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RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - Tiesto - 03-27-2014

AlphaReal, I've been watching some of Brent Smith Lifestyle youtube videos, and it has open up my mind and helps me to see things from different perspective.

Now I see that being alpha, is being carefree, you got nothing to prove to anyone, coz you know you're the man.

(03-27-2014, 09:03 PM)AlphaReal Wrote: I am just aggressive about my "territory" :@

Now don't take this the wrong way, I mean no offence nor disrespect, but here are some food for thoughts. You mentioned here you are aggressive about your territory, being aggressive to try maintain territory sounds like an insecure behaviour, sounds like you operate from a scarcity mindset, where you are afraid to lose your territory, if you know and believed that you're the alpha male, you will be carefree and indifferent and abundant, there will be no need to care about maintaining your territory, coz you own so many "territory", you don't operate from a scarcity mindset where you only a have small patch of "territory" where you have to aggressively maintain it, you are so wildly abundant, you don't even care if you need to share a small piece of what's yours for others.

Again, this is just some concept I've been thinking about, for me seeing things from a different perspective opens up my mind for a greater understanding, about why I think and operate in a certain manner.

(03-27-2014, 09:03 PM)AlphaReal Wrote: If you guys read any of Tucker Max books, his first one, even a guy like him who bathes and swims in p**** became a nervous wreck, he meets a girl who gives him a bj just before she leaves directly for a date with a nice guy, without taking a wash, she may kiss and sleep with the guy after the date, and Tucker starts thinking and wondering if this happened with him, afterall girls don't kiss and tell their sexual adventures and he could have made out good with a girl who prior to him, was just returning from giving other guy a bj.

You put a label here based on social conditioning that this is a bad/negative thing, but maybe if you take a step back and try to observe, why do you put label and meaning to things like this as a negative thing? Perhaps it is the way the society thinks and programmed to see it as bad thing?

Check out this video from brent smith, he can explain it better than I can..

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - SargeMaximus - 03-28-2014

Meh, simple fact is: it's your life, live it how you want.

Just make sure it's how YOU want, not how Brent Smith, or Tucker Max, or some Alpha-defining-geek-nerd says.

For ME, training a virgin would be awesome because:

a: I'd be able to have a"pet project" involving my favorite thing ever: sex/women.

Seriously, stop limiting yourselves and definitely stop using these books and ideals for your neck brace.

For me, I don't want to be limited by ANYTHING! That includes some bullsh*t idea that "virgins make you less alpha". Well then I guess I'm less alpha, who the f*ck cares? Not an ALPHA, that's for sure. Jesus.

You want to know what's REALLY Alpha? Doing what you want.

And don't even get me started on insecurity. If it weren't for insecurity, NONE of us would be here. Insecurity, feelings of inferiority, it doesn't matter what "bad" thing we have, so long as it motivates you to KICK F*CKING ASS then fine, I have no problems with it. So go ahead: be insecure, fuck virgins, and love your life FREELY.

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - stratos - 03-28-2014

The nice thing about being an alpha human is that the world is your territory.

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - Minititan - 04-04-2014

Hey guys.

It's been a while since my last post so just letting you know I am still alive lol. I'm now at stage 2 day 22.

At the start of stage 2 I mentioned my energy levels were almost zero, i no longer think this was caused by the sub, I've been completely inactive over the last 2 weeks because of abdominal and chest pain, turns out I have a really bad kidney infection which is probably the reason for the low energy.

My social life has been seriously hit as I've been in too much pain to go out so been housebound for almost 2 full weeks. However I have continued with the sub.

I have noticed even although I've been in agony
- I am taking time to admire myself in the mirror
- I am super calm- which is a surprise
- I've been so spaced out on pain killers that I've been living in my own world, but on a few occasions whilst been outside smoking girls have snuck up on me and made me jump (don't know of they did sneak up or of I've just been so out of it) and on a few occasions grabbed me from behind for bear hugs (fun、but brings tears to my eyes because of the amount of pain I'm in)

Sadly I've not been exposed to a lot of people during this stage so far so my results are kind of minimal. However I have just purchased stages 3-7 of the program so I'm now even more motivated about what's to come. I'd like to thank Ben for helping me out on that one.

After reading the amazing results afzalg is getting in stage 5, I can only pray that time speeds up and my results are similar.

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - SargeMaximus - 04-04-2014

Woah! I hope you get better soon! That's totally gotta suck! Amazing that you keep on trucking though, props.

Had no idea you were only on Stage 2, look forward to more updates.

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - Benjamin - 04-04-2014

Damn, hope your kidneys heal up so then you have heaps of energy for all the sex you'll be having. Wink

I liked the post because of the admiring yourself in the mirror and girls coming up to you, not the kidney part. :Z


RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - Minititan - 04-09-2014

Thanks for the advice guys, Ive been on a lot of meds and trying to eat healthily. Hopefully I'll be feeling tip top soon enough.

Almost finished stage 2 and had very little human contact, not the best for noticing results, however I've had extra time to study which is good as exams are slowly approaching. Smile

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - Minititan - 05-19-2014

Hey guys.

It's been quite a while and I'm been insanely busy, fully recovered from kidney problems and been overworked with catching up university work, and now exam season is upon us. Luckily my exams end in 2 weeks. So since my last update I have progressed through stage 3 and I'm now around 8 or 9 days into stage 4.

During stage 3 after I recovered And was back on campus I met a lovely girl 7/8 who was working in the student bar as a waitress. I was out having drinks with some of my classmates and she kept flirting with me. She basically begged me to hang around until her shift finished as she didn't want to walk home alone in the dark in the city, anyways she finished before my friends left so she joined our group for a while had a few drinks, and then I walked her home, she invited me in and I had the best sex I've ever had, i felt like a pornstar, i can't begin to describe how good that night was. I crashed at hers and in the morning we were at it again. Before I left she demanded to know where I lived so I told her.

Yesterday out of the blue, she showed up at my front door and she looked angry so I invited her in. When we got into my room she said "I barely know you, I don't like you, but for some reason I can't get rid of the urge to f**k you" and then we had the most aggressive sex ever, my back was scratched to hell and there's blood stains all over my sheet. The next morning she woke up after staying over, and proceeded to wake me up with a bj, then we had slow passionate sex, nothing like the night before. Wow! Is my only way to describe things.

Today she hasn't stopped texting me begging to hook up again.

Stage 3 was mostly a flirty stage, a lot of girls showed a lot of interest when I was finally back on campus, it was fun to feel so wanted. However stage 4 is very bipolar, I can't tell if a girl I'm talking to likes me or wants to kill me, they turn so quick it's a little unexpected.

Anyways right now I have to hold off the distractions until these exams are out of the way.

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - robstar - 05-19-2014

(05-19-2014, 03:40 PM)Minititan Wrote: Hey guys.

It's been quite a while and I'm been insanely busy, fully recovered from kidney problems and been overworked with catching up university work, and now exam season is upon us. Luckily my exams end in 2 weeks. So since my last update I have progressed through stage 3 and I'm now around 8 or 9 days into stage 4.

During stage 3 after I recovered And was back on campus I met a lovely girl 7/8 who was working in the student bar as a waitress. I was out having drinks with some of my classmates and she kept flirting with me. She basically begged me to hang around until her shift finished as she didn't want to walk home alone in the dark in the city, anyways she finished before my friends left so she joined our group for a while had a few drinks, and then I walked her home, she invited me in and I had the best sex I've ever had, i felt like a pornstar, i can't begin to describe how good that night was. I crashed at hers and in the morning we were at it again. Before I left she demanded to know where I lived so I told her.

Yesterday out of the blue, she showed up at my front door and she looked angry so I invited her in. When we got into my room she said "I barely know you, I don't like you, but for some reason I can't get rid of the urge to f**k you" and then we had the most aggressive sex ever, my back was scratched to hell and there's blood stains all over my sheet. The next morning she woke up after staying over, and proceeded to wake me up with a bj, then we had slow passionate sex, nothing like the night before. Wow! Is my only way to describe things.

Today she hasn't stopped texting me begging to hook up again.

Stage 3 was mostly a flirty stage, a lot of girls showed a lot of interest when I was finally back on campus, it was fun to feel so wanted. However stage 4 is very bipolar, I can't tell if a girl I'm talking to likes me or wants to kill me, they turn so quick it's a little unexpected.

Anyways right now I have to hold off the distractions until these exams are out of the way.

Holy balls! You have many situations like that happen before running sm?

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - LionKing - 05-20-2014

Lol Big Grin

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - Minititan - 05-20-2014

Never in my life have I had anything even remotely similar happening, I've never had a female be so aggressive in the approach. She did most of the work. I just kind of got led to hers and this thing started.

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - Minititan - 05-22-2014

Okay 2 exams down 1 to go. Then I can relax.

Stage 4 is really having a strong effect on me. I'm having the most realistic dreams ever, normally about things from my past. Girls are acting so strange around me.

At times I feel like I'm being stalked, I turn around and see a girl just giggling to herself or dashing away as if she was embarrassed. At other times they are in an angry state. Rejection is not an option apparently.

Yesterday, I was in a stationary shop doing some printing and the girl behind the counter was kinda cute. She started talking away to me about how hard it must be to be a student especially around this time of the year with all the exams. The conversation went on and we were joking and flirting. She made the suggestion that we should go out for something last night and I politely said I couldn't as I had an exam this morning and suggested another night. I don't know what happened, she stared at me and said "if you want this, then you can have this but it has to be tonight" I explained again I couldn't as I had an exam, she then started shouting "what is wrong with you, are you gay or something, can't you see what I'm offering you" I changed my tone and said I'm not interested and she screamed "get out" so I started to leave and she shouted I'm sorry my numbers on the reciept give me a call.

Seriously wtf? I have her number but I don't want to call her, she might have been hot but she seemed mental.

After my exam today I arrived back at my halls and I'm standing outside smoking talking to a group of 3 girls, we are talking about exams and stress, one of them says something about relaxing and taking a hot shower and a back rub, immediately after she said it one of them stared at me looking for a reaction, I don't know if I smirked but suddenly she splashed my face with diet coke and called me a perverted bas*ard and she stormed off with one of the girls, they left laughing.

The girl who had said the back rub thing was laughing. And then we had a conversation about how over the top that was. Anyway we get talking about how we think we did in the exams and she suggested take out, so we got some food and are in her flat, after dinner she went to use the bathroom and get changed, she came out in tight shorts and top, I had never noticed how hot her body was, she normally wears loose unattractive clothing, well after receiving a good shoulder rub we were in the shower together.

I'm loving this sub. I just wish that I didn't have exams right now as stage 4 I seem to be horny every second of every day. It's so weird, I've never been seduced before, it's fun but also confusing as you never know if a girl is going to be nice to you or just embarrassing to be in the presence of.
This is the best week of my life, even if I had to suffer two exams.

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - AlphaScorpio - 05-22-2014

seriously Wtf is it with some girls... They don't get what they want (date or sex) and they start shouting... They should try being the average guy for a day lol

RE: Minitatan's SM 3.0 Journal - JackOfHearts - 05-22-2014

They try to put the maximum pressure on you to get what they want. It's like a game for them, in both case they win anyway: either you lose control or you show confidence. Both case they win because they got the information they wanted. It happens to me too, girls would get crazy for no reason just to push you to the limit and see how you react.