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Maxwell's AM6 - MaxwellEdison - 10-13-2015

What's up everyone?

I'm a total newbie here. I just purchased AM6 and am starting it today. To be totally honest, I first ran across AM6 on a torrent site and listened to it for a couple of weeks. But I've decided to do the right thing and pay for it.

I will post again tomorrow giving a little background about myself.

First, I have just a couple of questions:

I am running this on iTunes on my mac and playing it on Bose Companion 2 Series III Multimedia Speakers. I will also use headphones from my iPhone during the day. From what I've read this is all ok. (This isn't really a question, it's just if anyone notices that this stuff doesn't work then I'd like to know).

When I play the ultrasonic on my speakers (and on my mac speakers) I can hear a slight ringing at a high enough volume, and when it's all the way up the ringing is louder and there is a crackling sound. Is this normal?

I am thinking of recording some self talk for myself to listen to when I wake up and when I go to bed. Is this okay or will it potentially interfere with AM6?

Can't wait to get started. This looks like an awesome community.

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - Dzemoo - 10-13-2015

dont use any other affirmation with am6, am6 will overpower them anyway

if you hear the riniging or even crackling your volume is to high

calibrate with masked and then switch to ultrasonic

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - MaxwellEdison - 10-13-2015

Since you've been here for a while and since our threads our so close on the page I'm changing it.

I figured that was the case with the audio. Just wanted to make sure that when it did happen to be turned all the way up that hearing the crackling noise was normal.

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - dissonance - 10-13-2015

HAHAHAHA @ FrostedFake and MaxwellEdison

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - MaxwellEdison - 10-14-2015

So a little background:

I'm 26, still living at home, right now working for a family friend at his office (he has been pretty sick lately so I've had nothing to do and my job is kind of up in the air).

I went to film school out of high school but my family ran into serious money trouble and I had to come home. I still am unable to get back into school because my transcripts are being held hostage since I still owe the school a ton of money.

I never even hooked up with a girl in High School. At college, I finally started hooking up with this really cute girl who lived on my floor. But soon I found out that she was seeing an upperclassman and this really hit me hard. I didn't handle myself very well and acted very passive/aggressive.

Since then my opportunities with women have been few and far between. I dealt with pretty bad alcohol issues since getting home from school, basically drinking myself to the point of passing out every single night (a night off from drinking was a rarity for me). I eventually quit booze (3 3/4 years since my last drink). However, I replaced booze with marijuana and it wasn't long before I found myself trying to get high at every opportunity.

I haven't smoked in six days and plan on keeping it that way for as long as I can. If I want to get serious with my life it's important that I stay sober. I just got into this highly competitive screenwriting class that goes on for the next 9 months. At the end I will get to show my work to an agent, manager, or producer, and I am planning on making the most out of that opportunity.

I've been a prototypical beta male my entire life, the kind of guy who hates confrontation. If someone calls me a different name by mistake, I don't even have the guts to say something about it. I usually just accept that that's what they're going to call me.

I read The Game in college. Have watched and read the literature of Real Social Dynamics, Love Systems, David Deangelo, etc. to better myself with women, all to no avail.

I want to become the kind of guy who can fearlessly approach a woman, show my interest in her right away, and get her phone number.

I don't expect AM6 to magically take care of this for me. Obviously, if this is what I want, I'm going to have to suck it up and get out there and start talking to women.

I look forward to this journey.

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - MaxwellEdison - 10-20-2015

Stage 1. Day 7.

First time around I noticed some general positive feelings. Mostly being more encouraging towards myself and not caring what others are thinking of me. I was definitely more tired the first few days of listening to it.

Now that I've started Stage 1 over, the tiredness isn't really there. I still have an overall much better feeling about myself. I am always talking myself down, never giving myself positive thoughts to work with. But I can feel that changing.

A few things I've noticed:

As I said, I am a very non-confrontational guy, but lately I almost feel that I want to get in a fight. I was working out at the gym when I laid my towel on a bench and then ran off to grab some dumbbells. As I turned around, I saw some middle-aged guy (who was pretty ripped), talking to someone else nearby and complaining about the fact that there was a towel on the bench when he wanted to use it. I immediately wanted to run up to him and say, "You got a problem with me putting my towel here?". He walked away before I even got close, but I've never had that feeling before of being challenged for a workout spot and wanting to to get in someone's face. It felt pretty good.

For some reason I have had this urge to go skydiving recently, and to then learn how to do basejumping. I'm pretty scared of heights and it is for this reason that I am craving the desire to get up on top of a tall building and to freefall with nothing but a parachute. I'm pretty sure I'd shit my pants standing on the ledge, but I really want to challenge myself to do it. But the first step is to tandem skydive for the first time and I've been talking with my brother about heading to one of those skydiving places.

There are a few other things that have been happening, but more subtle than these. As I think of them I will keep posting. Cheers.

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - 4Kingdoms - 10-20-2015

(10-20-2015, 06:04 AM)MaxwellEdison Wrote: For some reason I have had this urge to go skydiving recently, and to then learn how to do basejumping. I'm pretty scared of heights and it is for this reason that I am craving the desire to get up on top of a tall building and to freefall with nothing but a parachute. I'm pretty sure I'd shit my pants standing on the ledge, but I really want to challenge myself to do it. But the first step is to tandem skydive for the first time and I've been talking with my brother about heading to one of those skydiving places.

I live in South Florida, USA and I went skydiving once. I was told that after you jump out of the plane for the first time, ONE of two things will happen.
1) You want to go back to the plane and jump again 2) It will be no big deal and never jump out of a plane again. For me it was #2.

I learned that day, of course these are the rules where I live, Safety is very important so you are required to do a tandem jump 10 times before you are allowed to jump alone. Tandem skydiving or tandem parachuting refers to a type of skydiving where a student skydiver is connected to a harness attached to a tandem instructor. The instructor guides the student through the whole jump from exit through freefall, piloting the canopy, and landing.

I think everyone should experience skydiving at least once before they get too old to try.

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - Mystic Pymp - 10-20-2015

Hi MaxwellEdison!

Nice nickname, but EisteinTesla would be much cooler Smile

It's always good to see someone at the beginning of his adventure with AM. There are a couple of pieces of advice I could give you, but the most important one is to be patient. If you ever start being impatient and disappointed with lack of results try to distant yourself from the subs and don't obsess about them.

I'll be certainly watching your progress and wish you best of luck!

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - CatMan - 10-20-2015

(10-13-2015, 10:20 AM)FrostedFake Wrote: Wtf you guys are all taking my lego symbol NOOOOOOO

I will PayPal $25USD to anyone that uses that symbol from now on Tongue...

Welcome to the forum MaxwellEdison. AM6 is a solid program that will change you forever if you stick to it.

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - Benjamin - 10-20-2015

Lego all round!

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - MaxwellEdison - 10-20-2015

The lego makes so much sense. It's a building block, a foundation. Like how AM6 can be a foundation for success.

Thanks for all the responses. Nice to know how active this forum is.

As to what 4Kingdoms said, that's really good advice to not expect too much. I can see how sitting around and thinking about how AM6 is supposed to be working better will lead to disappointment. Gonna do my best to keep that in mind.

RE: Maxwell's AM6 - 4Kingdoms - 10-20-2015

I'm not sure which Journals you are interested in reading.
TheRealJustin recently wrote about people's unrealistic expectations of subliminals.
(10-19-2015, 11:32 PM)TheRealJustin Wrote:
(10-19-2015, 10:52 PM)FrostedFake Wrote:
(10-19-2015, 08:37 PM)Benjamin Wrote: Some people have had great success and alot of sex on both of them, then other people who have done SM and WM (I don't mean the same person who has done both) have got not many results or sex.. I don't really know what the missing part is there.

Yeah, that is the mystery I, and probably everyone else here, is trying to figure out.

It's no mystery. Guys that get laid without the subs get laid with the subs, and guys that don't get laid without the subs think the sub is going to be a magic pill, so they run the sub and never try to get laid the whole time, they just 'wait for the sub to work', generally speaking.

Like right now I'm running Exercise Motivation & Enjoyment. If I just wait for results I'm not going to get any, and it's the same with WM and SM. The exercise sub isn't going to magically make me healthy and give me a great body, I have to put in work. WM and SM aren't magically going to make women hop on peoples dick. They have to put in work.

Basically people that put in effort get results and people that use subs as a magic pill don't get sh*t. Well, I shouldn't say that because these subs basically are magic pills, but what I mean is we still have to put in effort and try to get what we want. We can't run SM or WM and think we're going to be swimming in pu**y without doing anything besides sitting around waiting for it to happen.

It's like running BAMM for 8 years and not doing sh*t and being like "I ran this sub for 8 years and I still don't make any more money than when I started" it's like no sh*t you have to work with the sub not just sit and wait.

Maybe we can sit and wait actually, I'm sure if we listen to something long enough it will fully take over and our subconscious minds will force us to change and to take action, but why wait? Just start now. I've never once thought about using a sub and just waiting for something to happen. I use subs to fuel what I'm already working towards anyways. I don't understand people that just wait and wait and wait for something to happen, 6 months goes by and they're like "this is bullsh*t give me a refund."

To me, it's like buying a book on starting a business, reading the book, and then saying "I read this book and I still don't have a business. This book is ***** I want my money back. I read the whole damn thing and I still don't have a business."

That's how I see it. Too many people think they can spend a little money and then magically everything is fixed and done for them.