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RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - athanas - 08-08-2014

(08-08-2014, 12:08 PM)Hold007 Wrote: looks, money, status is what attracts women. Sex magnet 3 will only be proved to work if an ugly guy is successful doing it

You probably meant an ugly guy who is also poor. Oh and low status. And while we're at it... why don't we say the guy also has to have pimples, be bald and also have a third arm coming out of his neck? Yeah, then finally SM3 is proven to work.

Shannon, where are the SM3 Testimonnials of those guys? Did you think it's enough to have average guys get extraordinary, celebrity-like success? What about my short-comings? Provide me with successful testimonials of every possible shortcoming so that I can feel secure about myself so that I don't have to do anything because SM3 can handle it anyway. No? It's all just placebo, I knew it...

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - SargeMaximus - 08-08-2014

ROFL @ that /\

(08-08-2014, 11:50 AM)athanas Wrote:
(08-08-2014, 01:24 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Yeah, for anyone who wants to know "what it takes to get laid", read some stuff on Good Looking Loser.

I also recommend Good Looging Loser. Ironycally after I saw his in field videos, I became 100% sure looks don't matter. It's funny, he says looks are so important you can only get an 8 if you're an 6 etc... And het gets easily hot girls because he looks so good.

But then you see his In field videos, where the first 2 minutes the girl is disgusted by the sight of his "good looks" but because he beleives so strongly in his looks he remains super chill and alpha until the girl melts away and gets attracted. And after he did this masterpiece of pickup he says "I didn't do anything, it was just my looks" Yeah, it's his looks that he draws his confidence from which attracts the girl, but it's not the looks that are attracting her if she is attracted only after she got to know his personality

But yeah, this is an interesting observation I never considered. It is possible, however, that the girls are already dismissing him because he's too attractive. I've had a girl literally SCOWL at me and within seconds smile HUGELY because I allowed her to have that reaction, knowing that it was only because she was trying to avoid being rejected by me.

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - JackOfHearts - 08-09-2014

yeah, too much good looking and it's harder for you. They get scared thinking you are too high value. Then she won't trust easily.
For the books name I have said them on my journal, I will post them when I get home.

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - Hold007 - 08-09-2014

(08-08-2014, 12:36 PM)athanas Wrote:
(08-08-2014, 12:08 PM)Hold007 Wrote: looks, money, status is what attracts women. Sex magnet 3 will only be proved to work if an ugly guy is successful doing it

You probably meant an ugly guy who is also poor. Oh and low status. And while we're at it... why don't we say the guy also has to have pimples, be bald and also have a third arm coming out of his neck? Yeah, then finally SM3 is proven to work.

Shannon, where are the SM3 Testimonnials of those guys? Did you think it's enough to have average guys get extraordinary, celebrity-like success? What about my short-comings? Provide me with successful testimonials of every possible shortcoming so that I can feel secure about myself so that I don't have to do anything because SM3 can handle it anyway. No? It's all just placebo, I knew it...

i am looking to do am6 and sm3. i have no looks, no money, not status, so if this works for me then it can work for anyone

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - JackOfHearts - 08-09-2014

(08-08-2014, 11:32 AM)athanas Wrote:
(08-08-2014, 03:03 AM)maniac360 Wrote: I have read some books who can explain "clearly" what seems like impossible to understand. It's about face reading. In this books they explain how our personality trait are reflected in our faces. So to some extent we can say that beauty can be reflected in our face because of that. Also because of that I think doing subliminal will affect our face to some extent and change our physiognomy (in the long term). From what I have heard in the past they used this knowledge a lot, that's why they would discriminate "ugly" people. If you are interested read some books about this topic, it's super interesting.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me the titles of those books, I'm VERY interested in this topic. You could clearly see in Afzgals face how his personality changed his physiognomy.
In fact I think this together with the change in his pheromonoes are the two main reasons that attributed to the compelling "dark" charisma he has. It's this charisma that makes girl so aroused around him, not his muscles or general looks as he didn't have many muscles at the beginning of SM3 but reported arousal from girls quite early on.

I can also confirm this from my personal life. I have a muscular good looking friend that is beta, let's call him Kevin. I talk quite openly with my sister and she saw him just for a moment. She told me she thinks he's quite hot.

Then a couple of weeks later, she saw him again, but this time also talked with him very shortly. Later I asked her what she thinks of him, and this was her reaction:

Quote:Me: So what do you think of Kevin now?
Her: Why are you asking me?
Me: Well you told me he's hot, but I wonder why he never gets any girls...
Her: He... hot? I never told something like that. He's ugly!

And I went on asking her specifically thinking she ment he is good looking but she doesn't like that he's a pussy, but NO, she actually doesn't like his looks all of a sudden (him being a pussy was a turn off as well). I wondered how girls could change their mind so drastically about something like looks that don't change that much. (And certainly not in weeks, to me he looked exactly the same as the first time she saw him)

And then I remembered even to me something like that happens... to some degree. When I was involved with a girl there were some times where I slowly developed a crush/oneitis for her and I liked how unbeleivable hot she is. I mean PHYSICALLY (like her ass is so tight, such a tender body etc. I'm not talking about "inner beauty"). But way later when I got over her she still looked hot, but not that hot as I thought back then. This effect that my perception is distorted only happens when I have strong emotions like a crush or an oneitis.

I later found out the reason for this in the book "The way of the superior Man" by David Deida. Usually a man is in his male polarity, high self esteem, wanting to be free and being on his life purpose, which is very attractive to a woman in her female polarity and causes her to catch feelings and wanting to "trap" this stimulating wild stallion into a relationship.
But this can also happen to a man. If a woman has high self esteem and wants to be free more than the man, he's the one catching feelings being polarized into his feminine core due to the stronger male core of the woman. When this happens the "RAS" (Reticular Activation System) kicks in due to the emotions, making you focus on the positive features and neglecting the negative ones.
This effect can be so strong that it distorts your whole perception of the other person.

You can see this in people with bulimia and Body Dysmorphic order. They look like skeletons and yet they think they are fat, how can this be? It's not that they have a different taste than we do and actually like to look like skeletons. In THEIR eyes the don't look the same as in our eyes. Their RAS makes them focus on miniscule places on their body where there is fat and neglect all those where they're already too thin. And when they look into the mirror they see a fat, overweight person instead of a skeleton.

Face Reading How to Know Anyone at a Glance by barbara roberts.
The face Reader by Patrician McCarthy.
The first one, I finished it but it wasn't complete for me. Lacking good pictures. Still a good one though.
The second one I didn't finish yet but it seems more complete and the picture are better. You should skip the first part though it was boring like hell and I didn't find it useful (maybe with better experience).

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - Benjamin - 08-10-2014

Quote:Here's a free program that's pretty awesome
I used the original version of this to add 30 pounds of muscle in a summer
it was at the peak of puberty-but I've redone it with good effect.
It will help your athleticism a lot as well

Nice.. 30 pounds of muscle is a great result!

I love Joe Defranco. I used his Built Like A Badass program and loved the results and the workout. And i'm starting it again today.

I plan to get his new 'Strength' program at some stage.


RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - Frenchmagnet - 09-05-2014

Stage 6 day 10 or 12

Since the beginning of stage 6 I am very tired. It is like my brain have to sleep a lot to take all the information ( around 10 hours now ).

I am not being approached by women but it is a lot easier than even in stage 5 to have a girl ! It just happen like that ! Like the other day, I was coming back home and enjoying my day and without notice this cute and sexy girl sat next to me in the train ! I am not narcissist or what but hey... What the fuck there is like 50 empty seat on 70 and she had to come next to me ? I was laughing to myself and with a big smile I said :

- yeah a little too obvious you know ?
- ( her) Euh what ? ( with this face trying to be innocent )
- ( Me, Pausing for 4 to 5 seconds with a big smile ) What's your name ?

And VoilĂ  ! We spend 3 hours together in my town and I had to drive her to her town but I wanted to see if she had a beautiful bedroom like she said so we spend half the night together ( Yeah the most obvious excuse to say we will be together tonight but I don't care it was fun)

It is easy for me to have beautiful girls, but the things that I am enjoying the most is that I am feeling great, fearless and confident, sexy and alpha, like I AM THE ONLY TRUE MAN HERE.
But it is not like I have all the girls I want, sometime some girls don't even want to talk to me ! But I don't care.

In bed it is so great it is like I have a button I can press or not if I want to finish, sometime the button is broken so it is difficult to finish...

In work I am the best salesman of the company for Paris and all the town near Paris with 1,4 millions euros of sells for july and august ( the second and third one had 800 000 Euros of sells).

And It seems that I have more eyecontact form men now !!! I thought than SM3 only catch attention of women ?

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - LionKing - 09-05-2014

Awesome! You said you don't get approached by women, but that was reeeally close right there ;) I also got noticeably more tired when I started AM6 stage 6, so I guess those last stages have a lot of content in them.

Hey, the sexual performance & stamina, at which stage did you notice it getting better? And has it still improved in stages 4-6?

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - Shawn - 09-05-2014

With the eye contact, if you feel like the boss and have got the vibe than I would say it's pretty normal if you get attention from everyone, even from men. It doesn't mean they are sexually interested, probably it's just respect or something.

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - Spiritman - 09-05-2014

(09-05-2014, 08:15 AM)sebastian Wrote: With the eye contact, if you feel like the boss and have got the vibe than I would say it's pretty normal if you get attention from everyone, even from men. It doesn't mean they are sexually interested, probably it's just respect or something.

I would have to agree, I get the look as well sometimes but I just take it as a sign of respect.

Frenchmagnet, great results, I like how SM is helping to make things go smooth in regards to escalating interactions with women to reach the end result.

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - SargeMaximus - 09-05-2014

Wow, awesome results dude.

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - Frenchmagnet - 09-06-2014

@LionKing : I have noticed change in my sexual stamina and performance since the end of stage 2, and obviously in the begining of stage 4 ! The strange things is that I used to have some anxiety for my first time with new women so I had a lot of premature ejaculation or no erection at all because of stress. Now it is like I don't mind at all if im going to be great or not I just want to have her and have a good time ! So sex is way better and no more PE and my erection is like at 130% since the end of stage 2 ! It is great to enjoy sex without thinking of "I have to last longer" or "it will work great this time ?" !

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - LionKing - 09-06-2014

(09-06-2014, 11:06 AM)Frenchmagnet Wrote: @LionKing : I have noticed change in my sexual stamina and performance since the end of stage 2, and obviously in the begining of stage 4 ! The strange things is that I used to have some anxiety for my first time with new women so I had a lot of premature ejaculation or no erection at all because of stress. Now it is like I don't mind at all if im going to be great or not I just want to have her and have a good time ! So sex is way better and no more PE and my erection is like at 130% since the end of stage 2 ! It is great to enjoy sex without thinking of "I have to last longer" or "it will work great this time ?" !

Ok thanks, that sounds great! I'm always extra nervous with a new woman as well, mostly about cumming too soon. This is definitely one of the big advantages of SM3 vs WM2, and why I want to run SM3 first.

RE: Sex Magnet 3 ! ! ! - Spiritman - 09-06-2014

(09-06-2014, 11:06 AM)Frenchmagnet Wrote: @LionKing : I have noticed change in my sexual stamina and performance since the end of stage 2, and obviously in the begining of stage 4 ! The strange things is that I used to have some anxiety for my first time with new women so I had a lot of premature ejaculation or no erection at all because of stress. Now it is like I don't mind at all if im going to be great or not I just want to have her and have a good time ! So sex is way better and no more PE and my erection is like at 130% since the end of stage 2 ! It is great to enjoy sex without thinking of "I have to last longer" or "it will work great this time ?" !

That is great to hear, this is one of the main reason why I want to run SM.