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EP's DMSI Journal - EvolvingPhoenix - 10-08-2024

So I just switched to DMSI. It's been about a week or two off of UMS, which I was using with less and less frequency. 

Not sure how long it'll take to notice results from this program, but I do think I'm feeling something because I feel energy building up in a wierd way. Could be psychological though. Not masturbating today either. If I'm using this program, I'm doing NoFap. That could also be the result of how I'm feeling right now, because there's always that energetic buildup when you stop jacking it. Shouldn't be feeling like this only less than a day into NoFap though, so I'm guessing it's at least partially either psychological and/or the program itself. 

Gonna stop buying that legal Delta-8 THCP gummy stuff as well. I wouldn't mind saving the money and I want this program to work. When I visit friends and family in Florida in a month, it will be curious to see if all the hot college girls in the area near my house respond. Also, I'll be going to a lesbian wedding in NYC in 10 days. I don't expect the program to have any affect at the wedding, nor for the women there to be attractive, but it's in NYC, so it will be cool to see how women in NYC respond. Out here in Utah, the pickins are slim but that's alright. There was a hot barista with a nice ass at the Starbucks attached to the grocery store I work at, but I think she left cuz I haven't seen her in a while. Still, I guess we'll see if this program works here in Ogden. You know, in the rare event a physically attractive woman is spotted out in the wild and she's not taken LOL.

RE: EP's DMSI Journal - EvolvingPhoenix - 10-08-2024

It is NOT psychological. The energy flooding DEFINITELY works.

Also, I read the instructions and they said if you feel the need to listen to it again, do it, so I did. I'm listening to it again right now.

RE: EP's DMSI Journal - EvolvingPhoenix - 10-09-2024

So here's some things I've been noticing lately:

The energy flooding is working, and it seems on one hand that I'm able to just build desire without needing to release it and touch myself. At the same time all this energy buildup is also making my anger rise, because I guess it was always there and with the energy getting pent up without releasing it through fapping it's just more intense. I don't lash out or anything, it's just that when I focus on something that makes me very angry my energy becomes intense, but I can still hide it when I'm at work or whatever.

In periods of intensity, either anger or desire rises, but either way my energy is increasingly becoming more intense. I do find myself wanting to listen to the subliminal again in these moments, but I'm hesitant to do so because I'm not sure if it's just the AutoConfig or frustration from the pent up energy building up. So I'm hesitant to act on it in those moments.

RE: EP's DMSI Journal - EvolvingPhoenix - 10-11-2024

Something I've noticed is that while I've always had a chip on my shoulder, I just keep getting in an angrier and angrier mood. I don't show it. I manage to act calm and friendly on the outside. But the anger just keeps building up. Dunno why.

That aside, I notice changes to myself, but no hits. I do feel bolder and more confident though.

RE: EP's DMSI Journal - Shannon - 10-13-2024

That anger is something that needs to be resolved before you are likely to see hits. It is likely some part of you getting angry that the program is gaining ground and making the changes that it is. It will, naturally, be a part of you that is fighting the changes if that is the case.

RE: EP's DMSI Journal - EvolvingPhoenix - 10-14-2024

Okay, that checks out.

Any advice on how to clear it?

So far, my only idea is to stay away from anything that would trigger it, like videos about... obviously divisive subject matters.