10-17-2016, 10:27 AM
First off tried V2.5 Thursday night. My roommate had a friend of hers come over. I was listening to V2.5 when she showed up and I turned off the track to go socialize. I felt really energized and kind of anxious when I went upstairs to chat and chill with them. I quickly mellowed out after meeting her and we played GTA V and watched a movie. The whole time we hung out I just felt off though. I think I was resisting it a bit because I just didn't feel my best nor good. I still socialized, but I felt like there was something me back. My worst days on V2.4 weren't this bad.
The friend ended up staying the night because we were hosting a party Friday night. I listened to V2.4 the next day for a few loops and I felt pretty good and confident again. I would have tried V2.5 again, but I couldn't afford to be anxious and off on this day. I felt good and confident and chatted with her and my roommates till it was time for the party.
This is where I kind of fucked up. The girl that stayed the night invited her single friend over because she wanted her to meet me. (She saw me in person before and thought I was good looking) My friend ended up coming a little before the party started and talked me into going to get some blow. I was down and we left before too many people got there. We got back and started doing bump after bump in my bedroom. The two girls were bored with people upstairs and followed me and my friend downstairs. We chatted and I put up some videos on my computer for us to watch. The girl my friend invited wasn't drinking because she had to drive home early and it's a long drive, but she was a super open person anyways. I teased them about lying in my bed and not partying upstairs with everybody else. I felt the new girl really liked me, but was afraid to show it. Every time I would escalate and touch her she would say don't touch me in a friendly and giggly manner and allowed me to keep touching.
I felt like I was getting close to a make-out, but she had to go upstairs to pee.
Her friend went with her and when they came back my friend had his head down and lifted it up to reveal two lines in front of him. They both started laughing and the girl that was her the night before and I already knew said she could kinda sense we were doing something down her and they wanted to see it o_0. She has an older brother that makes 6 figures and does apparently so she has an eye for it. These blond hair and very christian girls aren't the type to do drugs. They were super cool though and actually hung out with us for about an hour in my bedroom. The girl I already knew said she wishes I didn't do drugs and says we have so much potential and doesn't want us to ruin it. I've heard this before and kind of agree, but they didn't totally freak out and drop us like some people when they find out you fuck with drugs. I was relieved and still kept flirting. We partied upstairs a for a few hours and by the end of the night I had everybody in my room and partying downstairs. I have a really cool room and having hue lighting helps.
The girl I was into left early and sought out to say goodbye to me when I was out on the balcony and said my secret was safe lol. I felt a lot of attraction and they all purposely sought to tell us good bye when we left. I got the girls number, but I doubt she is into me as much after finding out what she did :/ Before I left the girl that was their the day before was staying again and teased me about her sleeping in my bed and I'm not gonna be there to enjoy it. I laughed said my good byes and met up at another friends house.
It's not as easy to pick up girls on coke as people think. It makes your ego huge and you wanna talk about yourself. Their is also the fact that motor mouth could get annoying if you don't control it. I think I blew it, but I had a great night. If a girl doesn't do drugs I doubt she would date a guy who does, but they seemed super interested still and attracted, so although it couldn't hurt to pursue I'll probably just keep them as friends and see what happens in the future. Overall, I got to flirt with a bunch of sexy girls and make new friends, so I'm still happy.
One last thing, It's hard to notice an aura on drugs. I have no clue if drugs cancel it out or what and I wonder if certain drugs count as energy to fuel the aura. That would be pretty crazy, but I have no clue if they even do. They might take away from it for all I know. I will probably start V2.5 very soon.
The friend ended up staying the night because we were hosting a party Friday night. I listened to V2.4 the next day for a few loops and I felt pretty good and confident again. I would have tried V2.5 again, but I couldn't afford to be anxious and off on this day. I felt good and confident and chatted with her and my roommates till it was time for the party.
This is where I kind of fucked up. The girl that stayed the night invited her single friend over because she wanted her to meet me. (She saw me in person before and thought I was good looking) My friend ended up coming a little before the party started and talked me into going to get some blow. I was down and we left before too many people got there. We got back and started doing bump after bump in my bedroom. The two girls were bored with people upstairs and followed me and my friend downstairs. We chatted and I put up some videos on my computer for us to watch. The girl my friend invited wasn't drinking because she had to drive home early and it's a long drive, but she was a super open person anyways. I teased them about lying in my bed and not partying upstairs with everybody else. I felt the new girl really liked me, but was afraid to show it. Every time I would escalate and touch her she would say don't touch me in a friendly and giggly manner and allowed me to keep touching.

Her friend went with her and when they came back my friend had his head down and lifted it up to reveal two lines in front of him. They both started laughing and the girl that was her the night before and I already knew said she could kinda sense we were doing something down her and they wanted to see it o_0. She has an older brother that makes 6 figures and does apparently so she has an eye for it. These blond hair and very christian girls aren't the type to do drugs. They were super cool though and actually hung out with us for about an hour in my bedroom. The girl I already knew said she wishes I didn't do drugs and says we have so much potential and doesn't want us to ruin it. I've heard this before and kind of agree, but they didn't totally freak out and drop us like some people when they find out you fuck with drugs. I was relieved and still kept flirting. We partied upstairs a for a few hours and by the end of the night I had everybody in my room and partying downstairs. I have a really cool room and having hue lighting helps.

It's not as easy to pick up girls on coke as people think. It makes your ego huge and you wanna talk about yourself. Their is also the fact that motor mouth could get annoying if you don't control it. I think I blew it, but I had a great night. If a girl doesn't do drugs I doubt she would date a guy who does, but they seemed super interested still and attracted, so although it couldn't hurt to pursue I'll probably just keep them as friends and see what happens in the future. Overall, I got to flirt with a bunch of sexy girls and make new friends, so I'm still happy.
One last thing, It's hard to notice an aura on drugs. I have no clue if drugs cancel it out or what and I wonder if certain drugs count as energy to fuel the aura. That would be pretty crazy, but I have no clue if they even do. They might take away from it for all I know. I will probably start V2.5 very soon.