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SD 5.11g - Printable Version

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SD 5.11g - Darwin - 06-30-2024

I bought and downloaded SD and gave a copy to my wife who will use it on her own time. We’re both self negating, giving all of our energy to kids, work, and in concern for each other which has left us both burnt out. I have been people pleasing at work for my whole career, which means I have so much energy devoted to staying on people’s good side that ironically it means I don’t perform as well. I know that when I have a better relationship with myself everything gets better on that front which is why I’m hoping SD gives me and my wife a more permanent foundation

So the goals for this process is to embed a permanently better attitude to self care, to drop overwork /workaholism as a way to approach, and to get the mental space and energy to actually plan our future and start working toward it.

RE: SD 5.11g - Have at ye - 06-30-2024

Good luck to you and your wife!

RE: SD 5.11g - Shannon - 06-30-2024

(06-30-2024, 10:33 AM)Darwin Wrote: I bought and downloaded SD and gave a copy to my wife who will use it on her own time. We’re both self negating, giving all of our energy to kids, work, and in concern for each other which has left us both burnt out. I have been people pleasing at work for my whole career, which means I have so much energy devoted to staying on people’s good side that ironically it means I don’t perform as well. I know that when I have a better relationship with myself everything gets better on that front which is why I’m hoping SD gives me and my wife a more permanent foundation.

As I said both of us have a self sacrificial approach to life. My partner puts every ounce of her energy into the kids and work, as do I, on top I have to look out for elderly parents. It just means that we’ve lost any sense of having a healthy good life - where we’re able to manage stress and proactively seek joy. Our version of a break is passing out late in the evening after we’ve ordered dinner!

So the goals for this process is to embed a permanently better attitude to self care, to drop overwork /workaholism as a way to approach, and to get the mental space and energy to actually plan our future and start working toward it. 

I want us to be able to work together to set goals, it’s not something she feels is possible because she is anxious about having more to take on, so we’re stuck. I want to see her value herself more and start taking care of herself, the same way I want to start taking care of myself. Ultimately we both just want to be happy and confident people that are good role models for our kids, rather than the overworked wage slaves surviving until the next two our break when the kids are in bed and we can just tragically watch Netflix!

So the first thing you did was to pirate it?  Or did you give the one you purchased to her and you no longer have it or intend to use it?  You can see how that would be concerning to me, and it would trigger AP scripting as well if you bought one copy and then made an illegal copy for your wife to use as she pleases, while you do the same, effectively using it as if you bought 2 copies, when you only bought one.  If you intend to use it and so does she, you each need to have purchased a copy for yourself.  Otherwise, you're pirating it and that's going to be an issue.

RE: SD 5.11g - Darwin - 06-30-2024

Hey Shannon, I have zero intention or need to pirate anything and would not intentionally break any rules. I’m confused, as in your journal I thought I’d read that it would be ok to give to a partner, and if they use it on their own time, then you are allowed use one purchase between two. If I have misunderstood, then that’s all it is. And I will pay what I owe. 

(06-30-2024, 11:16 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(06-30-2024, 10:33 AM)Darwin Wrote: I bought and downloaded SD and gave a copy to my wife who will use it on her own time. We’re both self negating, giving all of our energy to kids, work, and in concern for each other which has left us both burnt out. I have been people pleasing at work for my whole career, which means I have so much energy devoted to staying on people’s good side that ironically it means I don’t perform as well. I know that when I have a better relationship with myself everything gets better on that front which is why I’m hoping SD gives me and my wife a more permanent foundation.

As I said both of us have a self sacrificial approach to life. My partner puts every ounce of her energy into the kids and work, as do I, on top I have to look out for elderly parents. It just means that we’ve lost any sense of having a healthy good life - where we’re able to manage stress and proactively seek joy. Our version of a break is passing out late in the evening after we’ve ordered dinner!

So the goals for this process is to embed a permanently better attitude to self care, to drop overwork /workaholism as a way to approach, and to get the mental space and energy to actually plan our future and start working toward it. 

I want us to be able to work together to set goals, it’s not something she feels is possible because she is anxious about having more to take on, so we’re stuck. I want to see her value herself more and start taking care of herself, the same way I want to start taking care of myself. Ultimately we both just want to be happy and confident people that are good role models for our kids, rather than the overworked wage slaves surviving until the next two our break when the kids are in bed and we can just tragically watch Netflix!

So the first thing you did was to pirate it?  Or did you give the one you purchased to her and you no longer have it or intend to use it?  You can see how that would be concerning to me, and it would trigger AP scripting as well if you bought one copy and then made an illegal copy for your wife to use as she pleases, while you do the same, effectively using it as if you bought 2 copies, when you only bought one.  If you intend to use it and so does she, you each need to have purchased a copy for yourself.  Otherwise, you're pirating it and that's going to be an issue.

RE: SD 5.11g - Darwin - 06-30-2024

“Only the owner of that copy can play and use and have a copy of it without triggering the AP script.  If you buy a copy and then give a copy to your wife and kid to use on their own time, they now have unlimited possession and use of the program, so three people are getting unlimited use, but only one copy was paid for.”

This is what I saw- I took that it was implied this meant it was ok. But I see below no you have also written everyone has to have paid for copies. 

RE: SD 5.11g - Shannon - 06-30-2024

(06-30-2024, 11:29 AM)Darwin Wrote: Hey Shannon, I have zero intention or need to pirate anything and would not intentionally break any rules. I’m confused, as in your journal I thought I’d read that it would be ok to give to a partner, and if they use it on their own time, then you are allowed use one purchase between two. If I have misunderstood, then that’s all it is. And I will pay what I owe. 

(06-30-2024, 11:16 AM)Shannon Wrote: So the first thing you did was to pirate it?  Or did you give the one you purchased to her and you no longer have it or intend to use it?  You can see how that would be concerning to me, and it would trigger AP scripting as well if you bought one copy and then made an illegal copy for your wife to use as she pleases, while you do the same, effectively using it as if you bought 2 copies, when you only bought one.  If you intend to use it and so does she, you each need to have purchased a copy for yourself.  Otherwise, you're pirating it and that's going to be an issue.

I didn't think you were that type.  So let me explain again.

When you buy a copy of a program, you have the right to use that copy as you please, when you please, and have backups of it.

But you have paid for one copy, and that one copy can only be used by whomever owns it.  If you paid for it, you own it until and unless you give it away and delete all of the backups you made for yourself.  Only one person owns one copy if only one copy was paid for.

The privilege you get from buying it is not just having access to it, but the right to use it for achieving it's goals when you please.  

If you want someone else to benefit from it, then you have two options:
1. They buy it for themselves, and then they have the right to use it when they please.
2. You can use it for yourself, and allow them to be exposed to the audio.  In this case, you're using it within your fair use rights, and they're being exposed but they do not have their own copy or have the right to use it as they please or when they please. 

Only the owner of the purchased copy can have copies of it and only the owner of the purchased copy can use it.  Anyone else must either conform to the user's usage patterns or purchase a copy for themselves.

Make sense now?

You're paying for one copy and the right to use that copy and benefit from it as befits your ownership.  But anyone who doesn't own a copy has no right to have a copy or use it. 

So either your wife can listen while you use your copy (in which case, she needs to delete any and all copies she has in her possession) or you need to delete her copies and she buys a copy for herself and then uses her purchased copy.

Otherwise, both of you benefit and I only get paid once, while you're not using it according to fair use.

Hopefully that clears it up.

RE: SD 5.11g - Darwin - 06-30-2024

Thanks Shannon , makes sense, and glad the confusion is cleared.

RE: SD 5.11g - Yous - 07-01-2024

It is absolutly clear and evident that you understood other thing (you wouldnt post it here otherways). Difficult to think any other thing.
Hope  everything goes well with the new audio, hope it works for you, if not say it here anyway and don´t think it doesnt work because of you.

Good luck

RE: SD 5.11g - Shannon - 07-01-2024

I'd love to hear what your initial experiences with the program are.

RE: SD 5.11g - Darwin - 07-09-2024

I just started my second five-day run of SD

I’ve not noticed anything too pronounced in terms of results. Having some positive thoughts - mainly that I can and should have a vision for the future. Desire to be better with myself. Go to the gym, eat healthier.  I took myself to the gym for the first time in 6 months. I wanted to do this for days and it took days of wrestling with myself to go. After finishing the first round of SD round I fell into a very unhappy depression for a few days. This could be because I had time off work and I’m burnt out - but the thought I found hard to put down is that I’m not going anywhere in my life, and people far younger are far ahead of me.  This is unfortunately true, as things stand. So now I have to work up the motivation to do something about it. 

I noticed some friends wanting to speak to me more. Could be a coincidence. I also received a number of ‘commendations’ at work out of the blue. I tend not to get anything and then all of a sudden I had four recognitions for things I’d done. 

My experience so far of this sub is that it’s nice. Things are a bit calmer and I’m beginning to feel more human after a long period of overwork. I’ve signed up with a kind of PT class which will give me a nutrition plan and a regimen to follow. 

I have several goals over this next three months. One is to write a short book, another to formulate a commercial opportunity at my work. And another to get in much better shape. I also want to form a much healthier relation to work. At the moment I just feel overwhelmed because I feel mentally slow.

RE: SD 5.11g - StridingStrider - 07-14-2024

Have you noticed an increase in self confidence?

RE: SD 5.11g - Darwin - 08-08-2024

So I would really love to post a great review of my experience so far but it's been quite a mixed bag with the weight of experiences leaning toward the neutral/negative.

People reaching out: I've noticed some positive interactions with people. People reaching out unexpectedly to chat, people saying they've been thinking of me - which has been lovely.
Motivation to improve self esteem: I've had some change in thinking, notably that self belief is important - i've become slightly more aware of negative self talk and am a bit more motivated to change this.

I haven't had any notable increase in self esteem, reliance, or much else. Compared to Self esteem 5g/5.5g where, at least in the initial month, I had quite a change in outlook on life and it fed through to all areas. I expected I would become more resilient which hasn't really happen.

General decrease in motivation: I find myself deeply unmotivated to do anything.
Lack of energy: I'm generally tired a lot more - I don't seem to be able to move myself - I'm forcing myself to go to a physical trainer
Lack of focus: I'm much more distractable - possibly flowing from the lack of energy/motivation
Cognitive misfiring: I'm making mistakes all over the place, I'm not as able to articulate myself and I'm not able to function as well at work. For example I've had a simple slide deck to put together in the last week and I've done nothing, I also constantly get dates and appointments wrong.
Hopelessness: I'm feeling more like I don't have much of a future - I have ideas on what to do but not the energy or determination to do it.

This is all surprising - the previous incarnation, SE. worked a treat for a while before fizzling out, and when I was on it I would - for example - experience massive jumps in productivity, because I had less negative self talk.

I'm trying to give the sub the benefit of the doubt - hoping that this is just changing some of the undelying plumbing before the effects manifest - but I'm so tired and unproductive I'm just wondering if it's worth it - I don't want to lose my job if the sub is doing this to me.

Apols Shannon - I was hoping to come back with much more positive news. I still maintain that where your subs have worked for me they've given been life changing and have given me insight into so much that 'could be' a part of my life - it's just not happened for a while.

RE: SD 5.11g - 4Kingdoms - 08-08-2024

(08-08-2024, 04:07 AM)Darwin Wrote: Neutral
I haven't had any notable increase in self esteem, reliance, or much else. Compared to Self esteem 5g/5.5g where, at least in the initial month, I had quite a change in outlook on life and it fed through to all areas. I expected I would become more resilient which hasn't really happen.

Just out of curiosity??
Has anyone noticed any changes in you?

Sometimes we think nothing is happening,
then someone points out, 
"Something is different about you."
(Did you get a haircut? New clothes?)

RE: SD 5.11g - Shannon - 08-08-2024

(08-08-2024, 04:07 AM)Darwin Wrote: So I would really love to post a great review of my experience so far but it's been quite a mixed bag with the weight of experiences leaning toward the neutral/negative.

People reaching out: I've noticed some positive interactions with people. People reaching out unexpectedly to chat, people saying they've been thinking of me - which has been lovely.
Motivation to improve self esteem: I've had some change in thinking, notably that self belief is important - i've become slightly more aware of negative self talk and am a bit more motivated to change this.

I haven't had any notable increase in self esteem, reliance, or much else. Compared to Self esteem 5g/5.5g where, at least in the initial month, I had quite a change in outlook on life and it fed through to all areas. I expected I would become more resilient which hasn't really happen.

General decrease in motivation: I find myself deeply unmotivated to do anything.
Lack of energy: I'm generally tired a lot more - I don't seem to be able to move myself - I'm forcing myself to go to a physical trainer
Lack of focus: I'm much more distractable - possibly flowing from the lack of energy/motivation
Cognitive misfiring: I'm making mistakes all over the place, I'm not as able to articulate myself and I'm not able to function as well at work. For example I've had a simple slide deck to put together in the last week and I've done nothing, I also constantly get dates and appointments wrong.
Hopelessness: I'm feeling more like I don't have much of a future - I have ideas on what to do but not the energy or determination to do it.

This is all surprising - the previous incarnation, SE. worked a treat for a while before fizzling out, and when I was on it I would - for example - experience massive jumps in productivity, because I had less negative self talk.

I'm trying to give the sub the benefit of the doubt - hoping that this is just changing some of the undelying plumbing before the effects manifest - but I'm so tired and unproductive I'm just wondering if it's worth it - I don't want to lose my job if the sub is doing this to me.

Apols Shannon - I was hoping to come back with much more positive news. I still maintain that where your subs have worked for me they've given been life changing and have given me insight into so much that 'could be' a part of my life - it's just not happened for a while.

No apologies needed.  Honest feedback is what makes this all get better.

I'd like to point out that what you're describing is actually a form of resistance response, and what will happen if there is something you need to work through before achieving the program goals.  It's got to work through the things that were holding you where you were, and your negative results will be acting to counter the influence the program is having until that is worked through.

Just be patient.