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Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6)(Ultra Success/Luck Magnifier)(DMSI) - Printable Version +- Subliminal Talk (https://subliminal-talk.com) +-- Forum: Men's Journals (18+ NSFW) (https://subliminal-talk.com/Forum-Men-s-Journals-18-NSFW) +--- Forum: Men's Journals (https://subliminal-talk.com/Forum-Men-s-Journals) +--- Thread: Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6)(Ultra Success/Luck Magnifier)(DMSI) (/Thread-Journey-of-the-Enlightened-Alpha-AM6-Ultra-Success-Luck-Magnifier-DMSI) |
Stage 3 - Day 13 - JJ54 - 03-07-2015 Listening Time: 13 hours This morning I was going through my messages on the Facebook app. While reading through my messages, I noticed on some of them that the girls read my message. These messages, from a while back, were simply saying hello and initiating contact with them. That's when something was triggered in my mind. I really had to ask myself, why am I still trying to talk to them? If I'm the one that's been initiating contact with them and yet they they reply back, if at all, what's the point of me being in contact with them. That's when I decided to purge myself from them. I literally spent a good 30 minutes just going through my friends list and deleting almost every girl that I liked beyond friends, yet they never treated me anything close to that of a friend. I didn't have to second guess myself, it was just two taps and they were gone out of my contacts. Whether they noticed it or not, I didn't care. There's no need for me to hang on to something that isn't there to begin with. If they want me, they know where to look. My life and happiness no longer revolves around them in any capacity. But the purging felt good. It was like I was getting rid of dead weight. Any girl that reminded me of the past, I quickly came to terms with it and just remove myself from them. No need to keep reminding myself of how beta I was in the past when I'm slowly growing into the alpha man I want to be. That's when something else got triggered in my head. What value does my Facebook account bring to me anyways? Well, there were a few genuine people that I still keep in contact with through Facebook. Plus, I also do some networking there just in case an opportunity for a future job comes up. Other than that, I was very tempted in just deactivating my account entirely. Even now, it's still on my mind. I just might go ahead and deactivate it for a while. I feel like I could go months, even years now without having to use social media's much. Social media does have some good use, but I now feel like societal programming has made basic human interactions rely too much on it. You can see it all around you when people have their noses in their phones more so than just interacting with people around them. I remember, before the subs, feeling like I would be lost if I wasn't up to date on what everyone else was doing on the social media. Now? I rather just spend my time out and about or doing something that stimulates my mind more. Well that's it for now. Will report more later on. RE: Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6 Transformation) - ffaux - 03-08-2015 Deleting my Facebook account was the best thing I ever did. I became so much closer to the friends that mattered and everyone else who wasn't a genuine friend fell by the wayside. Stage 3 - Day 20 - JJ54 - 03-15-2015 Listening Time: 13 hours The changes within me are starting to become more pronounce. The changes so far have been: - Indifference to people. I would say at least 88% of the time, I do not care what others think of me. I never forget when I recently had a conversation with my mom and she was worried about something I was going to do that will make people talk negatively about me. My response? I told her people are going to talk about you no matter if it's good or bad, so you might as well do what you gotta do. The look on her face after my response? Priceless. I also voiced my opinion about some items within my church that needed to be remove as they provide no use for any of the church functions. The bishop tried to intimidate me by making it my responsibility to remove them and to clean up the mess that came with it, but I was unmoved by his tactic. In fact, one of my uncles told me he will come down to help me do the job, free of charge. - More driven to start working towards my dream career. Roughly 90% of the thoughts that's been in my head lately has been visualizing myself as an NFL General Manager and making moves that will get me there. I've been very active in reaching out to people that have networking credentials and finding ways to meet them in-person. I feel like I now know, deep down within me, what I want to do with my life. It's now about making moves and putting myself out there to get to where I need to go. Being that I'm now a semester and a half away from graduating, my focus has now been looking for an entry-level job or internships in the career field I'm going into. The way I'm being active so far, I'm bound to land something coming up. - Interest in women have gone way down. Because of my drive to accomplish my future career and newfound indifference to people and their opinions about me, my interest in women is almost nonexistent. At the same time, my standards in regard to women have gone up as well. I've already mentioned in one of my earlier posts how I went though my contacts on Facebook and remove myself from any and every girl whom have been nothing but an emotional/mental blockage in my past and present. I'm now starting to find out what type of women I'm attracted to. I'm more attracted to the submissive types and the ones whom will actually support my career that I will be pursuing. I'm no longer attracted to the strong-willed, superficial, narrow-minded, man-hating women that seem to be prevalent among my age-range (early to late 20's). The way I see it, if you're not fully on-board to where I'm going in life and know your role as a woman in the relationship, then I have no time for you and you best to find yourself a beta man who will tend to your every whim. Don't get me wrong, I do see myself getting married in the future. But my career is more important now than trying to find someone to be with. For a long time, before the subs, I felt just having one girl in my life would make it seem so much better. Now? I only see it as a hinderance unless she's willing to accept the fact that my future goals are more important than her right now. I feel like I now know when to show a girl some attention when it's warranted, but never am I going to shower a girl with affection and attention on every breaking moment (Reading Ben's adventures lately have given me great insight). There are plenty of fishes in the sea, no need to be chasing after one when they will come to you eventually if you focus on other things. That's it from my insight in Stage 3 so far. Tomorrow will mark 21 days since on Stage 3 and will be beginning Stage 4 on next week. Looking forward to it. Stage 3 - Day 22 - JJ54 - 03-17-2015 Listening Time: 13 hours These past few days, I've had some interesting experiences that range from "maybe this is something that doesn't happen as often" to "That is just Amazing." - I recently read an article this past weekend that talked about how men who wear the color red are perceived as more sexually-attractive and of higher status to most women. What poked my interest further in this article, was how the author stated that the color most alpha males are associated with is red. So I figured, there won't be any harm done if I experimented with this. So yesterday, I wore the most basic red shirt I had and headed out the door. The results? Although not conclusive, I did feel like I had more women stare at me than before. All of their stares weren't the same as some just gave a quick glance while others stared as long as 8 seconds. If anything, I felt my presence was felt by most of the females that were in my vicinity. Still will experimenting more with this, but I did bought a pair of red shirts afterwards lol. - Yesterday, I had an unusual interaction with a girl I once had a crush on. I've known her since the beginning of the semester and, admittedly, I thought she was a gorgeous brunette in the class. But as we interacted more throughout the semester, her personality and one rude comment towards me pretty much killed any attraction I had towards her. Now? I just ignore her like we've never met before. Well yesterday, as I was listening to some music while waiting for class, she sees me and tries to start up a conversation with me. I was very brief with my replies and when the conversation died down, I casually put my headphones back on and went about my business. Then as I sat down in my chair and read up on some sports news, she somehow walks up to the side of my chair and waves at me. I asked her what did she want, and she then asked do I take good notes. My mind was like, "why do you care if I take good notes?" She then goes on to say she wasn't in class during the week before spring break and wanted to know what all she missed for the lectures that week. I casually took my notebook out and showed her the notes for that week. She then asked if she could take pictures of my notes, which I nonchalantly said sure. She takes a couple a pictures and then goes back to her seat. 5 minutes later, as I'm putting my iPod/Headphones into my backpack, she then waves me down again and asked if she could see my notes again. Now my mind is like, "What's so great about my notes that you need to see them again? Obviously there are other people in the class who have taken better notes than me." By then, I figured there would be no harm done if she's only looking at my notes, so I just gave her my notebook. This time she took a good 8 minutes to copy off whatever notes she needed from my notebook. I was growing impatient as the teacher was just about to start lecturing in the class. Then, just before the lecture starts, she quickly handed my notebook back. At the time, I didn't think much of it. But now, I do wonder if not giving her attention and truthfully ignoring her is what triggered her to act in such a way. Whatever the case may be, my attraction for her is still zero. We shall see what she does next. - Today I went to a spring practice that my school's football team was having. I figured this would be a good opportunity to learn how to write scouting reports and build up my portfolio for future references. Throughout this practice, a lot of the student-assistants whom I used to work with some years back still remembered me and where acting very brotherly, asking me what all I've been up to and if I was going to come visit again later on. Then, I ran into a coach I used to be an assistant under. It's a long history between us, but to make the long story short, I had some deep hatred for him. Back in my early days of college when I was trying to play college football, he was the first coach that I sent my recruiting video to. As I follow-up with him, he wouldn't offer me a position as a walk-on, but he was willing to offer me a position as a student assistant. That's when the hatred began, as I felt he never gave me the opportunity to showcase what I can do. My hatred for him only grow more as I would help out during practices and other coaches/players felt I had the size and capability to at least become a walk-on. But the problem was, I could only become a walk-on if he gave me the green light. He never did. His reasoning? He felt I didn't have the talent to play football and that I would only be a liability if I somehow "injured" one of the star players during practices. By then, I had enough of being his puppet and left the team all-together. A part of me was really hurt because I was leaving behind some of the players that I've became friends with, but left with this deep hatred for that coach and all the other coaches who agreed with his assessment of me. This hatred I carried with me for years to come. Even just thinking about the team throughout those years just made that hatred come up and boil within me before settling down. Well fast forward to today's practice. I had moved on and even he had moved on as he was no longer coaching but was now an admin for the football team. Deep down, I just knew we were going to cross paths again. Sure enough, as I was talking with a security guard about my scouting report, he happened to walk by and recognized me. We both shook hands and I congratulated him on his new position as an admin. From there, he did most of the talking by asking me a lot of personal questions about my life, academics, and my career-plans after college. After saying all that, he said that he missed working with me and that if I needed anything, he can find me in the admin office. That's when something hit me. That hatred I had for me started to died down, this time for good. Even before I left, I gave him my business card and told him I wouldn't mind coming back to help evaluate/scout the players if there was a position-opening, to which he said he would touch bases with me on that. Overall, I have to credit the EPHRA within AM6 for given me the mindset to forgive him. Like I said, for a long time I had a deep hatred for him and the team. But now? I just don't feel it anymore. I let go of the past and just look on the bright side of the present and future. The way I see it, the bridge that I'd burned between me and him has been rebuilt. It's up to him if he wants to reach out to me, but I feel good that I no longer have that hatred towards him. I can now focus on the future and who knows, his connections may be just what I need to get to the big league as a scouter. Rest assured, I do plan to visit the team more often now. That's it for today's update. Looking forward to starting Stage 4 next weekend. Stage 3 - Day 30 - JJ54 - 03-25-2015 Listening Time: 13 hours I am now 2 days away from beginning Stage 4. From what I've been researching about the sub so far, the manifestations of AM6 start to go into affect from Stage 4 and onward. Granted that doesn't means it will happen when I expect it to, but I definitely feel some excitement going into the second half of AM6. Until then, I'm going to reflect on my experiences so far from the first half of AM6: - Overall, I feel like a completely, new man. I haven't looked over my first post in this journal, but I have a strong sense that if I were to look over the post now, I can see the difference in how I was then and how I am now. The changes that has been happening in my subconscious, along with the actions I have taken to implement those changes, are now starting to become my true identity. I feel more motivated, more optimistic, more masculine, more self-assured, more confident. This list just seems to get bigger. AM6 is all about self-development and the most obvious proofs of these developments have been within myself. Sometimes I would sit back and think about the things I've done in my past, and I would think to myself, "Man, I can't believe I thought like that, or did something like that." A lot of those behaviors that I had done or thought in the past was because I wanted attention, I wanted people to like me. Reading from the book, No More Mr. Nice Guy, I did a lot of nice guy behaviors back then because I was afraid of conflict. I was afraid that if I were to be myself, people would not like my interests or opinions and wouldn't want to be around me. And being that I wanted to fit in with everyone, I would do silly/stupid things so that people would like me and I would become part of them. Now? Although I'm not 100% cleared of my nice guy ways, I can honestly say those behaviors are almost nonexistent within me, because I no longer feel concerned about what others think of me. For the past 3 months, even though I would interact with family and friends here and there, I would much rather be in my own company than to be around others. And especially when it came down to negative people or situations, it's a lot easier now to just walk away from them. And even if cornered, it's so much easier to bare my fangs and stand up for myself, which surprisingly only a few had even tried to test my mettle so far. But like I've said before, these changes within myself have been more pronounced than the changes in my surroundings. And I love these changes so, that each day I look forward to just putting my headphones on and continue my growth as an alpha man. - Women are slowly starting to take notice of me. Admittedly when I first got AM6, I wanted to become an Alpha so that I can get any woman I want. Looking back at this, I now fully understand that the purpose of AM6 is not about getting women you want, but becoming a true alpha that don't need women to fulfill his life. Because AM6 is helping me to focus more on myself and less on others, my overall interest in women has dwindled to almost nonexistence. Sure, I would see a pretty girl every now and then and look at her figure. But as quickly as I notice her, I quickly turn my attention to whatever I was doing beforehand. Because of my nonchalant attitude towards women, they're starting to take notice. One things for sure, not every girl is going to take interest in you, and AM6 helps by enforcing the mindset to not seek approval from others. With that said, some would look in my direction and some would glance more than once after the first eye-contact. Some would smile a bit and some would say hi to me. One of my students make it her business to tell me hi and how she misses me whenever I don't come to work (If only this girl wasn't a minor, because she's the only one so far that has been giving me strong IOI's lol). Nothing blatant or over-the-top, but these are the type of things I would notice in women from time to time. However, I feel that's just the tip of the iceberg. I can't wait to see what kind of interactions I'll get when the Aura of Confidence, Aura of Sexiness, and some of the SM3 lead-ins come into play. But until then, AM6 along with some pheromone usage has been getting women to notice me more so than before. - I've been contemplating what sub I want to use once the first run of AM6 is finished come July. Right now it's either do a second run of AM6 to finish out the year, or start using an AYP sub I haven't too long bought. I bought the AYP Oriental Lover because, truthfully, I'm starting to have strong urges for Asian women. The personalities of some of the Asian women I have interacted with have been creating some strong attractions that I like about them. Plus, I live not too far from the West Coast (LA is only a 5 hour drive from where I live) and I feel the AYP sub can have a good chance of working in this area. It's no guarantee that it will happen when I expect it to, but I definitely feel the odds are in my favor whenever I do start the sub. But when all of that is said and done, I'm going to continue using AM6. I feel my self-development is one of the most important aspects I need to keep developing until the end of my days, especially when society keeps throwing garbage at your subconscious mind. So whether I do the second run later this year or next year, for certain AM6 will be still be in use in the near future. That's it for the update. Glad I have seen results from the first half of AM6. Now I'm looking for to getting more of the goodies from the second half. Can't wait. RE: Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6 Transformation) - JackOfHearts - 03-26-2015 I don't read a lot of journal anymore but yours is very well written as expected from a phero user. What pheromones would mix better with your new AM6 vibe/aura? Do you think you were able to reproduce those effect with pheromone before AM6? RE: Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6 Transformation) - JJ54 - 03-27-2015 (03-26-2015, 03:04 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: I don't read a lot of journal anymore but yours is very well written as expected from a phero user. What pheromones would mix better with your new AM6 vibe/aura? Do you think you were able to reproduce those effect with pheromone before AM6? Surprisingly, I haven't been using pheromones much lately because my interest in attracting women is fairly low right now. Now the two pheromones that have been noticeably better since being on AM6 are Core from Apex and Corpo from Alpha Dreams. Before AM6, these two produced some good results, but weren't consistent. 3 months into AM6, the results from these two have been very consistent. Everybody is buddy-buddy and respectful, with a few attraction hits here and there. RE: Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6 Transformation) - JackOfHearts - 03-27-2015 I think AM6 change our natural pheromone signature. Or maybe that's our new personality that match better or worse with pheromone. Stage 4 - Day 2 - JJ54 - 03-29-2015 Listening Time: 7+ hours Right now I'm still currently listening to the sub for Day 2. I've recently went to a church convention that was in town. I figured this would be the best opportunity to see how much I have changed since being on AM6 as most of the people at this convention have not seen me in many months, some even years. This is what I've been told/complimented so far: - One lady told me my voice has gotten deeper and more masculine. - One man said I looked slimmed and buffed. Granted I've only been doing intense workouts for only 2 months now, so I didn't think I trimmed that much. - One lady said I looked like a celebrity with my dark shades and fedora hat. - A security guard at a grocery store said I'm definitely a smooth criminal, in reference to Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal attire. - This is not in relations to the church convention, but one of my friends text me that he's going to introduce me to some of his Asian friends, most of them women. It recently clicked in my head that one of the best ways to meet more women is through mutual friends. And especially if a girl has put you in the friendzone, why not utilize her to meet some of her friends. You would have nothing to lose and the odds are better in your favor. Granted I haven't yet asked my female friends into meeting their friends, but I've definitely been letting my male friends know about meeting their single friends. Even though I'm not seeking approval from any of these compliments, all of these comments were given within the first few seconds of meeting. Therefore, this is a good progress that I'm definitely becoming more masculine and people are now starting to see me as a manly figure. RE: Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6 Transformation) - Benjamin - 03-29-2015 Quote:- One man said I looked slimmed and buffed. Granted I've only been doing intense workouts for only 2 months now, so I didn't think I trimmed that much. That's the thing, it's hard to notice with yourself but if other people comment then you can be pretty sure it's true. I still think I look the same as a few months ago, but a girl I hadn't seen for a few months told me i'd put on more muscle and another girl told me I looked leaner than when she seen me last and I still think I just look the same and I was getting annoyed. So it might be more than you think. Stage 4 - Day 4 - JJ54 - 03-31-2015 Listening Time: 13 hours Today has been the best day so far in my alpha male development. I've been sh*t-tested by a group of girls while on the job today (I'm going to start referring to these tests as Alpha-tests because, when you really think about, most sh*t-tests from women are testing to see if you're truly an alpha or not) and I felt like my instincts just went into overdrive. To give some backstory on what led up to this opportune occasion, this group of girls are late-teenagers whom are upperclassmen in high school. These girls are definitely superficial and into themselves. I even petty their boyfriends because they definitely act beta when around them. Usually I don't have much problems with them, but sometimes they will make smart remarks to me when I don't let them have their way. Today, I was having none of it. Today I was returning remarks after remarks with my own snide remarks. I didn't even had to think much. Whatever remark they made towards me, I returned it with full throttle and not backing down from the challenge. One of the girls literally said she has never seen this side of me before. Another girl tried to go on the defensive and say I was being mean towards them. Me? I couldn't give a penny to care if their feelings were getting hurt or not. I only responded like that when they gave snide remarks, so hurting their feelings was the least of my concerns. Eventually, they realize that they weren't going to change my position so they backed down from the challenge. The whole experience felt so awesome. Whether I was being serious or not, I didn't care. The whole point of the interaction was standing up for myself and not backing down to people that try to disrespect me. In all honesty, I could have easily ignored them and minded my own business. But something clicked in my head today, something that has been hidden for a long time and finally made itself known in full force. And I like it, a lot. I now see why the whole gist of Alpha-tests are games. These tests are meant to see if you're true to the alpha male vibe you're putting out. As long as you stay true to the core of your alpha vibe, these tests are definitely easy and fun. I just wish I had the guts to have been true to myself years before AM6. Now? I definitely look forward to any and every Alpha-test that comes my way. Stage 4 - Day 7 - JJ54 - 04-03-2015 Listening Time: 13 hours I'm definitely starting to see some of the external manifestations AM6 is bringing out. The biggest one so far happened today. So there is this asian girl I have met in class. I'm not physically attracted to her, but her personality definitely makes her a keeper. But still, I'm not looking for a relationship right now, as my self-development is more important right now. Anyways, we would have good conversations throughout class, but nothing that struck me as anything more than that. Well today, she sits behind me as usual in class. I was listening to my music before class when she came in, so she got my attention by touching the back of my neck with her cold hands. That's the first time she initiated kino, so that definitely caught my attention. She then proceeds on to ask me what all I have planned for the summer. I tell her I'll mainly be in summer school and looking for work. She then asks me if I was doing anything else for fun. I then tell her I may go traveling for a bit during the summer. I made mentioned if I do travel, I'll probably go to San Diego for a bit. Her reaction? Her: I wish you were going to California in May, so that you can ride with me and my friend. It would be nice to have a guy like you around. That's when it hit me. In all my years before AM6, I have NEVER had a girl suggest I go on a vacation trip with her. Even as I've been using pheromones for some years now, that has never happened to me. To me, this is clear cut that AM6 is making changes in my life that I have not seen before. Even after she made that statement and talked about something else, she later on mentioned it again that she wish I could go on the trip with her. Of course I didn't react much to her reply, because I have no interest in going on trips right now. But no doubt, I truly believe this is a clear cut sign of the things to come. Man am I looking forward to it. RE: Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6 Transformation) - JJ54 - 04-07-2015 Looks like I have an ear infection in my left ear. Which means I'll have to start listening to the subs through my Bluetooth speaker from now on until the infection is cleared. Anyone have any recommended medicine I can use for the time being? RE: Journey of the Enlightened Alpha (AM6 Transformation) - dweller94 - 04-10-2015 (04-07-2015, 06:46 AM)JJ54 Wrote: Looks like I have an ear infection in my left ear. Which means I'll have to start listening to the subs through my Bluetooth speaker from now on until the infection is cleared. Anyone have any recommended medicine I can use for the time being? In regards to medicine for ear infections Amoxicillin (antibiotic) works well, but then again there are herbal remedies. |