently. Also have taken up boxing (finally, yay). On the spiritual side, I've learned a truckload. Don't know if its because of the sub, the Skype group, or just how it was meant to be, but I did. Probably a combination of all of these. A lot of the talk in the group, and also my own experience with DMSI, has shown me how needed a spiritual sub is. Obviously, I'm going to stick to DMSI, and NOT get off of it until it breaks through any resistance I have, conscious or subconscious. Results will be mine. Also, the desire to journal is very, very low. I barely forced myself to update this journal, even though I know that Shannon needs all the information he can get. Sorry Shannon! P.S Shameless advertising, please check it out, need everyone's input - http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-8617-p...#pid161360 Not sure if making a link to your own suggestions is allowed, but if it isn't, I'll remove it right away. The purpose of it is to bring to attention this suggestion, and see if there is any demand for it. If no one wants it, that is fine, as long as it's considered. ![]()
03-16-2017, 01:03 PM
What is this skype group and how do I join?
Like snowfall, you cry a silent storm
Your tears paint rivers on this oaken wall. . . -- Agalloch, The Mantle
Day 20 of DMSI A
Well.. A lot of shit happened. A lot. Being my curious self, I've figured to do something very bad - go against Shannon's instructions and run double loops of A hybrid flac. Of course, I knew that I'll get hit by big resistance, probably depression that will last for days, or something similar. But, I've always found that I'm willing to go through such states for faster and greater growth. Plus, I figured it would have been useful for Shannon. Some people have to experiment with such things, right? Well, let me tell you something.. DO NOT FUCKING RUN DOUBLE LOOPS. I am completely serious. The shit that happened was craaaaazy. Exercise EXTREME caution if you decide to run double loops of DMSI 3.1. Now, for me, I've had this urge to run double loops for like 4 days. So, I believe my subconscious manifested this so I can evolve faster and further. If that is the case.. then, consider it. If its for pure curiosity, don't. Trust me. What happened, you ask? Well, I went to sleep.. soon after, I woke up in the astral. Skeptics, bear with me. I know the difference between the astral, dreams, and reality. This was definitely the astral. There is the accompanying sense of fuzzy reality that I experienced when I had OBE's. I was paralyzed though, lying on my bed. Keep in mind, this is the astral body we are talking about. It was similar to sleep paralysis - every movement required huge mental effort. Automatically, I did my banishing ritual mentally. If you're in the astral, it works faster and more easily than in the physical, I've found. But, that's not the main.. interesting.. part, of this story. What was most interesting was, that as I lifted my right hand, I noticed that it was PHASING in and out of existence. Literally disappearing and re-appearing. As time went on, it was getting faster, to the point i literally saw faint traces of it, like just a black silhoutte of my hand. I'm not even talking about the energy that's been coursing through my body. It felt like phasing/vibration with slight electricity. What I realized soon was.. it was happening to my whole body. Parts of my head would phase out of existence, as well as legs, stomach, chest, you name it. Sometimes nearly everything. As it was happening, I felt myself phasing faster and faster and faster, until I hit a point where I started screaming. I rose up slightly from my lying position, and saw this electric barrier around me, saving me from phasing out completely. Keep in mind, this is the astral realm that we are talking about. I was PHASING OUT of the ASTRAL. It felt something like this (if you're curious, I think this is from hunterXhunter, but I never watched it, so don't take my word for it ![]() ![]() It felt like that, but also much more.. dense. Like a very tough, multilayered fence. I believe the fact that I rose up off the bed, might have been the point where I was going to phase into some other place, but the electric fence stopped me. I admit, I am curious what was on the other side. Like, on one hand, I'm really fucking curious.. on the other hand, I do feel slightly scared of it.. but fuck am I curious, lol. So, I hit the electric fence, and felt the friction between it and my astral body. I was screaming at the top of my lungs, think this - Though it was more because "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT" not because I'm a cool ass motherfucker. After that ended, I fell wimply back on my bed, and called for help from my roommate. What I wanted? Someone just to check up on me ![]() ![]() After that, I managed to "wake" myself back into my physical body. I felt as if my physical body was phasing in and out of existence, but it didn't, it stayed. So much energy. I wouldn't be surprised if my astral body was in fact my physical body just over-amped on energy, but there are conflicting views on this (I for one, believe that it might be possible to do that.. others, say it's not.. I need to do more studying on this subject ![]() Either way, I was back. I instantly wrote to the Skype group and my gf, to get some grip on reality. Right after that, I did a banishing ritual a few times, until my energy calmed itself. I could still feel energy through my body, but the phasing was getting slower. Went and made 4 eggs soon after, when I felt I wouldn't fall through the floor. ![]() ![]() Message of the story - be very, VERY careful of your curiosity. While I believe this was needed for me and was possibly asked for by my subconscious (hence, the big desire I felt), if you don't feel the same but you feel JUST curiosity - FOLLOW THE GODDAMN INSTRUCTIONS. They are there for a reason. Feeling very raw right now, and just ate nearly 500 grams of pasta to ground myself a little more. Good thing Shannon put in some limiting safety modules for this, otherwise I might have popped up in Harry Potter's house, or even worse, in the Game of Thrones universe ![]() If you can take away one thing from my experience, its this - listen to Shannon's instructions, because, even if there are unbelievably powerful safety modules (thanks Shannon), you might burn your energy circuits and your astral body.. or end up in Frodo's fireplace ![]() P.S Kalmah, I'll privately message you about joining the group.
03-19-2017, 05:17 PM
Haha haha haha hahaha that 4th loop's a doozy, ain't it?
04-01-2017, 12:07 PM
Day 33 Total.
Yesterday was day 32 of A, and now, on the 1st of April, I'm starting B. Time to try it out.. wondering what kind of results will come. On A, nearly everything was pure clearing and healing, so mostly massive internal changes.
04-01-2017, 02:32 PM
(04-01-2017, 12:07 PM)Nemanja Wrote: Day 33 Total. How's that? 3.1 didn't even come out until 3/2 and it's the 1st of April. Close, but not quite 32 daily runs. ![]() (04-01-2017, 02:32 PM)RTBoss Wrote:(04-01-2017, 12:07 PM)Nemanja Wrote: Day 33 Total. ![]() On a serious note, you're right. It's day 30 total, 29 of A, and today the 1st day of B. Thanks for pointing out ![]() Aight, been on B for 5 days. It brought up some fears, been waking up in the middle of the night feeling disconnected from my body. Gonna go back to A, to clear up whatever was brought up. So, day 5 on B.. Today will be day 36 total, 1st day of A, again.
Day 113
Man, it's been a LONG ass time since I updated. But gotta do it! A shitload happened, especially in this month. Broke up with girlfriend of 3 years (and got back together under different conditions) which was/is my first real relationship, and this was in the exam month (still gotta pass 2). Also been in arguments with my parents. But I've dealt with all of it easily. A lot of fear is gone, but I am in complete INTP hermit mode. We're already pretty comfy with solitude, but adding the clearing induced introversion of A to it.. yeah. This has done wonders for my esoteric research and practices, and for my entrepreneurship goals. Pimpin' money and gettin' dat sweet-ass self evolution. My body language is better, but because of deep digging, been feeling weaker when stepping outside in the past week. Interestingly, my sense of power has been increasing rapidly. At different times of the day, I feel omnipotent. I've also been experimenting with a lot of different loop combinations. My current loop number is 7 during sleep on phone speakers, which works okay-ish. The loops are somewhere on the edge of breaking me apart completely, so DMSI is really pushing me, while it's easy enough to listen to them while sleeping. I've tried 14 loops too. Interestingly, I haven't noticed more impact, except slightly more tiredness the next day. What seems to be the case is that there needs to be a steady influx of this new number of loops. Just doing it once ain't enough. And now, for the girl area. There's actually not a lot to talk about, lol. I've been in introverted and disinterested mode for quite a while, because of all the clearing. Chicks would give off positive body language (this one super shy Iranian girl for example.. man, bitch was feeling me up like crazy last time we met ![]() But I don't mind. One of my main reasons for running DMSI is for the clearing. And that is doing its job amazingly. So much has been cleared. I literally feel like a new person. And the most amazing part? This person is able to have any girl, anywhere, with a click of a finger, if so desired. It's kinda scary to realize how much power you actually have - that if you actually tried just 10% with a girl, she'd be ridin' yo Pope till the sun falls down. But that's not the end yet. There is still more clearing to do. And when the clearing is done, the world will tremble bitches will be trippin'. P.S Shoutout to my Skype group blood. Goin' strong.
Day 116
Fuck man. I tried running my usual 7 loops of A yesterday while sleeping, but with a twist. I turned up the volume from my usual 5 notches (sometimes 3) to over 8. Terror. Pure terror. I was scared.. nay.. I was terrified. And I was paranoid. My subconscious found a convenient outlet as always (occult stuff) and pinned it on that. I was so paranoid and terrified of sleeping that I fell asleep for one hour while holding my arm upright with the phone in hand, gripping it tightly, fighting myself not to lower the volume. For the sake of experimenting, I lowered the volume (and to let myself sleep, lol). The terror instantly lowered with some traces left. Then I turned it back again. Can you guess what happened? My subconscious started shitting bricks again, just pure, unadulterated terror and paranoia. My explanation for this is that the higher levels of subconscious are clearing the lower levels and getting to the really deep shit, and this is making those lower levels undergoing clearing to absolutely go apeshit from terror, and this is spilling over into the conscious part. Furthermore, because this only happens when increasing the volume of the loops, which makes the subconscious make everything happen NOW, RIGHT NOW, it gets terrified because it ain't there yet, it hasn't exactly struck the "goldmine" of the main problem, and running higher volume forces it to dip into the "goldmine" and deal with it right away and clear massively, which proves to be too much. By running it on lower volume, it can progressively clear it, manageable chunk by manageable chunk. Other than that, everything is the same, being a total hermit for now. Exams + INTP + DMSI digging = the hermit of the hermit society. Interestingly, the feelings of power keep happening. Feels damn good. There is also a huge desire for entrepreneurship.. and the power I am feeling will be only a positive thing here. No shit is gonna stop me. |
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