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Jumping Into Subliminals - For the Cause - Printable Version

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Jumping Into Subliminals - For the Cause - ArmarageX - 10-21-2024

I found references to on some other sites - and landed here...

Honestly I have no idea what these are at first. I got drawn into by the hotchick on the cover of X4A-1511 - and the expensive price tag. Im like - what the hell is this.?!

Plus - X4A-1511 just has the coolest name - i dont even know what it is - sounds like the most advance drug even
and i guess when you slap on a $400 price tag - must be something good? 

Did some quick research on Youtube - which showed some binuaral beats - and spoken affirmations - so i thought that was this perhaps.
Trying to learn more about what these are - website doesnt say anything much - free samples are gone - and creator likes to keep it top secret.

As i read more - Im just further drawn into the fact that - the creator takes ages to craft one of these. 
As a person pursuing personal development - be it more course or woohoo things - i guess we do whatever it takes.

Heck - i even just finished coming from learning Tarot reading to forsee my future - and crystals / gem therapy / indian astrology etc (those years have passed - and i have over the years... acquired a solid collection  of crystals + became an adept tarot reader)

For the pursuit of knowledge and growth and most importantly .... hacks.... i need life hacks.
Ive been staring / contemplating on subscribing to X4A-1511 for the longest time (damn that cover). 

But ultimately - i needed to maintain my discipline - and it hurts to have to give up the beautiful X4A - and subscribe instead... to Ultra Success 5.11G

(ALSO - it would be great if people start using full names - that would be great .... everytime ppl on forum starting using abbreviated terms like ARSB  SAGB. SDFS. HSDB, XXXX, DIRKA DIRKA
I need to open a new tab and looking things up..... in which i eventually dont - so i eventually just keep continue reading the forums, no idea what programs they are referring to.

ANYWAYS - to my surprise - i have subscribed / bought an audio file - where im listening to a really high pitch (think Dog Whistle, something that you cant hear) for 1hr
(Im trying to paint a picture for anyone new reading about - on what these Subliminals are)

Although i mean no disrespect, and i dont mean to down play it - as i respect that there is definitely something deeper and advanced to these sounds, based on all that ive read...
knowing that its been a life long craft from the creator, and takes years to craft and upgrade.

Its a guy thing - that it would be great to get a technical explanation of the craft and complexity, and principles applied behind the scenes. 
Us guys like to hear Specs! Really intrigued to learn the process of why it takes long to make, and how is it crafted, and be educated in its beautiful craftsmanship.

Unfortunately, it would seem to remain a well guarded secret for now.... 

Anyway - as the title says - for the cause of personal development - i jumped in blind and subscribed to - a thing that i have literally no idea what im getting... once i pay the money.
Putting faith into the creator and his many years of fine tuning and iterations, and meticulate design..

Woulda loved to get some sexy time with X4A, but may Ultra Success lead me to the promised lands..
I shall... commence listening to this high pitch sound for the coming months.

Would LOVE to learn more about the art of these subliminals - if the creator can consider sharing with us, that would be awesome.
Even just old school 3g 4g stuff - how those work.?! 

Anyways - Excited to part of such a niche secret group Smile