Quote: A concern I've had almost since I've known of the Alpha set....especially about 'doing it all while being gracious and polite"
MY concern ,of which I've been meaning to bring up and address with you is this: being gracious is one thing, I do NOT want to turn into a people pleasing "nice guy"
at the expense of MY true be-ing-ness Shannon...running around town being a 'nice guy' all the time can kill you,as it were...which bring to the next concern:
Fear that the Alpha set Will " Suppress & Block" MY real true feelings. I've come too far in my spiritual and emotional life & growth I do not want to "shut it all down' in the name of being
"nice n' PO-Lite" . I've purposely used generalizations here to get my concerned points across.
While I WANT to Be connected to others in a NEW way,Shannon,I also want to be connected to me in a deeper higher way but NOT at the expensive of the other = connecting
with others. either way I dont want it to be at mine nor anyone elses expense.
I was going to Post this in the alpha section somewhere,but felt it might not be the 'right' place for it.
I Know yer super busy, truth is I didnt know where I should go with this one. I Know it WILL CHANGE MY LIFE. thanx. Love n Light,Bro'-ski. Keith.
Keith, do these other guys using the AM set sound like being a nice guy is a problem for them? On the contrary, users of the set tend to be considered "assholes". Nobody I have seen use the set has become a "nice guy", and for good reason: "Nice guys" are not alpha. So I'm a bit lost as to why you are even worried about it.
The point of being gracious and polite is that a man who has mastered himself (i.e. become an alpha) does not have the insecurity that goes with merely pretending to be alpha - thus, he can afford to be polite and gracious, and this is actually a sign of top alpha-ness. It is a way to socially demonstrate that you are in a class above lesser men who do not have the freedom to be thus. Believe me, a man who exudes genuine power and confidence with his mere presence, but is gracious and polite, is not only opening figurative doors for himself everywhere he goes, but is definitely a positive attention getter.
Think of how a billionaire head of a company would act. He knows he's in control, so he doesn't need to be mean or nasty. The true power doesn't need to scream to be heard. When the hurricane strikes at the glance of a goddess, you know you're dealing with true power!
Speak softly, and carry a big stick. The most truly powerful alpha men I know are always the most genteel and polite. Millionaires, billionaires, and the power elite.
In fact, your true feelings will come out even more. You'll just get some experience with positioning yourself so that others don't need to be told off, because they already know better than to mess with you. And if they need reminding, or education - have no fear that you'll be able to do so.
The alpha set will definitely change you. You will probably lose people from your life before it's over, because the people in your life are there because of who you are now. When you change, so do the people in your life: either they adjust to who you are now, or they leave. That's a necessary part of the transition. Generally, those who fall away are those who are trying to hold you in place for some benefit of their own. In other words... it's a healthy transition, and one you will see everyone who has experienced it actually enjoys.
Supression and blocking is not the goal, the point, or the result. The goal, point and result is alteration and improvement. Changing the man in the mirror to become better, more, and stronger. And your worries are valid, and could have benefitted someone else, which is a large part of why I want you to use the forum. That, and because it saves me time. So... please post in the forum. If it's in the wrong place, one of the mods will undountedly move it.
Hope this helps.

Any other alpha users care to chime in here?
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!