(01-22-2017, 05:37 PM)Have at ye Wrote:(01-20-2017, 04:42 PM)CatMan Wrote: I view this as "training wheels" to get the ball rolling until it's self-sustaining in real life, fulfilling yourself beforehand so you can be your REAL self, not the hungry desperate in-need version. I'm glad I seem to grasp it clearly. I'm thinking of it like the SATT module in Shannon's subs, self-training module.
I will say this, I went into it not sure what I would get due to it being a new thing to me. I tried it because I'm not listening to subs now awaiting V3.1. And because Geodude is a trusted member here so I thought it was worth a shot due to his insistence of it's potency, so I kept an open mind. Within the first 1.5 minutes, my eyes were watering during Secret Of Women. I feel more masculine from it, appreciating and enjoying the femininity in the video. I didn't feel weak or feminine at all due to it, quite the opposite. My theory seems to be right, that if porn causes effects in your head, that this could theoretically too. I had to test it to be sure, and it's legit. I will continue on due to this, there could very well be something there for me. I'm surprised, I'll be honest.
I will say I feel very content and happy already. And since starting, I'm not so gung ho on looking at women in a "hungry sex charged manner", it's far more chill and detached. It seems to have killed my habit of looking at pictures of women, not nudes or pornish stuff, just normal ones. It's an annoying habit that has carried on since removing my porn addiction. So I'm grateful for THAT. It also has removed my attraction to pictures of girls I know posting social media pictures of them all dolled up way over the top sexy. Before, I'd be all thirsty lol, since starting this now they actually turn me off. I mean it, even the *exact same pictures*. Plus, it feels like I'm already getting needs met so there's no starvation...even within that first day all this was happening. Very intriguing. It'll be interesting to see what happens when I'm out with women at events like tomorrow night. Not in an "I want to make something happen" manner because that implies need and want still and is contrary to this technique. I mean in a sense to see it perform in real situations, although it may take time to really show through. Geodude said if you don't use porn and are on nofap, as I am doing for both for a long time, that you can see results quickly so we shall see. I will say I'm already seeing some of the benefits, to hopefully lend some weight to it.
His thread title may be a bit overblown and seems to be the root of the "controversy" in one sense. But if it's been proven to him to work and was the solution for him, I say fair play to him. I hope if he simply waters down the title or some offending text, the thread can stay because it reached ME at a minimum, maybe someone else will take the plunge due to it and more benefit can be had.
Thank you Geodude for everything. I will continue with Secret Of Women for at least 21 days, at least an hour a day and report over time. In fact, I'm writing up some things about it that I will report on before V3.1 is complete to hopefully incorporate into it, things that could really help it move forward due to this experience.
Hey, remember when you had that dream about Taylor Swift?
Turns out she does actually figure in all this.
I did try some NG stuff lately, too, and I must say there is definitely something to it (much more than *simulating abundance*, whatever that would entail, lol). I do believe that it should not interfere with subliminal programming, as it is not a form of subliminal programming - about as much as watching a movie, I guess. So unless you're actually putting yourself in an altered state of awareness while doing it, it shouldn't derail subconscious programming (too much), I think. Shannon would know more, if he's willing to share his expertise in this particular regard.
There are some NG-related videos that do use some sort of subliminal messaging, but these I avoid; I find myself sticking to normal music videos, basically. Push comes to shove, the worst thing that could happen is that I'll find myself rocking to some Blondie (as I am doing just now).
One thing I'd like to mention - I seriously doubt I would be getting much out of NG if I was not cleared/healed extensively through using DMSI-A.
This guy gets it.

Watch NG instead of the news. Watch NG instead of watching Western media, period.
I agree on self-healing. It helps. You have to literally sacrifice your ego in order for NG to work. It can emotionally-challenging. Like right now, I feel like an oyster without my shell. But I know that I'm in a place of true power. No more fakeness, no more trying to be cool. I'm just being me.
Ironically, being emotional about the videos is alpha as hell, because it requires you to be 100% REAL. What's one of the most alpha traits you can possess? Authenticity.