RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - ncbeareatingman - 11-03-2020
For those running E4, these two books I'd like to recommend and if they resonate with you all. I think they'd be a great addition and very insightful,along the way for one's healing. BTW when E2 was out I used it for a good 9 if not 10 months straight. I swear to goodness this is at least a good 2 year run,game changer,life changer...but hey each man is different!!
Here are the links.... for even greater emotional awareness/setting boudaries/ground rules for living..all imperative!!
Title: The Anger Trap: Free Yourself from the Frustrations that Sabotage Your Life - Paperback
When Pleasing You Is Killing Me - Paperback
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 11-04-2020
(11-03-2020, 10:21 AM)fab10 Wrote: Quote:Almost 3 months now and the progress is slower or am I reaching the point when I have maxed out all the benefits I can get from this sub? I followed at least 3-6 months of this sub
If I recall correctly, this sub was supposed to be used in blocks of 3 months. If you feel you have got all you could out of it, it might be time to take a break at the 3 months mark and maybe do something else, rather than investing 3 more months in this one.
(11-03-2020, 02:47 PM)Benjamin Wrote: That doesn't mean you have to stop at 3 months, just that a minimum of 3 months is best.
So should I continue or go with another sub? I would like to try E4 but due to financial constraints, I'm pretty much stuck with E1 5g.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 11-04-2020
(11-03-2020, 03:17 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: For those running E4, these two books I'd like to recommend and if they resonate with you all. I think they'd be a great addition and very insightful,along the way for one's healing. BTW when E2 was out I used it for a good 9 if not 10 months straight. I swear to goodness this is at least a good 2 year run,game changer,life changer...but hey each man is different!!
Here are the links.... for even greater emotional awareness/setting boudaries/ground rules for living..all imperative!!
Title: The Anger Trap: Free Yourself from the Frustrations that Sabotage Your Life - Paperback
When Pleasing You Is Killing Me - Paperback
I'm still on E1 5g (the free sub) and I'm hoping I can get to E4 soon if ever I have spare cash but the corona economy just won't allow it. Anyhow even with the somehow just ok results I'll still try IML subs.
I'm currently doing meditation daily to avoid being emotional and of course angry.
I also can't afford much books at the moment but I'll check if I can get them for free as an ebook. Thanks for sharing.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 11-04-2020
As an update, just this late afternoon when I parked on the side of the road a person approached me and told me it the parking was reserved for someone else. I confronted him and told him if it is him and I kind of intimidated him with me being close to being angry. Good thing I managed to control it and it turns out the owner is the man whom I met so its ok.
It's good for me to stand up and question why I can't do this and can't do that but all in all I know can manage to be in the same situation and effect without losing my temper.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - Benjamin - 11-04-2020
(11-04-2020, 08:19 AM)reki Wrote: (11-03-2020, 10:21 AM)fab10 Wrote: Quote:Almost 3 months now and the progress is slower or am I reaching the point when I have maxed out all the benefits I can get from this sub? I followed at least 3-6 months of this sub
If I recall correctly, this sub was supposed to be used in blocks of 3 months. If you feel you have got all you could out of it, it might be time to take a break at the 3 months mark and maybe do something else, rather than investing 3 more months in this one.
(11-03-2020, 02:47 PM)Benjamin Wrote: That doesn't mean you have to stop at 3 months, just that a minimum of 3 months is best.
So should I continue or go with another sub? I would like to try E4 but due to financial constraints, I'm pretty much stuck with E1 5g.
I can't really answer that for you, but from what i've seen in your journal i'd continue. If you think that E4 is meant to be done for atleast 8 months, 3 months isn't really enough if you still need healing.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - fab10 - 11-04-2020
(11-04-2020, 02:53 PM)Benjamin Wrote: (11-04-2020, 08:19 AM)reki Wrote: (11-03-2020, 10:21 AM)fab10 Wrote: Quote:Almost 3 months now and the progress is slower or am I reaching the point when I have maxed out all the benefits I can get from this sub? I followed at least 3-6 months of this sub
If I recall correctly, this sub was supposed to be used in blocks of 3 months. If you feel you have got all you could out of it, it might be time to take a break at the 3 months mark and maybe do something else, rather than investing 3 more months in this one.
(11-03-2020, 02:47 PM)Benjamin Wrote: That doesn't mean you have to stop at 3 months, just that a minimum of 3 months is best.
So should I continue or go with another sub? I would like to try E4 but due to financial constraints, I'm pretty much stuck with E1 5g.
I can't really answer that for you, but from what i've seen in your journal i'd continue. If you think that E4 is meant to be done for atleast 8 months, 3 months isn't really enough if you still need healing.
The thread mentions E1 though, not E4... hence my recommendation but if you cannot afford another title right now you should keep going of course.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 11-07-2020
(11-04-2020, 02:53 PM)Benjamin Wrote: (11-04-2020, 08:19 AM)reki Wrote: (11-03-2020, 10:21 AM)fab10 Wrote: Quote:Almost 3 months now and the progress is slower or am I reaching the point when I have maxed out all the benefits I can get from this sub? I followed at least 3-6 months of this sub
If I recall correctly, this sub was supposed to be used in blocks of 3 months. If you feel you have got all you could out of it, it might be time to take a break at the 3 months mark and maybe do something else, rather than investing 3 more months in this one.
(11-03-2020, 02:47 PM)Benjamin Wrote: That doesn't mean you have to stop at 3 months, just that a minimum of 3 months is best.
So should I continue or go with another sub? I would like to try E4 but due to financial constraints, I'm pretty much stuck with E1 5g.
I can't really answer that for you, but from what i've seen in your journal i'd continue. If you think that E4 is meant to be done for atleast 8 months, 3 months isn't really enough if you still need healing.
It's indicated in the E1 guide that it's for 3-6 months. Do you recommend increasing the usage? I'm using it for 10 hours per day.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 11-08-2020
I made a bad business decision of plagiarizing some designs and people noticed it so I got bashed on social media. I know I effed up pretty badly. I deleted the post and apologize to the mishap but there are people out there wanting to file a lawsuit on me. Good thing I managed to control my emotions and just accepted my mistake. Probably a progress there?
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 01-06-2021
Almost 6 months on this sub already. I'll make a full review soon. Problem now is my sleep schedule
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 03-02-2021
6 months in with the E1 5g Sub. Never thought I'd be running this one for that long. Here is a review.
Emotional pain relief - I'm getting sick more and more recently and I can say most of them are triggered by my subconscious.
Physically my health is in better hands now. Still experiencing a bit of symptoms. Overall health physically has improved. This is to be expected and not as a result of the sub because I am on a healing regimen to cure my disease. Emotionally it improved as well. I'm exercising 3 times a week which helps.
Emotional healing - As much as I say it, I think I am still damaged by people ruining my trust towards them
My negative feelings towards my ex still remain but as they say, time heals all wounds and slowly I am starting to forgive her. This result probably not from the sub since I don't think it will be worse if I didn't listen to the sub every night.
Guilt/shame/fear release - there are times within the day that I blame myself for my failures and turn into negativity. I know they are all stemming from fear.
I'm pretty much busy within the day due to work and business so barely have time to think negatively of myself
Mental/emotional maturity improvement - I want to become well adjusted especially for my age. Anxiety and depression still visits me from time to time
I lost control of my anger a few times still. I still need work on this one.
Self forgiveness - This is not a straight road for me. I forgive myself then when something bad happens again, I get to say harsh words towards myself.
Probably improved in a way but there are days wherein fuck it I want to give up and kick the bucket.
Forgiveness of others - Same as above. I know it's better for me to forgive others who have wronged me. But when I am in a tough situation and remember them I feel like getting revenge and feeling I haven't moved on from what they have done. For instance I wished my ex girlfriend and her bf now all the best but when I am feeling down I want them to get negative karma to what they have done towards me.
Not much improvement here as well. Whenever someone has wronged me I still feel I need to get back and bring justice or revenge.
Letting go of the past - Pretty much same as above. Also the thing is, I have had success in the past during my late 20's. I have a great body, amazing social circle and friends but I have lost most of them. I don't anymore communicate with most of my friends and even when I try to reach out, they seem distant already. With my body I hope I can get back to working out frequently. Bad sleep habits and getting ill always turned me into looking like a cancer patient. I want to eat more but it's hard to when you don't have that much appetite. Eating healthy won't help much since they lack calories for me to gain weight.
I'm pretty much going back to the body I had but as such I push myself and been hurting my shoulders and lower back. I still feel attached to the past and I know it will be achieved.
Self Validation - in a way there's some good things in my life like I have a new girlfriend. We've been together for only a couple of months but sometimes I doubt whether she's for real so in turn I end up ignoring her or worse pushing her away. Probably because I still have trust issues due to what happened to me. In turn I realize it's more of what I think of myself. I want to become confident again and don't get much issues on what others think of me.
New girlfriend and I seems to be getting fine but trust issues still linger.
Self Love - sometimes it's hard to look at myself in the mirror. Lost all my muscle gains, got scars in my face due to an skin disease. I want to love myself again but this time without any reservations. To accept myself as it is and doesn't matter how I look like. I also need help in changing my natural state of mind. I've know about the Secret and techniques like meditation, visualizations, being grateful etc. but I haven't seem to go on a streak to do them. My natural state is usually still negative. Even though I dream of living a great life, I seem to take solace and imagine that in the future I won't get to have financial freedom, if I have my own family, something bad will happen to one of them. I feel like my life is a drama movie worthy of an Oscar and full of depressing dialogue.
Skin infection went away but scars still remain. Hope I can get rid of them in the future. Natural state has improved. Still barely doing any meditation, visualizations and being grateful. I feel unmotivated on most days and feeling fear of what the future might bring. I feel unprepared.
Additional notes:
I discuss before that I am addicted to porn and sadly I still am. Even more now.
The past few months is quite good. I say so because there are not much negative things that happened to me. It was Christmastime and were looking forward to reopening after this Corona plague. As such I will be in an improved situation. With the sub, I can say it is just mediocre. It probably helped but not to the point I can say that "WOAH! I've changed!" I saw that all of you are saying that I should get a new 5.75g E4 sub but with the results I've got it didn't quite convinced me to. I improved but I didn't think it is a major difference if I this sub isn't playing at night. I surpassed the 6 months playing time and I don't think playing it more will help. I think of becoming a free agent and try other subs instead of this and see but the other free subs don't interest me at all. This is probably not the sub I need as of the moment which is why I didn't get the results I wanted.
I would like to try the OF v2 5.75g, Life Tune Up v6.0 Six Stage Set or the new Ultimate Monetary Success 5.75g but money is tight as of the moment.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - THolt - 03-03-2021
(03-02-2021, 11:55 AM)reki Wrote: 6 months in with the E1 5g Sub. Never thought I'd be running this one for that long. Here is a review.
Emotional pain relief - I'm getting sick more and more recently and I can say most of them are triggered by my subconscious.
Physically my health is in better hands now. Still experiencing a bit of symptoms. Overall health physically has improved. This is to be expected and not as a result of the sub because I am on a healing regimen to cure my disease. Emotionally it improved as well. I'm exercising 3 times a week which helps.
Emotional healing - As much as I say it, I think I am still damaged by people ruining my trust towards them
My negative feelings towards my ex still remain but as they say, time heals all wounds and slowly I am starting to forgive her. This result probably not from the sub since I don't think it will be worse if I didn't listen to the sub every night.
Guilt/shame/fear release - there are times within the day that I blame myself for my failures and turn into negativity. I know they are all stemming from fear.
I'm pretty much busy within the day due to work and business so barely have time to think negatively of myself
Mental/emotional maturity improvement - I want to become well adjusted especially for my age. Anxiety and depression still visits me from time to time
I lost control of my anger a few times still. I still need work on this one.
Self forgiveness - This is not a straight road for me. I forgive myself then when something bad happens again, I get to say harsh words towards myself.
Probably improved in a way but there are days wherein fuck it I want to give up and kick the bucket.
Forgiveness of others - Same as above. I know it's better for me to forgive others who have wronged me. But when I am in a tough situation and remember them I feel like getting revenge and feeling I haven't moved on from what they have done. For instance I wished my ex girlfriend and her bf now all the best but when I am feeling down I want them to get negative karma to what they have done towards me.
Not much improvement here as well. Whenever someone has wronged me I still feel I need to get back and bring justice or revenge.
Letting go of the past - Pretty much same as above. Also the thing is, I have had success in the past during my late 20's. I have a great body, amazing social circle and friends but I have lost most of them. I don't anymore communicate with most of my friends and even when I try to reach out, they seem distant already. With my body I hope I can get back to working out frequently. Bad sleep habits and getting ill always turned me into looking like a cancer patient. I want to eat more but it's hard to when you don't have that much appetite. Eating healthy won't help much since they lack calories for me to gain weight.
I'm pretty much going back to the body I had but as such I push myself and been hurting my shoulders and lower back. I still feel attached to the past and I know it will be achieved.
Self Validation - in a way there's some good things in my life like I have a new girlfriend. We've been together for only a couple of months but sometimes I doubt whether she's for real so in turn I end up ignoring her or worse pushing her away. Probably because I still have trust issues due to what happened to me. In turn I realize it's more of what I think of myself. I want to become confident again and don't get much issues on what others think of me.
New girlfriend and I seems to be getting fine but trust issues still linger.
Self Love - sometimes it's hard to look at myself in the mirror. Lost all my muscle gains, got scars in my face due to an skin disease. I want to love myself again but this time without any reservations. To accept myself as it is and doesn't matter how I look like. I also need help in changing my natural state of mind. I've know about the Secret and techniques like meditation, visualizations, being grateful etc. but I haven't seem to go on a streak to do them. My natural state is usually still negative. Even though I dream of living a great life, I seem to take solace and imagine that in the future I won't get to have financial freedom, if I have my own family, something bad will happen to one of them. I feel like my life is a drama movie worthy of an Oscar and full of depressing dialogue.
Skin infection went away but scars still remain. Hope I can get rid of them in the future. Natural state has improved. Still barely doing any meditation, visualizations and being grateful. I feel unmotivated on most days and feeling fear of what the future might bring. I feel unprepared.
Additional notes:
I discuss before that I am addicted to porn and sadly I still am. Even more now.
The past few months is quite good. I say so because there are not much negative things that happened to me. It was Christmastime and were looking forward to reopening after this Corona plague. As such I will be in an improved situation. With the sub, I can say it is just mediocre. It probably helped but not to the point I can say that "WOAH! I've changed!" I saw that all of you are saying that I should get a new 5.75g E4 sub but with the results I've got it didn't quite convinced me to. I improved but I didn't think it is a major difference if I this sub isn't playing at night. I surpassed the 6 months playing time and I don't think playing it more will help. I think of becoming a free agent and try other subs instead of this and see but the other free subs don't interest me at all. This is probably not the sub I need as of the moment which is why I didn't get the results I wanted.
I would like to try the OF v2 5.75g, Life Tune Up v6.0 Six Stage Set or the new Ultimate Monetary Success 5.75g but money is tight as of the moment.
I am running E4 now (6 months in) and I can say the program has helped me. It forced me to confront some unpleasant emotions as well as notice when others are trying to manipulate me. I plan on running OF V2 next in June
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 03-04-2021
(03-03-2021, 11:58 AM)THolt Wrote: (03-02-2021, 11:55 AM)reki Wrote: 6 months in with the E1 5g Sub. Never thought I'd be running this one for that long. Here is a review.
Emotional pain relief - I'm getting sick more and more recently and I can say most of them are triggered by my subconscious.
Physically my health is in better hands now. Still experiencing a bit of symptoms. Overall health physically has improved. This is to be expected and not as a result of the sub because I am on a healing regimen to cure my disease. Emotionally it improved as well. I'm exercising 3 times a week which helps.
Emotional healing - As much as I say it, I think I am still damaged by people ruining my trust towards them
My negative feelings towards my ex still remain but as they say, time heals all wounds and slowly I am starting to forgive her. This result probably not from the sub since I don't think it will be worse if I didn't listen to the sub every night.
Guilt/shame/fear release - there are times within the day that I blame myself for my failures and turn into negativity. I know they are all stemming from fear.
I'm pretty much busy within the day due to work and business so barely have time to think negatively of myself
Mental/emotional maturity improvement - I want to become well adjusted especially for my age. Anxiety and depression still visits me from time to time
I lost control of my anger a few times still. I still need work on this one.
Self forgiveness - This is not a straight road for me. I forgive myself then when something bad happens again, I get to say harsh words towards myself.
Probably improved in a way but there are days wherein fuck it I want to give up and kick the bucket.
Forgiveness of others - Same as above. I know it's better for me to forgive others who have wronged me. But when I am in a tough situation and remember them I feel like getting revenge and feeling I haven't moved on from what they have done. For instance I wished my ex girlfriend and her bf now all the best but when I am feeling down I want them to get negative karma to what they have done towards me.
Not much improvement here as well. Whenever someone has wronged me I still feel I need to get back and bring justice or revenge.
Letting go of the past - Pretty much same as above. Also the thing is, I have had success in the past during my late 20's. I have a great body, amazing social circle and friends but I have lost most of them. I don't anymore communicate with most of my friends and even when I try to reach out, they seem distant already. With my body I hope I can get back to working out frequently. Bad sleep habits and getting ill always turned me into looking like a cancer patient. I want to eat more but it's hard to when you don't have that much appetite. Eating healthy won't help much since they lack calories for me to gain weight.
I'm pretty much going back to the body I had but as such I push myself and been hurting my shoulders and lower back. I still feel attached to the past and I know it will be achieved.
Self Validation - in a way there's some good things in my life like I have a new girlfriend. We've been together for only a couple of months but sometimes I doubt whether she's for real so in turn I end up ignoring her or worse pushing her away. Probably because I still have trust issues due to what happened to me. In turn I realize it's more of what I think of myself. I want to become confident again and don't get much issues on what others think of me.
New girlfriend and I seems to be getting fine but trust issues still linger.
Self Love - sometimes it's hard to look at myself in the mirror. Lost all my muscle gains, got scars in my face due to an skin disease. I want to love myself again but this time without any reservations. To accept myself as it is and doesn't matter how I look like. I also need help in changing my natural state of mind. I've know about the Secret and techniques like meditation, visualizations, being grateful etc. but I haven't seem to go on a streak to do them. My natural state is usually still negative. Even though I dream of living a great life, I seem to take solace and imagine that in the future I won't get to have financial freedom, if I have my own family, something bad will happen to one of them. I feel like my life is a drama movie worthy of an Oscar and full of depressing dialogue.
Skin infection went away but scars still remain. Hope I can get rid of them in the future. Natural state has improved. Still barely doing any meditation, visualizations and being grateful. I feel unmotivated on most days and feeling fear of what the future might bring. I feel unprepared.
Additional notes:
I discuss before that I am addicted to porn and sadly I still am. Even more now.
The past few months is quite good. I say so because there are not much negative things that happened to me. It was Christmastime and were looking forward to reopening after this Corona plague. As such I will be in an improved situation. With the sub, I can say it is just mediocre. It probably helped but not to the point I can say that "WOAH! I've changed!" I saw that all of you are saying that I should get a new 5.75g E4 sub but with the results I've got it didn't quite convinced me to. I improved but I didn't think it is a major difference if I this sub isn't playing at night. I surpassed the 6 months playing time and I don't think playing it more will help. I think of becoming a free agent and try other subs instead of this and see but the other free subs don't interest me at all. This is probably not the sub I need as of the moment which is why I didn't get the results I wanted.
I would like to try the OF v2 5.75g, Life Tune Up v6.0 Six Stage Set or the new Ultimate Monetary Success 5.75g but money is tight as of the moment.
I am running E4 now (6 months in) and I can say the program has helped me. It forced me to confront some unpleasant emotions as well as notice when others are trying to manipulate me. I plan on running OF V2 next in June
My EPHRA 5g experience is quite mediocre so I am not pleased enough to buy the E4 version. If it's for free then I might try it.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - RTBoss - 03-04-2021
(03-04-2021, 01:37 AM)reki Wrote: (03-03-2021, 11:58 AM)THolt Wrote: (03-02-2021, 11:55 AM)reki Wrote: 6 months in with the E1 5g Sub. Never thought I'd be running this one for that long. Here is a review.
Emotional pain relief - I'm getting sick more and more recently and I can say most of them are triggered by my subconscious.
Physically my health is in better hands now. Still experiencing a bit of symptoms. Overall health physically has improved. This is to be expected and not as a result of the sub because I am on a healing regimen to cure my disease. Emotionally it improved as well. I'm exercising 3 times a week which helps.
Emotional healing - As much as I say it, I think I am still damaged by people ruining my trust towards them
My negative feelings towards my ex still remain but as they say, time heals all wounds and slowly I am starting to forgive her. This result probably not from the sub since I don't think it will be worse if I didn't listen to the sub every night.
Guilt/shame/fear release - there are times within the day that I blame myself for my failures and turn into negativity. I know they are all stemming from fear.
I'm pretty much busy within the day due to work and business so barely have time to think negatively of myself
Mental/emotional maturity improvement - I want to become well adjusted especially for my age. Anxiety and depression still visits me from time to time
I lost control of my anger a few times still. I still need work on this one.
Self forgiveness - This is not a straight road for me. I forgive myself then when something bad happens again, I get to say harsh words towards myself.
Probably improved in a way but there are days wherein fuck it I want to give up and kick the bucket.
Forgiveness of others - Same as above. I know it's better for me to forgive others who have wronged me. But when I am in a tough situation and remember them I feel like getting revenge and feeling I haven't moved on from what they have done. For instance I wished my ex girlfriend and her bf now all the best but when I am feeling down I want them to get negative karma to what they have done towards me.
Not much improvement here as well. Whenever someone has wronged me I still feel I need to get back and bring justice or revenge.
Letting go of the past - Pretty much same as above. Also the thing is, I have had success in the past during my late 20's. I have a great body, amazing social circle and friends but I have lost most of them. I don't anymore communicate with most of my friends and even when I try to reach out, they seem distant already. With my body I hope I can get back to working out frequently. Bad sleep habits and getting ill always turned me into looking like a cancer patient. I want to eat more but it's hard to when you don't have that much appetite. Eating healthy won't help much since they lack calories for me to gain weight.
I'm pretty much going back to the body I had but as such I push myself and been hurting my shoulders and lower back. I still feel attached to the past and I know it will be achieved.
Self Validation - in a way there's some good things in my life like I have a new girlfriend. We've been together for only a couple of months but sometimes I doubt whether she's for real so in turn I end up ignoring her or worse pushing her away. Probably because I still have trust issues due to what happened to me. In turn I realize it's more of what I think of myself. I want to become confident again and don't get much issues on what others think of me.
New girlfriend and I seems to be getting fine but trust issues still linger.
Self Love - sometimes it's hard to look at myself in the mirror. Lost all my muscle gains, got scars in my face due to an skin disease. I want to love myself again but this time without any reservations. To accept myself as it is and doesn't matter how I look like. I also need help in changing my natural state of mind. I've know about the Secret and techniques like meditation, visualizations, being grateful etc. but I haven't seem to go on a streak to do them. My natural state is usually still negative. Even though I dream of living a great life, I seem to take solace and imagine that in the future I won't get to have financial freedom, if I have my own family, something bad will happen to one of them. I feel like my life is a drama movie worthy of an Oscar and full of depressing dialogue.
Skin infection went away but scars still remain. Hope I can get rid of them in the future. Natural state has improved. Still barely doing any meditation, visualizations and being grateful. I feel unmotivated on most days and feeling fear of what the future might bring. I feel unprepared.
Additional notes:
I discuss before that I am addicted to porn and sadly I still am. Even more now.
The past few months is quite good. I say so because there are not much negative things that happened to me. It was Christmastime and were looking forward to reopening after this Corona plague. As such I will be in an improved situation. With the sub, I can say it is just mediocre. It probably helped but not to the point I can say that "WOAH! I've changed!" I saw that all of you are saying that I should get a new 5.75g E4 sub but with the results I've got it didn't quite convinced me to. I improved but I didn't think it is a major difference if I this sub isn't playing at night. I surpassed the 6 months playing time and I don't think playing it more will help. I think of becoming a free agent and try other subs instead of this and see but the other free subs don't interest me at all. This is probably not the sub I need as of the moment which is why I didn't get the results I wanted.
I would like to try the OF v2 5.75g, Life Tune Up v6.0 Six Stage Set or the new Ultimate Monetary Success 5.75g but money is tight as of the moment.
I am running E4 now (6 months in) and I can say the program has helped me. It forced me to confront some unpleasant emotions as well as notice when others are trying to manipulate me. I plan on running OF V2 next in June
My EPHRA 5g experience is quite mediocre so I am not pleased enough to buy the E4 version. If it's for free then I might try it.
If you're a first responder, healthcare worker, military (not sure if it's military anywhere or just US military) - and can prove it - you can get a copy of E4 for free. Otherwise, pony up.
RE: Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 5G Journal - reki - 03-05-2021
(03-04-2021, 06:24 PM)RTBoss Wrote: (03-04-2021, 01:37 AM)reki Wrote: (03-03-2021, 11:58 AM)THolt Wrote: (03-02-2021, 11:55 AM)reki Wrote: 6 months in with the E1 5g Sub. Never thought I'd be running this one for that long. Here is a review.
Emotional pain relief - I'm getting sick more and more recently and I can say most of them are triggered by my subconscious.
Physically my health is in better hands now. Still experiencing a bit of symptoms. Overall health physically has improved. This is to be expected and not as a result of the sub because I am on a healing regimen to cure my disease. Emotionally it improved as well. I'm exercising 3 times a week which helps.
Emotional healing - As much as I say it, I think I am still damaged by people ruining my trust towards them
My negative feelings towards my ex still remain but as they say, time heals all wounds and slowly I am starting to forgive her. This result probably not from the sub since I don't think it will be worse if I didn't listen to the sub every night.
Guilt/shame/fear release - there are times within the day that I blame myself for my failures and turn into negativity. I know they are all stemming from fear.
I'm pretty much busy within the day due to work and business so barely have time to think negatively of myself
Mental/emotional maturity improvement - I want to become well adjusted especially for my age. Anxiety and depression still visits me from time to time
I lost control of my anger a few times still. I still need work on this one.
Self forgiveness - This is not a straight road for me. I forgive myself then when something bad happens again, I get to say harsh words towards myself.
Probably improved in a way but there are days wherein fuck it I want to give up and kick the bucket.
Forgiveness of others - Same as above. I know it's better for me to forgive others who have wronged me. But when I am in a tough situation and remember them I feel like getting revenge and feeling I haven't moved on from what they have done. For instance I wished my ex girlfriend and her bf now all the best but when I am feeling down I want them to get negative karma to what they have done towards me.
Not much improvement here as well. Whenever someone has wronged me I still feel I need to get back and bring justice or revenge.
Letting go of the past - Pretty much same as above. Also the thing is, I have had success in the past during my late 20's. I have a great body, amazing social circle and friends but I have lost most of them. I don't anymore communicate with most of my friends and even when I try to reach out, they seem distant already. With my body I hope I can get back to working out frequently. Bad sleep habits and getting ill always turned me into looking like a cancer patient. I want to eat more but it's hard to when you don't have that much appetite. Eating healthy won't help much since they lack calories for me to gain weight.
I'm pretty much going back to the body I had but as such I push myself and been hurting my shoulders and lower back. I still feel attached to the past and I know it will be achieved.
Self Validation - in a way there's some good things in my life like I have a new girlfriend. We've been together for only a couple of months but sometimes I doubt whether she's for real so in turn I end up ignoring her or worse pushing her away. Probably because I still have trust issues due to what happened to me. In turn I realize it's more of what I think of myself. I want to become confident again and don't get much issues on what others think of me.
New girlfriend and I seems to be getting fine but trust issues still linger.
Self Love - sometimes it's hard to look at myself in the mirror. Lost all my muscle gains, got scars in my face due to an skin disease. I want to love myself again but this time without any reservations. To accept myself as it is and doesn't matter how I look like. I also need help in changing my natural state of mind. I've know about the Secret and techniques like meditation, visualizations, being grateful etc. but I haven't seem to go on a streak to do them. My natural state is usually still negative. Even though I dream of living a great life, I seem to take solace and imagine that in the future I won't get to have financial freedom, if I have my own family, something bad will happen to one of them. I feel like my life is a drama movie worthy of an Oscar and full of depressing dialogue.
Skin infection went away but scars still remain. Hope I can get rid of them in the future. Natural state has improved. Still barely doing any meditation, visualizations and being grateful. I feel unmotivated on most days and feeling fear of what the future might bring. I feel unprepared.
Additional notes:
I discuss before that I am addicted to porn and sadly I still am. Even more now.
The past few months is quite good. I say so because there are not much negative things that happened to me. It was Christmastime and were looking forward to reopening after this Corona plague. As such I will be in an improved situation. With the sub, I can say it is just mediocre. It probably helped but not to the point I can say that "WOAH! I've changed!" I saw that all of you are saying that I should get a new 5.75g E4 sub but with the results I've got it didn't quite convinced me to. I improved but I didn't think it is a major difference if I this sub isn't playing at night. I surpassed the 6 months playing time and I don't think playing it more will help. I think of becoming a free agent and try other subs instead of this and see but the other free subs don't interest me at all. This is probably not the sub I need as of the moment which is why I didn't get the results I wanted.
I would like to try the OF v2 5.75g, Life Tune Up v6.0 Six Stage Set or the new Ultimate Monetary Success 5.75g but money is tight as of the moment.
I am running E4 now (6 months in) and I can say the program has helped me. It forced me to confront some unpleasant emotions as well as notice when others are trying to manipulate me. I plan on running OF V2 next in June
My EPHRA 5g experience is quite mediocre so I am not pleased enough to buy the E4 version. If it's for free then I might try it.
If you're a first responder, healthcare worker, military (not sure if it's military anywhere or just US military) - and can prove it - you can get a copy of E4 for free. Otherwise, pony up. 
Nah I'm not. I won't pony up for it since EPHRA 5g isn't that good for me. I'll just spend that money for the OF 5.75g or the upcoming sleep induction aid 5.75g