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RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 03-24-2015

Thanks for the cycle tips Glaizen, that really helps. Im tryna get at least 450 hrs per stage, preferrably more now. Im on day 17 i think, like 250 hrs so thus far.

I gotta say guys, i genuinely enjoy the sounds of the subs, especially the waves. I play them from my phone so much, when it syncs up to my car, i sometimes dont even bother to change it lol just vibing to subs

Ice man, i recommend you buy "the abundance book" and read through the book, and then do the 40 day prosperity plan. Its really small and like 90 pages, you gotta understand where he's coming from, and other things found in the text in order to really benefit from the 40 day plan.

You can buy it for google play for $5, or $7 on amazon new, even less used. I recommend Cory skyy's "magnetic mindset" course, you can buy the 3 cd's. The mentality he helps you to develop, as well as his story is incredible. I've used his affirmations with ridiculous results, but i lay off them as im running am6

What i'd recommend using now is his "Personal Freedom" meditation. It's a 17 minute meditation where he just speaks to you about waking up with energy, pursuing life, creating change. I think it's helped support my am6 journey, ive hit very little resistance this far. You can fill out a survey at the link below and download it for free. His stuff is good, leave your real email if youd like, you'll be sent to the free download either way

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - iceman - 03-26-2015

(03-24-2015, 06:45 AM)forbes Wrote: Thanks for the cycle tips Glaizen, that really helps. Im tryna get at least 450 hrs per stage, preferrably more now. Im on day 17 i think, like 250 hrs so thus far.

I gotta say guys, i genuinely enjoy the sounds of the subs, especially the waves. I play them from my phone so much, when it syncs up to my car, i sometimes dont even bother to change it lol just vibing to subs

Ice man, i recommend you buy "the abundance book" and read through the book, and then do the 40 day prosperity plan. Its really small and like 90 pages, you gotta understand where he's coming from, and other things found in the text in order to really benefit from the 40 day plan.

You can buy it for google play for $5, or $7 on amazon new, even less used. I recommend Cory skyy's "magnetic mindset" course, you can buy the 3 cd's. The mentality he helps you to develop, as well as his story is incredible. I've used his affirmations with ridiculous results, but i lay off them as im running am6

What i'd recommend using now is his "Personal Freedom" meditation. It's a 17 minute meditation where he just speaks to you about waking up with energy, pursuing life, creating change. I think it's helped support my am6 journey, ive hit very little resistance this far. You can fill out a survey at the link below and download it for free. His stuff is good, leave your real email if youd like, you'll be sent to the free download either way

Awesome. thanks a lot.

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 03-26-2015

No prob Ice, enjoy

your handle reminds me of vanilla ice lol. cant believe he got arrested. I used to watch his hgtv shows at my old job, they were pretty good

Anyways, day something. Don't worry, I counted out all 32 days and I have a schedule for them so I know when to stop one and start the other, but im really not gonna take the time deciphering what today is

been feeling great. some negative thoughts occasionally creeping in but i did this exercise from Jason Capital's program Status:

He says find that voice in your head that holds you back. The one that tells you you're not good enough when you wanna approach a hot chick, or breed fear in you when you wanna take a risk and follow your dreams, or tell you to be lazy when you have responsibilities. Find that voice, and give it a name

I actually gave myself too, trust me, mine occasionally need backup

Then you fire that guy from his old job of negative speaking, lazy bullshitting, and anything tearing you away from your goals and your path in life, and give him a new job, and one job only.

His new job is to always cheer your on in he action of furthering you down the path to your goals. You can choose a different job, but this is what Jason used and essentially what I'm using. Anytime you have a negative thought, your Inner Voice character/s, mine are Ralph and Charlie, these guys cheer you on. Let's face it, your heart always knows what's best in terms of what you really want in life, and when you're on your path, you know the next step, or at least some action you can take in the now to prepare you for the opportunity you need

Owen from RSD calls these your Inner Cheerleaders. He got the concept from Evil Stifler who was going out and said "I feel like my inner cheerleaders are on my side, theyre like right on, you can do it, youre fucking awesome.

I highly recommend the sexercise.

Money wise I lost a bunch trading forex, like a lot, like more than some people make in a month. Didnt sweat it much, I learned from the mistakes

Switching up strategies, branching out to some simpler things too. I'm still making moneu now, also money has been manifesting in other ways like everything ive been selling on amazon has been selling. Like stuff that was never moving before, even though i have almost no stock left I made another $40 after fees from amazon

i got approved for another $2,000 extension on a business credit card, this will help me expand my amazon business and start private labeling products from over seas. I'll get you guys some product in exchange for reviews, I'll give some ridiculous discounts with some coupon codes. I'll let you know what product I go with first, should be something you all need

still just chilling off of girls, money first right now. I wanna move out of my parnet's place by my birthday, may 13th. With everything I have going, April should be big and my goal is gonna come easy and simply, I believe it

quick word on life guys. What are you? What is this? What is your life? You might not be able to answer, but here's a hint that'll help you understand it all. The answer to all 3 is exactly the same, and what is it?


This entire physicasl experience is what you believe, subs help alter our thoughts and beliefs which change our behavior. You believe women want you, and that you're confident with women and you pull easily. You believe you're strong and it will happen.

Like Henry Ford said: "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't; you're right."

Start thinking and believing more is possible for your lives, believe your hearts deepest desire for your life is possible, and not just possible, necessary. Necessary for you, your family, and everyone in this world to have a fuller experience through you sharing your gift with the world

Believe in yourself. All these are tools. Subs, meditation, affirmations, money, all tools. Theyre tools we acquire to build something out our lives. You know what it is you want, trust me you know. Just think, if you were gonna die in 30 days, struck with an incurable illness, what do you think you'd regret doing on your deathbed, and what becomes most important to you then

Think to that point, search your heart for your truth, and pursue your truth. It wouldn't be in your heart if it didn't want to come out

im out guys, bout to kill a late night trade sesh on a new system. I'll let you guys know how it goes, later

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 03-27-2015

Day 22 or so stage 2

Went to a anniversary event for a nonprofit i work with

I wasn feeling very social, i only had one hour of sleep. Hung out with my boy mostly, talked money making

grabbed a drink from the bar, immediately started banteringwith the bartender. Cute black chick, i dont usually like black girls, but her energy was on point and a cute face too. We chatted a little here and there before she left without me seeing

as im leaving i see her at the gas station so i roll over, i spit some push/pull dumb shit, and grab the number. its so much about the way you say things and the enrgy you project than the actual content.

I've been doing an exercise, another jason capital one. He recommends opening a fresh word doc and starting with today's date. Imagine you're talking to a ebautiful woman and she's eating out the palm of your hand. Take 3 minutes and just write attraction material, like cocky funny, push pull, teasing, disqualification, stupid stories that show youre more about self amusement that gaining her approval

Everyday just take 3 minutes, and never stop typing. Just anything that comes to mind. The fact that it doesnt matter is what counts oddly enough

i noticed better thought process when talking to chicks within days. Just gotta understand how to speak the language of emotions. We as men are an adventure for women, we give them the joy of feeling a variety of emotions, but everything begins with us. Lead the interaction, be open to get her more open, and just be the man.

I was really planning on taking time to myself and just work on myself exclusively for some weeks, but I hadn't gotten any numbers in a while, and I could tell she was feeling me from our first talk.

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 03-27-2015

(03-27-2015, 09:51 PM)AlphaReal Wrote: Cool journal... I too am on Status 'training'. On day 2 today.

Yooo alphareal, whats up bro? Thanks for the ups. I gotta restart STATUS cause I fucked up and missed days -_- I wanna keep it consistent daily, im restarting this monday.

How was your day 2? What'd you name him?

Its still day 22 for me

real quick Im noticing im able to center myself more easily. Im been incosistent with my meditations, working on that.

When I stress lately or find my mind running too fast, I echale completely, close my eyes, draw my right hand from above my head in front, as I bring it down to my chest while inhaling deeply. I use the technique to center myself in the moment, helps me release the stress of things compounding, helps me chat with Ralph and Charlie to back me up positively, and im then grounded and ready to handle things clearly, 1 at a time

alphareal check out you'll love his blog, if you havent seen it already. I really recommend his ebook 30 days of discipline, its 12 things you commit to every day for 30 days to instill new habits and birth within you that actual discipline to create habits at will. I've not completed it yet, this April is gonna be my bitch though

my birthday is May 13th, serious goals to get the next part of my amazon business handled, stabilize the different types of trading im doing, and get started on my next project. Also planning to move out of my parents place finally

I had the money to either get a place, or quit my job and go hard at my own thing. I chose the latter, some of it hasn't been pretty, but it's been well worth it and more and more things are falling in place now.

Goethe said: Then indecision brings its own delays,
And days are lost lamenting over lost days.
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Just read the whole thing for the first time so I shared it, but focus on the last sentence. Anything is possible, when you take steps on your path, the next steps will appear. Trust the path

BTW starting a blog soon on general male well being and self development. I'll let you guys know if you'd be interested. I've always loved writing and I have a passion for self development

see you guys soon, ive slept like 1hr over the past 28 hrs, gotta get some work done then sleep

Catch ya on the flip side

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 03-28-2015

Great RSD video on letting go and the Inner Cheerleaders concept:

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 03-29-2015

Stage 2 day 24 ish

went go buy a battery for my car, chick at advanced auto was cute

girls have been interesting the past couple days. I feel my energy turning up, very intensely. At advanced auto I was talking to the lady, just looking deep in her eyes, and at times shed completely stop talking or fumble over her words lol

went to panda express with my sister. Gonna get a drink, I see their chinese calendar, i thought it was one of those charts that tell you about the meat they use like Chipotle does, then I see Horse lmao im like wtf? I talk about it to this random guy next to me

I feel more free when talking, I dont care about reactions. I say stuff for my amusement or to let people know what I find funny or interesting. I walk with my head taller than ever

When I look at girls now, I look for the beauty in them. I'm finding myself attracted to different chicks. At the party I went to, I grabbed a black girl's number, I usually only talk to spanish or white girls, but I liked her vibe

At panda express this white chicked walked in and our eyes immediately met and I could tell she was feeling me. She sits with her family, across from me and I catch her staring for a while. Not at the stage yet of approaching with family there, but im getting there

Ive been pretty good with sensing attraction, like I can feel a girl's energy feeding into me when we talk. I can tell when she's ready to kiss or escalate. I haven't not kissed a girl on my first try in a while, but its not like ive been going HAM approaching

also jamba juice this morning, I order and get some extra shit and the cashier goes to charge me, im like "oh i thought you were gonna gimme that on a friend tip, i see, gotta keep it business cause the guy's behind you." Just busting her balls and shit. It was interessting cause it all came out so fluidly, like I thought and then said it, no bs about if i should or not

That's all I remember for now. About to do some Sunday demo trading and try out a new platform, later peoples

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 04-08-2015

What up guys Day 1 Stage 3

Stage 2 was incredible. I felt more conscious of myself overall. Lots of stuff I study like david deida's "way of the superior man" and rsd material are all seen in a new light. As im internalizing more of this stuff, it feels almost obvious, like of course it works this way

its funny, the progress feels like this:

stage 1 - eliminate native self talk (blank slating, jut like shannong says, get everyone on even ground)
stage 2 - i believe i hit my 450 hours, or at least very close. I have better control of my voice, im more conscious of how i make others feel. I'm less dependant on outcome. Im more concentrated on my own growth than outwards validation. I have no tolerance for bullshit. I stress being honest with myself and others. I hold my head higer everywhere I go. I have no reservations about saying hi to men or women and pass and making eye contact

Some of those behaviors i had transitory confidence in. Like it would be more like id feel confident sometimes doing them, now my baseline feels confident itself

Im very happy. Incredibly happy with the journey of my life thus far and where it's headed. Im big into law of attraction, one of my favorite abraham quotes goes something like:

"You want to go over there becuse you think it will feel good to be over there. The turth is if you can't feel good here, you can never get there. The entire point is to feel good on the way to what you want."

I let go easier now, of thoughts and things. I have a lot more faith in God working in my life, I don't fear my goals. I know what I want, im working towards them, and I know anything else I need will be provided

Im excited for the other stages. I'll be done early august i think. im heading to a rsd free seminar and maybe hot seat in chicago in july. Im also going to a tony robbins unleash the power within one, complete with the firewalk Big Grin

im more excited for tony's i know i can attract girls when i truly want to. Im excited for UPW because i know its gonna help me finish out 2015 on a whole new level, and tear down a lot of other blocks and such i might have

hope everyones doing good. I know st patty's just passed, remember, All Hustle, No Luck!

Later guys

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 04-11-2015

What up guys stage 3 day 4

had an awesome week. lost about $650 in thursday trading, but i was positive, i knew how to fix what i was doing wrong

friday morning i managed to make $1500 overnight. One of my best days yet, even after leaving a lotta money on the table. To celebrate ma and my boy went to the strip club

It's pretty significant. A couple years back we were broke tryna work on a real estatae project, even though we both weren't working. We were broke at the time and went to get a free lunch at the strip club, but we had to buy drinks for the food

it was happy hour and we literally didnt even have $6 for 2 bottles of water and to get a free lunch

we vowed our revenge, and had it yesterday. Like sinatra said, the best revenge is massive success. We had, honestly, some of the best food ive had in a while lol. Couple drinks, i got a couple dances, why not right?

Overall i was really calm in there. I was confident approaching the strippers and bullshitting with them. this sexy ass colombian came over, tried building rapport asking how old i was and saying she was 26 too. I immediately called her out on her bullshit

there was this sexy ass black stripper, real tall, and skinny. bad ass body, i was bullshitting with her. just flirting, back and forth banter.

what was most important was i didnt care what i was saying, i wasnt drunk, just very free about myself.

im loving stage 3, definitely feeling the restlessness. Been trading over night, after the strip club yesterday, i slept from like 4pm-1am then got up and slept again 4am - 11am. I think im finally getting caught up

with stage 3, i feel im getting a little edgier. Im definitely more confident than ever, but it might be a natural progression of the subs.

One of my favorite descriptions of masculine growth comes from RSD when they talk about game. After a certain amount if time, they say its not like you get better, but you get firmer. Your game becomes more solid, like youre more rock hard in your reality

that's what im feeling with this stage. even my boy whose used subs, affirmations, and knows im on AM said i just feel rock solid

i came back from a dance to my boy talking with a stripper, im like "what kind of dreams is she tryna sell you" she had braces so im like "listen, you have braces. so when youre sucking my dick, are they gonna get in the way."

she said some bullshit, blah blah

Overall feeling like a million bucks. The black stripper I was kicking it with was cool as fuck. Seemed like we had a connection, but she wouldnt gimme her number. Usual with strippers, against policy

i'll probably go back a couple more times, i definitely wanna fuck her. When she didnt gimme the number, i kept thinking "you have no idea what youre missing out on." when she originally came up she asked what i did, i looked her dead in the eyes and said "ive been up sine 1, im a stripper too." lol that was priceless

i was a little bummed, then i remember todd from rsd talking about reapproaching. And of course, emotionally and psychollogically, strippers are wired completely different. ill probably go back, maybe just for lunch, bs with her that we cant be client and stripper cause i wanna marry her someday, just bullshit

game is really easy, like really easy. im understanding the nuances on a much more suttle level, im understanding why certain vibes and energy work with women.

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 04-23-2015

whats up guys

been a little while, im on stage 3 day 16 or so now

took a lil while because ive been tryna figure out what to say. Right now I feel a lot more conscious, im disconnecting from a lot of societal beliefs about things and creating my own beliefs

im reading a book called "alpha male 2.0" i heard about from someone on here

tryna release Societal Programming as he calls it, and lock in my own beliefs about myself. I felt my confidence waver when staring at a couple girls the other day, it was weird. i was conscious of it and making sure not to affirm anything like that again

i did lsd a couple times last week. its always a very introspective experience for me. i learned i have a lot of self destructive behaviors i have to work on

a bunch of times while trading id have trades hundreds of dollars in the positive, then i try to get more and eventually make less, or even lose all together

theres a part of me, maybe how i was raised, that is resistant to success. Im gonna start meditating more again, try to counter act that

also im gonna start doing my "I love myself" affirmations. I simply say I love myself anywhere from 500 to 1000 times a day, does wonders for your confidence, self talk, and general attitude towards life

I might be experiencing resistance in stage 3, dunno. ive been using my computer speakers instead of actual speakers like i had been cause they werent working properly. But im using purely the stream now, i figured thered be no frequency issues

ill update you guys more in a couple days. Even if there's resistance, im running everything again after these first 6 months. im sure ill work it all out

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - QuantumEnthusiast - 04-24-2015

Man your journal is amazing and very inspiring! I love it! Big Grin Thanks for making it and all the updates that you do. On top of that you use RSD as well. RSD Tyler's videos helped me a lot through my depression and negative state of mind. I wish you all the best bro, it will now only get better and better for ya! Keep the updates coming! Big Grin

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - forbes - 05-06-2015

Whats up guys stage 3 day 29

Thanks for the compliment Quant. If you havent already, check out the "rsd motivation" channel, they took some of their best speeches on subjects and made them 4 minute motivatinal vids with clips and stuff

RSD has helped immensely, plus Tyleris going the direction of a self development company. Big things ahead. His longer videos are some of the best man

Always remember, you are your beliefs about yourself and how you think and process your experiences. Look at things as a different kind of positive, as maybe a lesson and everything becomes more positive. Also meditate bro, you'll realize as everything melts away, and you're all thats left, that essentially thats all there ever is

Im very spiritual so i believe we are all manifestations of God. We're all essentialy ideas in the Divine Mind, and through our free will which is our self consciousness, we then become co-creators of our existence by always attracting what we focus on

couple suggestions for quant and anyone with depression or reoccuring negative thoughts:
- if you like loa, just google "abraham hicks quotes"
- i posted a cory skyy personal free meditation earlier, use that daily
- say "I love myself" 1000 times a day. Get a clicker for it, I promise in a week to 2 you will notice an immense difference in how you wake up, feel, and interact with others

we're all reflections of each other. work has to begin inside. Best way to not be afraid of people or situations is to express love to them and enjoy the different outcomes possible, even if they arent favorable, cause you will learn. You can't express love if you haven't accepted yourself lovingly yet, start with yourself

Ok back to journal journal lol

I only use trickling stream now, i forget its on all the time. ive been struggling this month with who i am. This video i watched this morning helped:

its about letting go of who you are and who you think you are. I realize now, its about enjoying the ambiguity, the differences, and the levels of who you are

Like elliot hulse says "Tender Aggression," or Victor Pride with his "Gentleman Wolf" analogy, or RSD Tyler and Brad with "Positive Dominance"

our ideas of the world, knowledge, and experiences change every day. What you have to find is values to live by that are directly linked to your vision of your higher self. Then just express yourself through that vision

great example todd from RSD says he's a man that takes action, lives in the moment, and is positive dominant. Your conscious behavior

What do you want out of life? What time of people achieve those kinds of results? What are they doing, or how do they act that's different from you? What are you really willing to give up to get your ideal life?

Those are 4 powerful questions. Honestly this is off the cuff, a lot is coming to me as I write (thanks muse lol). But youre constantly changing, always a work in progress. Thats fine though cause so is everything else

dont get caught up in definitions, just be and be free. Be the person you want to be and the person you feel in your heart. The person you'd be if you were the last man on earth (minus the chronic masturbation)

*Super important, I found out my 3rd stage epiphany finally. I am self amusing as a motherfucker. I wrote that joke up there so i could read it and laugh lol. I'll be alone at home and make jokes and laugh like someone told me. Im just really enjoying my thoughts more

Havent gone out in a while, been home studying and trading. Bout to get a job so i can trade less emotionally. Its easier to safely trade and build an account instead of trading to pay bills.

my eye contact is better than ever. My voice is still rocking, i speak up so easily. I get agitated when people cut me off and try to take advantage of me. I like this to a degree. I'm moving away from the negative pissed off emotions, lke consciously stopping a thought pattern before i bad mouth someone

I like that i dont like the taking advantage thing because I used to be more passive. I've been dealing with the cognitive dissonance of trying to meditate, become more spiritual, and let go of outcomes vs. being dominant, going after what i want, and going hard in everything i do

Ive found a happy medium that incorporates both. I believe meditation and letting go is great. Meditation lets me get out of my mind, and im pretty smart, so my mind thinks up crazy shit. I like the letting go becauseI dont want to attach to much or define myself by things outwardly. But it goes hand in hand with the growth side because nothing ever stays still. Desire for growth is embedded in nature, as the zygote's only wish is to develop into a healthy baby and be born. Growth itself is natural and spiritual after God is the abundant force of the Universe.

And I believe as manifestations of God, you and I are here to fulfill that dream in our hearts, the dream the baby had after it was done being a zygote. The next step, the dream that you cant even call work

I believe every desire or want is our sould calling for fuller expression. We want to experience something through our human senses. We are the body of God, we are here so that God may be more manifested through the things we create, the people we become, the things we learn, and the love we spread

and its not abut getting anywhere. Enjoy the dance guys like peter said in that old family guy episode "Dance with me lois, dance the dance of life" lol. Were to enjoy the steps, just dont be that guy tryna act cool at the bar. Don't be that guy from Jesus' parable who was given 1 talent and buried it as to not lose it

Giving everything is what you should be doing. Live fully in each moment, die as they pass, theyre gone. Youve got one life to live and bring out of you your heart's deepest desire. The world will be that much better for it. Die on E, leave no opportunity wasted guys

Seems like my journals turn into motivational rants lol hope it helps someone. AM6 is definitely one of the best investments ive ever made

Let's go create the life we've been waiting to live

Forbes out...

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - QuantumEnthusiast - 05-06-2015

Holy ****. Thanks for that RSD motivation video man. It made me slightly teary eyed so I'm certain it released and cleared some sort of resistance in me, as well as affirm something. Beautiful video. It's about enjoying it as it comes as you go in the direction of what you want instead of being attached to the labels and ideas of how it should be. Just being free, independent, present, and enjoying life.

Yeah man, I'm excited for RSD and Tyler. The transformation of him and the company over the years is amazing. Mechanical PUA to a natural guy who enjoys and loves women that wants to genuinely help others overcome their limits not just in regards of women but also in life itself. Love it.

Hahaha you've watched Elliott Hulse too? Man I'm so damn grateful for these two people, Elliott and Tyler. Helped me immensely, I can't verbalize how grateful I am for them.

I understand everything you're talking about and resonate with it. I just haven't referred to as God because of all the dogma people attach to the word. You can call it God, Universe, Divine or Consciousness, or whatever you want, but yes, like you said, we are all here as extensions or manifestations of it to have an experience of life and explore. Life truly is amazing once you stop being attached things because nothing is constant in life except change. Dance the dance of life bro, good luck!

RE: New Journal - AM6 This Round - Benjamin - 05-06-2015

Good post.. just remember rule 4 though guys.. we have the rule as there is alot of emotions around the area of religion that we prefer not to get into here.

Quote:4. (Modified 10/29/2012) Users may not make mention of, or discuss religion or any concepts commonly incorporated into religious belief systems. (Including astrology) This is a broad ban on religion and religious concepts. If you wish to make any mention of religion, there is a religion-safe and an astrology thread in the chatter box.