09-04-2016, 02:32 PM
09-04-2016, 03:06 PM
day 167 - pleasantries
I sometimes leave the sub on us for longer than 21 hours. that's when I feel emotionally weak and coincidentally post sometimes. I feel sad and anxious, depressed... I know I have to run through these emotions to reach the good stuff...like crapping out the spicy wing challenge I took when I was drunk... you know, it hurts for a while but once you hit the cooling point its like ahhhhh.... I meditated today. I am meditating more, trying to keep it daily. I weighed about 256 pounds when I started and now I weigh 225 pounds. don't know how many stone that is. I have been jumping rope at least 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes, not straight through but I try and keep the rests short as I know its cardio and I gotta keep my heartrate up. when I first started life tune up I could only jump rope for 3 minutes at a slow pace, huffing and puffing. now I can go at a boxer's pace, just need to work on my rhythm and footwork. I will be posting a video when I get the footwork down. My diet isn't strict. for a while it was no carbs w/ one cheat day a week but now without any work and no girlfriend, I've turned to food for relief. I am not sad or depressed at the moment. just being. I had a nudge to go see a comedy show but I threw my back out and have chosen to stay in on a gorgeous day. Big Picture. think big. step out of my body and look at the world and all its glory. my life's purpose. I don't remember what my personality type I am but I know I'm a promoter type, social butterfly. I feel like I am just rambling now so I will stop. I have decided on getting an attract your perfect sub for my next sub. I feel ready for a girlfriend that could be my wife. maybe attract your perfect wife? I still wish the 5g was a romance and not sexual.
09-10-2016, 01:27 PM
day 173 - reborn
I listened with headphones overnight 2 nights ago and us last night...about 20 hours avg per day. I was reading the script and noticed it covered success, winning, self confidence, and overcoming procrastination. these are areas I feel I need more boost in. but is listening to ultra success 4g specifically better than the blanket life tune up 5g? then again I would listen to ultra success with something like a 3g or compatible 4g but that would lessen the effect of us. I am a few days away from 6 months. Emotionally, I feel healthy. I'm talking to my family again without feeling shame or guilt. I am more positive about everything. If I get negative feelings, I desperately find a way get positive again. and do. things that make me happy...really, really, really, make me happy. If I wasn't so desperate to make money I would keep listening life tune up. remember, I started this depressed, anger issues, road rage, self abuse, basically almost rock bottom...thank you to my supportive family. Its funny but I feel like my biggest strides with this sub came in the last month...these last 2 weeks I've been letting go of my obsession with my crush. there are at least 1 million cool hot women in manhattan that could want a guy like me... I want to listen to ultra success next. I read a thread where the guy listened to ultra success with an attract you perfect sub. someone mentioned that they were incompatible and that's why he didn't attract her. I personally think that ultra success should help with the attract your perfect sub. the reason I ask this, kinda, is because I wanted to listen to an attract your perfect sub(this is also helping me get over my crush because perfect is perfect,lol) with ultra success though.
09-10-2016, 01:34 PM
add on
I feel like if I keep listening to ltu I would reach a level of euphoria but I think I would need another 6-8 months to get to that...after I make money, get a steady income, and a girlfriend then I will go back to life tune up...unless something else comes into play.
09-10-2016, 01:39 PM
(09-10-2016, 01:27 PM)kyng009 Wrote: day 173 - reborn ' At least 1 Million.' Wow. that is a good amount of Beautiful and most importantly, 'Cool' women there; Perhaps, all of us should move to Manhattan ![]() ![]()
ASC 5G / AM6 5G / OF 5G / BASE 2.1 5G / MLS 5G / LTU 3.1 5G / SDAF 2.0 4G / OP 4G / EPHRA2 5.5G / FYPJ 5G
DMSI 3.0.1 Version (5.5G TESTING GROUP) ![]()
09-10-2016, 06:12 PM
It's been said that AYP manifestation subs can take up to 8 months to start working, and splitting the focus with Ultra Success will naturally cause that to take even longer. Seems like an awful long time to wait IMO.
If you were to focus on finances for now, I think Ultra success and Think like a millionaire would be a great combo.
09-11-2016, 12:49 PM
well 1 million cool hot women is just a number I threw out there, not researched. I do theorize that it is safe to say that 1% of all women are hot and cool...so if you meet 100 women, at least 1 of them will be hot and cool...and if there's around 3.5 billion women in the world, then there's like 35 million hot and cool women in the world. I'm talking 8, 9, and 10's that you can chill with. even if you took 1% of 1%, 1 in 1000, for a 10 that is cool, that's 3.5 million 10's out there in the world that you could run into and she will like you back.
I heard someone say that out of 100 women: 5% will not be into you at all 5% will like you naturally 90% are all different levels of attraction 2 tailed bell curve if we connect the dots... 5% of women just naturally like you and there are 3.5 billion women and we'll factor in age range at 1 billion in the age range you like... that means that there are 10 million women in the world that would like you...10 million... I mean these are just guestimates and I'm just riffing off someone else's words...but they make sense and these are the words that are helping me let go and move on from my crush who is weirded out by me now which I don't blame her... I've been a total beta around her, a chode, and I am using what happened as a learning experience for the next girl that comes along.
09-11-2016, 12:58 PM
(09-10-2016, 06:12 PM)bliss Wrote: It's been said that AYP manifestation subs can take up to 8 months to start working, and splitting the focus with Ultra Success will naturally cause that to take even longer. Seems like an awful long time to wait IMO. yes. I plan on focusing on finances. Ultra success is definite, and I have base 4g. I also was gonna combo with a 3g. I have stress relief, base 3g, gratitude and appreciation, and be irresistibly attractive to beautiful women sexually 3g. I know this doesn't help others because 3g isn't available but I think 3g uses less energy for the combo. I might just listen to us by itself till I secure a steady income then add or change..but money is my #1 goal right now.
09-11-2016, 01:02 PM
' At least 1 Million.' Wow. that is a good amount of Beautiful and most importantly, 'Cool' women there; Perhaps, all of us should move to Manhattan
![]() ![]() [/quote] Manhattan doesn't compare to Las Vegas with hotties. apparently its out of 10 out there. like 1 out of 10 is cool and hot. you just need to break through the industry bitch shield and your gold.
09-14-2016, 05:52 PM
day 177 - winning
I have been winning most of my matches the last 2 weeks. my demeanor during the match is that I just want to win. yesterday I was trailing 4 to 1 games in a race to 7. I kept leaving easy combos but I managed to keep my composure ( ltu ) and came back to beat him on the hill. I like life tune up and its effects but in a few days I will be switching. I enjoy only having to listen to one sub and can't wait for 6g subs. I will do a 4 month run of ultra success until my income grows enough where I can get my own place...finally. I can't keep this pity party going and mooch off my brother any longer. I want to desperately pay him back as well. don't know if I will stack with base 4g or not. I just know that ultra success will help my situation.
09-16-2016, 10:44 PM
day 180 - fin
this is the 6th month of life tune up. I am going to listen to it tonight and possibly tomorrow night as well but I will be changing to Ultra success and something in a 3g to compliment it. on to ltu... I've been irritable the last 2 days and treated someone like crap...its like last minute resistance or something. thats why the extra days. I feel like 75% of my reality is super great I check myself out in the mirror (I have been losing weight) procrastinate less starting to adapt a big picture mentality and getting over selfishness finally talking to my father and stepmother after years of not I'm not embarrassed about my past commitment, dedication, and responsibility are stronger oh...and I got that job I was worried about...funny thing is, I would tell myself to stop worrying when I noticed it. I am taking conscious control of my emotions better. I have been training just finished a few hours ago and they asked me to come in to open which means I have to miss my brother's birthday party. sux. but I just started 2 days ago so I can't ask for a day off right away...butt! that aside, I got an income. you know whats weird...I got this job to be closer to my crush. ain't that some funny coincidence? I climb one hurdle and find a sandtrap behind the hurdle. so my feelings for my crush have, I want to say diminished but, they are. would I say no to her...HELL NO! she's hot. that would be silly. but I don't get sad or depressed anymore. its more like neutral and positive feelings only. oh crap, I gotta be up in a few hours...cutting this short...to be continued.
09-18-2016, 10:16 PM
day 182 - post
I am listening to ltu right now. feel pretty good. so yes 75% good. 25% is static like...not negative...more like just blah, stagnant, void, like walking through mud. I still get mad, frustrated, sad, anxious, and lazy, but nowhere near as bad as 6 months ago. I like the effects of this sub. I will definitely go back to this. I will do a better review soon. my eyes are droopy.
09-20-2016, 09:10 AM
day 183 - Life
this is my last journal entry for life tune up 5g. I listened to ltu up to yesterday. I don't know how to start this. everything was going great last night. I won most of my matches. I had a few "wow" shots where everyone was like wow. I think I'm over my crush. I'm approaching women more. got a job. getting hit on by older women ( not my thing, I'm looking for a potential wife ) I heard the formula is to take half your age and add 8 years to that number and that is a good age for a mate. still on track to my goal weight of 190. currently 228 (I yo yoed) from 260 in march I think. If you want to lose weight, get a jump rope. I mean as a kid it was fun and I am actually having fun jumping rope now, I'm 40. I can't do fancy stuff yet but I'm working on it. health- getting better wealth- job secure girlfriend- I'm positive I'll find someone soon been meditating, journaling, and vision boarding this one family- with the job I can finally visit my family more emotionally I feel soooooo much better, soooo much better. I will be starting another journal soon. thanks for sharing this journey with me. pm me if you have any questions. like I said, I was depressed when I started the sub. now I feel normal. I know a few more months might've done wonders but I'm looking for love now that I have an income and I'm looking good. yeah, I went from wearing a double xl 6 months ago and now I just bought a large shirt at guess...I thought it was snug but the clerks said that is how its supposed to look. it looks good. I look good ![]()
09-20-2016, 05:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2016, 05:47 PM by AbundanceCH.)
Congrats on sticking to LTU for this long! Before I started running BASE I ran LTU for a month. I still remember the feeling of LTU making me a better person with more integrity/maturity and just an overall better man. It felt so weird at the time but I could just feel the sub making me a better person that I almost didn't buy BASE. It's hard to put into words and describe it but I just felt that I was becoming better internally. I might run it again but this time for 3 months in the future.
Quote:girlfriend- I'm positive I'll find someone soon been meditating, journaling, and vision boarding this oneJournaling is the easiest way to get a girlfriend that most people don't ever use. I can tell you from experience because I have gotten 3 from it. In fact every time I want a serious relationship I just ask the universe for a girlfriend I don't really put much effort. The first one I ever got I asked for a specific ethnicity, specific physical attributes and a pure girl. I got all that (and she was a virgin) that really showed me the power of the universe if you just ask and let go. I literally wrote that journal entry and put away the journal. I never read it at night or in the morning nothing! I put 0 effort besides writing it. The best advice I can give you is to be really specific. What I learned from my journaling for relationships is that you have to be clear about what you want and fulfills you in a woman because anything you leave out will bite you in the end. Last one I got from a journal I forgot to write about the fun part. So I ended up with a beautiful girl inside and out...who bored me and didn't excite me. I thought it was a given that we would have fun because I've always had fun with all my women. So i ended up in a relationship with a girl that while she had a good time with me I wasn't having a good time except for when having sex. You have to pay attention and not leave out any details. The other advice I can give you is to make sure you write for someone that makes you happy and that YOU MAKE THEM HAPPY as well. It has to be both ways. I think focusing on this part and writing a lot about it has made the universe deliver my women quicker. Don't write just about how you have a girlfriend who is sexy and smart but also write about how she thinks you are amazing, sexy, loves your intelligence etc. Make it about her enjoying your time with you as much as you write about you enjoying having her. This will speed up your results because it will make the universe deliver someone that thinks you're amazing rather than trying to force someone into being with you. Journaling has never worked for me to attract a specific person an I can understand it. I'm sure it's possible but that will take a lot more work while journaling for someone that you find amazing and she finds you amazing that "is already out there" is much easier. The universe already knows the perfect candidate based on what you wrote no need to force someone specific into liking you. |
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