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Samba Maverick - samba99 - 08-26-2024

I want to journal, I really do, I just never stick to it. Some motivation is that this forum have literally no active maverick journal. So, heck I might start one.

Maverick is the the most expensive sub I paid, and I still have zero idea what it does, but heck why not.
I have run maverick for almost 8 month during release time, then I went to DMSI then went to competitor sub, and here I am back.
Why I am back to Maverick? Simply put, I am tired, I am tired and sick to pretend to be something the society expects me to be, I want to be naked, fully naked, I want to be myself, and full relaxed authentic self that I am when I am alone, why cant I be that perfect self with others? 
It seems like I have built all sort of walls when I am around people, I know know the nagging voice you have “you shouldnt be running maverick” 
Well guess what? I already paid for it, might as well have a second run.
I am not going to expect anything from Maverick nor from any future sub, I will set up semi automated run, and forget about. 
Another warning is that I will be married in 2 months. Yes I and will be using maverick.
The real reason why I feel I deserve a dose of maverick is that I feel I am stuck in my thinking and mindset, it seems I am more rational than anyone around me, yet I am stuck to achieve freedom of finance, freedom of time, freedom of expectations, freedom of acting. 

I just want act the way I want 100% of time all the time, period.

I still didnt start my 2hrs run, which btw I think its over kill. But oh well. 
I want to he washed with relaxation and independence of thought, and freedom, and peace of soul. 
Let the journey begin.


RE: Samba Maverick - Frosted - 08-26-2024

I resonate deeply with that same desire to be myself fully as well. If Maverick weren’t so expensive and 6G right on the horizon I would consider running Maverick in the near future as well. Good luck on the beautiful journey you’re on!

RE: Samba Maverick - Shannon - 08-26-2024

You ran Maverick for 8 months and don't know what it does?

RE: Samba Maverick - Duke.Togo - 08-26-2024

Don't run Maverick for 2 hours. I would say 30 minutes twice a week is good enough for Maverick. More than that is overkill.

Also, while you're running Maverick, as these feelings come up about authenticity, ask yourself a few of the following questions. Pick something you want to achieve, nothing super specific, but more general, such as living your greatest life or finding your true purpose, or something else. Figure out one thing you really want. Once you figure that one thing out, journal on what that one thing means for you, what your life will be like, how you expect things to unfold. Again, don't make it stupidly specific because you might be holding yourself back by trying to control a narrative that isn't practical or less than ideal.

If there is someone who already has the thing you want, ask yourself this, why not me, why not now? It's something I do myself when it comes to picking a goal and then working through that. Maverick will start to shine for you once it has a goal that you want to achieve.

You have to remember, the subs are instructions and none of these go against your own free will. If you're not executing a sub, any sub, it's because you choose not to execute it, but most times also, it's because you haven't defined what you want. With Maverick, it looks to expound on your full potential, but how that unfolds is different for everyone. A goal is a good way to focus the sub and yourself and working through this exercise will help you achieve what you want. Once you have, rinse and repeat the process with another goal until you achieve that.

RE: Samba Maverick - AbundanceCH - 08-27-2024

Looking forward to your updates. I have spoken with several people privately about Maverick to see if I should buy it or not. From my conversations and from everything I read in the forums the results have been mixed. Maybe it does require multiple run throughs to get results for some which is why i'm looking forward to your updates. I wish Shannon did change his mind about updating it as he said he won't update it to 6g.

RE: Samba Maverick - samba99 - 08-31-2024

(08-26-2024, 01:42 PM)Shannon Wrote: You ran Maverick for 8 months and don't know what it does?

That is true, howver, I do not mean that in entirely negative way, as I have experienced some very postive things on my previous run with Maverick. To elaborate more, when I say I dont know what it does, meaning I could not pin point exactly whats the real goal of Maverick and what the goal actually means to me and my perception. Duke posts helped alot, because at the start it seems things are being elimnated or striped away from mylife or my personlaity  (healing? clearing?) then things start to evolve. So what was exactly happening was not clear. In addition to this, my bahviour of trying to force the sub or my daily expectations of the sub caused greatly in not allowing the sub to do its things.

In this run I am more chilled, its almost as set and forget of 20 min run every 3-4 days as instructed. I am more grounded and more focused on myself and my goals rather than ''whats the sub is doing''

It will be a challenge to keep a journal here, I am feeling more private as days pass on.

RE: Samba Maverick - samba99 - 08-31-2024

(08-26-2024, 06:39 PM)Duke.Togo Wrote: Don't run Maverick for 2 hours.  I would say 30 minutes twice a week is good enough for Maverick.  More than that is overkill. 

Also, while you're running Maverick, as these feelings come up about authenticity, ask yourself a few of the following questions.  Pick something you want to achieve, nothing super specific, but more general, such as living your greatest life or finding your true purpose, or something else.  Figure out one thing you really want.  Once you figure that one thing out, journal on what that one thing means for you, what your life will be like, how you expect things to unfold.  Again, don't make it stupidly specific because you might be holding yourself back by trying to control a narrative that isn't practical or less than ideal.

If there is someone who already has the thing you want, ask yourself this, why not me, why not now?  It's something I do myself when it comes to picking a goal and then working through that.  Maverick will start to shine for you once it has a goal that you want to achieve. 

You have to remember, the subs are instructions and none of these go against your own free will.  If you're not executing a sub, any sub, it's because you choose not to execute it, but most times also, it's because you haven't defined what you want.  With Maverick, it looks to expound on your full potential, but how that unfolds is different for everyone.  A goal is a good way to focus the sub and yourself and working through this exercise will help you achieve what you want.  Once you have, rinse and repeat the process with another goal until you achieve that.

Duke, thank you for your help as always, you helped me greatly and I continue to use the exercises you suggusted to me. I have figured out what I want in the next 6 years, I am hoping to achieve or reach that point in less time, however I am fully okay with 6 years timeline, previously I was chasing this to hit it overnight, completely unrealistic. However I wouldnt be suprised if the timeline got reduced drastically as its very possible.

Upon acheiving this thing, it will set me free in term of my ability to control my daily 24 hrs of the day, it will give more more control over 90% of my time. which is what I want ultimately, it is a huge part of allowing myself to fully be myself. hence this goal is a prime focus right now. The goal it self is not something I am attached to, however its the flexiblity and  freedom it will generate as a by product.

RE: Samba Maverick - samba99 - 08-31-2024

at this point, I see myself elimnating certain habits from my life that have been a very long term habit in the past, thesee habits have cost me greatly and made me seek instant gratifications, it started gradually but I became addicted to them.

1- Coffee
2- Gaming and to be specific (league of legends)

Both of these habits are hate and love relation, if I do them correctly then it produces positive results but most of the time they are wasting my time and manuplating my reality. I have managed to get rid of coffee and replaced it with MACA roots, its been a game changer.

As for gaming, In this particular game, one must have the perfect attitude and awareness to progress, it always been part of my recipe to self imporvement, however, lately I have realized that whenever I am outside the house, I have these cravings to go back to my room, after careful observations I realized I have these feelings becuase I am craving the dopamine from this game. Even though I am not playing for hours each day, its really controlled, and its not affecting my major goals in life and the progress of my life, but still. Because of the dopamine I am recieving from the game, I am unable to enjoy normal things like movies and outings. Therefore I have deleted the game completly.

RE: Samba Maverick - samba99 - 09-11-2024

Currently sipping Gin with Tonic and writing this.

The past few days have been rather eye opening; I see myself losing interest in some things and building tractions in other things, more like I started to prioritize better, don’t get me wrong, I have been doing well for few years, but that’s in the eye of others, not according to my own standards.  Then what is my standard?
I started to see things for what they are rather than what I want them or wish them to be or how they appear to be, but straight to the point. Why are we waking up in the morning, then going to work, doing the things we have been told to do, spending money on things, and repeat the same cycle over and over. Is it our own choice to do so? If so, is it rational? What is rational?


I want to spend some time talking about work, because it is the most frustrating part that I don’t like in my current lifestyle.  Even though my job and current pay based on my years of experience/country/discipline is considered on higher top end, however I am sick to my gut waking up everyday going to work. Yes, I AM grateful for the job, yes, I am aware thousands of people will love to have my job, but that’s not what I want according to my own standards, for myself, for my own standards, I want to own the 24hrs I receive each day, own it completely. Meaning living the Maverick style to the fullest, without the need for a crutch.  Without the feel of postponing the “being present’ into some future that never arrives.

My job as an engineer seems like a dangerous trap that most young engineer graduates fall into and never realize until it’s too late. You get a position after graduating, and somehow, the company will sell you a vision that’s not really of your choosing, but after some time, they convince you, you then forget your own dreams, ambitions, desires and you start to follow the goals/visions of the said company, only years later to realize ‘’where did my life go?’’

Typical trap.

Anyways, of course I have seen all this coming way before graduating university, its not that I swallowed the red-pill now, but, recently, I became extremely aware of the situation. As I go to work every morning, I pay close attention to the people, my managers, and colleagues, they all appear very smart with high level of engineering skills, but there is something wrong, something odd, it looks like 98% of them didn’t really choose this path, or more accurately, they don’t want to be there but they don’t know that they don’t want to be there. I start to question everything, If I give my fullest to my work, realistically speaking, where does that take me? Is that really my goal? Yes, I understand everyone should work hard on their job, but is that rational? After all, life is like a jungle with its own rules. Which rule should I play? Do I even see the rules? Am I aware of the rules that I follow?

Every day, it hits stronger, and stronger, pushing me into creating the ultimate escape plan, I call it “Freedom”

‘’Freedom’’ is still in its early stage, but its developing and growing steadily.

RE: Samba Maverick - samba99 - 09-16-2024

I realized something, for the past 9 years I was so focused on becoming financially free that I forgot how to live, my focus was so deep that I even missed some of the greatest opportunities to become financially independent.

I realized it doesnt matter whether I am rich, free, busy, working, or anything else, it all dont matter.

What truly truly matters is how I feel, how I feel in the moment. Moment by moment, and guess what? Thinking about it, becoming aware about it, kinda gives me the choice, the ability to select how I want to feel, or at least influence my self to feel something, something good.

I realizes if I am not aware, not in the moment, drifting by, as the day pass, then my overall feelings is negative for that day. However as soon as I start to become aware, my state shift.

I realized that I have been doing so many things for the past few years just to “feel” from drinking coffee to drugs to sex, to money and so on and on, just to feel. But then, when I feel it, the feeling doesnt last. Surprisingly the root causes seems to be my inability to stay present.

Reality is the most magical thing ever there is if one can be present. Presence is so peaceful, there is almost no negative feelings at all when I am present, there is just peace.

This makes me think, how can I be present, and not taking my days for granted, not taking my health for granted, and just be thankful for the new day, the new morning that I keep on getting.

Is there a way to capture this presence from the start? Perhaps a morning walk? Or a morning journalling?

I like this.

RE: Samba Maverick - Benjamin - 09-19-2024

I think it's a challenging thing to balance.

Being present is great, enjoying what you're doing instead of just "I have to get to the next thing". Being there when you're out with friends or whatever it is.

But then only living for that without going towards your goals because some 'spiritual guru' told you that goals won't make you happy is just as bad. Not that i'm saying you're doing that but that's the balance that comes to mind.

But it's good you're thinking of ways to bring more of that presence. As it's very noticable to me about how crazy it is for example when I see a group of girls at the beach spending heaps of time just taking photos of each other and posing for some likes on facebook from people they don't really give a fuck about for a little bit of approval.. when they could be doing something revolutionary..

Enjoying the beach. Lol