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Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6)[Complete] - Printable Version

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RE: Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6) - Mystic Pymp - 11-30-2014

Now it's time to light your lightsaber conquer the galaxy! The force awakens!

RE: Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6) - gelimang - 11-30-2014

Cool, see ya in your new WM thread then Darth Xedonias...
Together, we can conquer the women.. :v

RE: Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6) - Ace - 11-30-2014

I'll be keeping an eye on your WM journal.

RE: Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6)[Complete] - Leo1990 - 12-04-2014

Hey DarthXedonias. Are you taking applications for apprentices? lol

I gotta ask some things of you. It has changed you.

-How do women act around you, how do they look at you? How do regular men act around you. How do other "Alpha" or "acting Alpha" men act around you? Now that you act a 180 on who you used to be. Now you filter women instead of them filtering you. Are they more attracted since YOU are the "catch" ? Do you find yourself taking action more? (I seem to have a lacking for getting things done- at work and at home)

How do you act when somebody else tries to boss you around?

Hows your posture- do you feel like you have a bounce in your step- body language.


Thanks for any info- just trying to get more details Smile


RE: Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6)[Complete] - DarthXedonias - 12-04-2014

Hello Leo, I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability.

How do women act around you, how do they look at you?- They seem to act more warm around me and try to talk to me more often. Before I gave off this more timid vibe that discouraged people from trying to talk to me. Now they try to do so more often though I'm more of strong silent type guy now.

How do regular men act around you. How do other "Alpha" or "acting Alpha" men act around you?- Regular men act more respectful towards me or try to be my friend pretty much. As for Alpha men, quite honestly after going through AM6 I've yet to meet any "real" alpha men in my area. I practically live in San Francisco which in my opinion seems to be the land of Beta men and where Men are suppose to be more "in touch" with their feelings and sensitive. Any man that I have ran into who isn't a beta has been a jerk, which if you read the book that Shannon recommends to read while doing AM6 you will find out that a jerk and a Alpha are not the same thing.

Now you filter women instead of them filtering you. Are they more attracted since YOU are the "catch" ?- I have noticed more attention in general but for attraction I would say I have noticed it from a certain type of women. Namely women that have insecurities. I feel the reason why is that they sense that you have what they lack (Self validation, Self confidence, Self worth, peace, etc) and they think by being with you they will obtain it or that you will be their kinda of "pillar of Strength" since they lack it themselves. I also feel like it has to do with the women's upbringing as well. I remember reading articles about how people generally pick partner's that a similar to their father or mother. For example, they found that Women who's father was either emotionally distant or not around would pick partner's that were emotionally distant most of the time. I would read up on it if your interested. AM6 produces the Strong silent type of men which some women go for but not that many in my opinion. If you want to appeal to a broader amount of women your better off with doing WM (Social and attractive) or SM (Sexually attractive) after your run through of AM6.

Do you find yourself taking action more?- On minor things I still procrastinate but on big stuff that I know needs to be done I have no problem now doing them

How do you act when somebody else tries to boss you around?- Depends. If they are my actual boss they I might take it but if its just done out of disrespect with no real goal in mind I will put that person on ignore permanently for the most part. For example, during Stage four one of my Female manager's thought she could put me down just because she was feeling stressed. I quit that job that day. You disrespect me, prepare to either get disrespected in return or have me ignore you. I have little time for BS these days.

Hows your posture- do you feel like you have a bounce in your step- body language.- I find that I walk straight and with my head held high now. If i try looking down or slouching these days I feel uncomfortable.

RE: Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6)[Complete] - Leo1990 - 12-04-2014

Wow thanks for the answers!!

Did you have any vices before you started? Have you stopped?

I admit- a year or two ago you could find me reading anything on women. Specifically PUA but more of the "natural" kind and not the pickup-lines, canned openers, negs etc.

Have you read anything of that since you finished? My favorite author was Vin Di Carlo specifically his book The Attraction Code. He would talk alot about how he referred to women- pickup etc. like The Matrix. You see everything differently, especially how people operate and respond.

Have you read any books (not necessarily the one I listed), or ones on becoming an Alpha Male?
Im thinking of reading "How to become an Alpha Male" when I start.

Thanks for the answers DarthXedonias,

may the dark-side make you unstoppable- slay any in your path!:angel:

Oh crazy question.... have your tastes in music changed?

RE: Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6)[Complete] - DarthXedonias - 12-05-2014

Leo- Glad I was able to shed some light with my answers. As for your other questions:

Did you have any vices before you started? Have you stopped?- Oh looking back before AM6 I realized I was quite the Beta male so I had plenty of Vices. Since completing AM6, i'm now on WM, all those beta traits are gone and I can't stand anything that has those traits (TV shows, Movies, even people). Also, I mentioned in earlier posts that I use to be a INTP. One thing I didn't expect AM6 to do was change my personality type but it did. I went from INTP to INTJ. I became more Decisive, controlled, good at finishing, quick at tasks, responsible, a planner, I think more sequentially instead of random, and I like closure in things now. I still have problems with Procrastination but it isn't as bad as it use to be.

Have you read anything of that since you finished?- I haven't read anything PUA since I've finished but I did read/Watch some stuff during certain stages of AM6. In stage 1 I did read the recommended book, "How to become a Alpha male", and I believe some time during Stage 2 I watched some of Justin Wayne's videos on youtube. I didn't watch the videos for tips or anything. I watched them to see some of his stories from his dating adventures. My whole thinking was, " well, i'm going to have a bunch of women, from doing WM and SM, so I might as well see how this lifestyle is like". I also had the same mindset when I read things on the Roosh v forums. Other that stuff in the early stages I didn't really read anything else.

Have you read any books (not necessarily the one I listed), or ones on becoming an Alpha Male?- Besides what I mentioned above in the earlier stages, I haven't read much. I think there were 2 reasons why I stopped in later stages: (1)I just believed later on that the AM6 and the other 2 subs would make me a natural anyway, and (2) I believed the best bet was to do a AYP sub later on because most of the women I saw around me didn't do anything for me. On that last point, I felt like my change in taste in women had a major impact. I've said in other post on how I like more submissive women now and when I mean submissive, I mean very submissive. Its gotten to the point of where I wonder if I want to run the "submissive lover" AYP at one point lol. With that said, the problem has been that I've seen no women like that in my area. It seems like most of the women I run into either have been around so many Beta men that they've gotten use to treating men like crap or they've had it so ingrained in them that acting submissive in anyway toward a man is considered being weak.

Have your tastes in music changed?- Funny that you should ask this and I have forgotten to mention this anywhere else in my journal. They actually did. For me, what music I listen to reflects what my current mood is. I pretty much like every genre for the most part, so no changed there. But the content has. I find myself often listening to music that reflects my high self confidence and self esteem now a days. I listen to a lot of movie score music now that makes me feel epic (been listening lately to Final frontier from the movie interstellar and "Blood and stone" from audiomachine) and some occasional rap/hip hop songs that are more tasteful (a big one that comes to mind is the song Ballin' by Logic). One song in particular that I keep coming back to is "Doom's day" by Asis Galvin on youtube. He made a remake of the Dr.Doom song from the Video game Marvel super heroes that I feel just great listening too.

RE: Rise of a Sith Lord (AM6)[Complete] - Dubls - 03-13-2015

(10-23-2014, 12:23 AM)DarthXedonias Wrote: The only problem, that i keep reminding myself of, is that essentially SM3 is about getting sex, sex, and more sex. I might have been interested in that type of living before AM6 but now I feel like it just wouldn't add anything meaningful to my life. I mean banging one chick after the other doesn't add to my self-esteem, self-reliance, self-confidence or any other part of my self development (The things that really matter imo). And "Yet" I keep coming back to the fact that even though SM3 has sex as the destination, it has lots of self development along the way. Knowing this makes my decision so difficult >.<

I would argue that the ability to lay attractive women can be an incredible marker for self-development.

It takes what AM develops and SM expands upon—confidence, self-esteem, little to no guilt, fear, and shame—to have that kind of success with women. So if you're bedding bad b*tches [couldn't resist alliteration], it is likely that you possess manly qualities.

It's no secret that I want to get my sex life into gear, but I've noticed how the quality of my life has improved with more confidence and less shame. Like you, I'm very much interested in the continued self-development (i.e. even more OGFS) that SM3 has to offer.