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Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility (Multiple Versions) - Printable Version

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RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 12-27-2016

DMSI 3.0.1:

Quote:The word of the day is...irresistible.

That's what I have been feeling lately, with each day the goals of the program are getting closer and closer. These last few days have been crazy. Was going out with friends on Christmas Eve, a tradition we started and it was really fun. After a while we went to a bar and my friends were to drunk to go on. I stayed, because after entering the bar I already made some new lady friends. Didn't happen much, but I danced my ass of with some of those hot girls. And they were hot as hell. I got home very drunk.

Yesterday went out again, had a birthday of a girl I know. Now I really felt something different. There were 5 girls there that kept looking at me and trying to get closer. Every single one of them had that look in their eyes.! It was crazy. Made out with one girl, she was a friend of the birthday girl. I immediately felt something between us. Like this sexy energy connecting our minds. Very strange feeling. Could've escalated, but the logistics weren't good enough.

But this feeling remains today, I feel great. I'm in no way a guy who is considered hot, but these stares man I tell you. It feels incredible. And I did not panic. I used to panic because of my inexperience, and would try to get out of a situation like yesterday. Now I only want to go further. I think we are getting real close here Shannon!

OberynMartell said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 12-29-2016

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.0.1

Quote:2 days off DMSI now i plan to start again in 2 or 3 more days but now there is much to say...
I have a much deeper understanding of how DMSI is working now, probably 1% of what its doing im still beyond impressed. Shannon all i can say is that 5,5G and beyond is nothing but ( insert big word for spectacular, impressive, ingenious e.t.c )

Right now my mood is much better as taking this break was a good choice for me to process what's going on, right now i have zero concious needyness for women or any sort of validation. That's not to say if you put me in a group of 10's i will be zen, just that i see women as what they are... People just like me...

-Illumi said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 01-01-2017

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.0.1

Quote:DMSI3.0.1A: Month 1, Day 22:


Just when you're at your lowest, and you're feeling like the sub isn't actually doing anything, you go out of your way to actually get off your ass and do something, and the whole reality of your existence does a complete 180 turn and your life becomes great.

I went out with two of my buddies from out of town for New Years last night. I wasn't expecting anything at all to happen. I'm completely inexperienced in the 'going out' department, the getting drunk department, and the picking up girls department, but that wasn't going to stop me from having a nice time with my friends. My buddies are older than me (one is 30 and the other is 37), so when we got to the bar we were planning on going to, I was afraid that I'd get stuck talking to some chick over 30 who I wasn't honestly really that into. I know a lot of guys are into older chicks, but I'm really into chicks who are around my age.

While at the first bar we were talking with this semi-famous rock musician and his smoking hot 24 year old girlfriend. I was already really drunk by the time we started talking to this guy, but I IMMEDIATELY noticed that his girlfriend literally COULD NOT STOP staring at me. I was too drunk to talk and was always just kind of standing there in the circle listening politely, but every time I turned to look at this chick, she would BLUSH, break off eye contact, and stare down at her toes.

That has never, ever, ever once happened to me in my entire life, let alone by a really cute girl my own age with an older, more successful, more wealthy and 'attractive' boyfriend.

The first bar got crowded with kids for some reason, so we decided to split for a famous rock & metal bar on the Sunset Strip (which is actually a favorite spot of mine). We immediately got stuck in a conversation for about an hour with these two older women who my buddies were attracted to. They were very drunk and not that attractive to me, and I immediately realized in my head that I was probably going to be third wheeling it for the rest of the night.

Just as soon as I think that, someone taps me from behind on the shoulder. I turn to look, and it's this INSANELY gorgeous girl--she's tall, slender, has a gorgeous face with a really sexy nose, insanely beautiful green eyes--she's my age, and she's everything that I find attractive in a girl and more.

She tells me that all of her friends are huge metalheads, and they've already started hooking up with some metalheads at the bar, but that as soon as she saw me from across the bar she knew she wanted to go talk to 'the guy in the blue shirt' (aka, me). She introduced herself and bought ME a drink.

So we spend about the next hour or so drinking, talking--I tried my first cigarette off of her. At some point, I buy her a drink, and then she buys me another drink.

Then the ball dropped. I had my arm draped awkwardly around her, still too awkward and afraid to do anything more than that. Then she grabs my face and makes out with me for about 30 seconds--tongue and everything.

That, fellas, was my first ever kiss. And it felt great.

After we kissed, I leaned in, and I did something I never thought I would do--I told her that she was my first kiss. She didn't believe me, and instead of driving her away, she just kept on kissing me. Without even hesitating about it, I started grabbing her ass. She started running her fingers through my hair, rubbing my chest, and eventually she starts fondling my crotch while I play with her ass.

An hour goes by, and her designated driver friend tells her she wants to leave (they were from another city a few hours away and needed to drive back). But this amazing, sexy as hell girl can't keep her hands off of me. Finally, the designated driver, their third friend, AND the guy she's hooked up with, all DRAG this girl away from me--but before she goes, she gives me her number, and takes a selfie with me for her contact library.

So, yeah. I'm sure you guys can all understand my excitement--especially because 22 days ago, if I hadn't been on DMSI, none of this would have happened. The fact that an INSANELY gorgeous girl came up to ME, from ACROSS a really crowded, popular, hopping bar on New Years Eve is crazy enough to me--the fact that she bought nerdy, awkward, depressing, anxious ME 2 drinks during the night is crazy to me--the fact that I kissed this girl without basically having to do a single thing to work for it--and then admitted to her something that would drive most girls away, only for it to make her want me that much more--the fact that last night was my actual life and not a surreal, amazing ***** dream--this is all INSANE to me.

Thank you, thank you so much Shannon for making this sub. Last night was by far one of THE BEST nights of my life--and is something that I'll never forget--the first time in my life where I realized truthfully that all of my insane, overly ambitious life goals are actually within reach of me--that there ARE insanely cute girls out there who really DO want me--and that if I can get that insanely gorgeous girl to hit on me, buy me expensive alcohol, make out with me, grope me, and become completely addicted to my touch--even after I told her what a depressing newb I was--I can DEFINITELY write award winning screenplays, and I can definitely achieve every single one of my dreams.

I have the potential, and I have the power. Happy New Years, gentlemen

-Kalmah0804 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 01-02-2017

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.0.1

Quote:...I started version B. Something inside me said it's time for B. I felt really ready also, because a lot of BS was happening around me, about me. And it didn't get to me, it's the best feeling in the world. IDGAF!! I think I understand what is happening. I feel like a lot of people I know have a lot of insecure tendencies and seeing me changing in front of their eyes is maybe too much for them to handle. However, I am not going to keep friends who keep me from getting my goals. I do NOT need their negativity in my life, so from now on if I don't want to do something, I do something I really want instead. Have declined to go to a party this Friday. Saying no to that is a big accomplishment, believe you me.

Everyday I wake up I'm excited and feeling genuinely happy. Let's see if it continues on B. I hope for my next update I will have a good story or two.

(edit) Almost forgot. I got declined twice last week by girls when asking them out. Even that did not get to me. I only thought: 'Oh well, your loss.' What is happening here??? Who am I???

-OberynMartell said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 01-02-2017

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.0.1

Quote:...So even though I'm definitely disappointed this chick hasn't texted me back, I'm still feeling really satisfied, really happy, and really confident. I went to the gym today and noticed about a thousand cute girls checking me out, sometimes from all the way across the gym floor. There were a ton of guys in the room that were way buffer or way more 'confident' than me, but these girls were oogling at me and not them...

-Kalmah0804 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 01-03-2017

DMSI 3.0.1

Quote:I haven't been able to run DMSI for the past 5 days because me and this girl have been spending every waking second together.

I feel like the sub has manifested my perfect sexual lover. She's into the exact same stuff as me sexually. We can't keep our hands off each other. We spent from the 28th to the 2nd literally in each others company the whole time, and now we're back at work together. She's teasing and showing me her panties while she works. It's all so ***** hot.

Unfortunately my sex drive is still rock bottom. I just cannot for the life of me get a proper erection and it's driving me crazy. I don't think it's nerves because even when I'm by myself I'm struggling to masturbate and maintain an erection. I'm also really low energy, I tried to workout the other day, did one set where I can usually do 6-8 reps of an exercise I could barely finish 2.

I remember this happening on v1 after a while, after a few weeks there's a burn out.

But DMSI v3 has changed my life in such a short space of time. I feel like I'm dreaming, it's so surreal. Like all these experiences I'm having are so outside my previous reality, but during the moment they feel completely normal and natural. It's like I'm a different person.

I'm eye ***** everywhere I go too. I met some of her friends and they told her that I was such a catch and that she should never let me go. She gets upset because she thinks I'm out of her league and wants constant reassurance I find her attractive.

And I do. So much. She's actually perfect. I'm falling pretty hard for her and I can tell she's falling for me too.

She's going to help me through this period until I can perform properly, she said she doesn't care how long it takes. I'm confident now that it's just a matter of time until that V card is officially destroyed.

I've told her I like to sleep with headphones in and some binaural beats playing so I was able to restart DMSI last night. Maybe the 5 day break would have done some good, but I'll be back on 3 loops of version A from now.

Anybody who thinks DMSI v3 isn't working, or that it's users are being effected by placebo, are actually the ones being irrational in their thinking. DMSI v3 has changed in about 2-3 weeks of use what I haven't been able to change my whole life.

Kenpachi said this here.

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility (Multiple Versions) - Benjamin - 01-05-2017

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.0.1

Quote:...I notice that when I look at myself in the mirror I look and feel extremely handsome and confident. I feel like I've healed a lot of my biggest fears and insecurities more in these past 26 days of DMSI3 than I ever have with any other sub before. I can't wait to see what I look/feel like after a full 90 days of this sub!

-Kalmah0804 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 01-12-2017

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.0.1

Quote:This one is all data.

Went on a “date” with G2 (it’s quite funny to me that we’ve gotten as far as having to follow letters with numbers). She showed me around her university. Then I met some of her dorm mates. Then we went into her dorm and made out and she ended up giving me a bj before she had to go to class.

A rather iconic moment for me was when I hugged her goodbye on the way to my car, with my phone in my right hand, and as I pulled away I pulled out my phone and set up another date with a different girl.

At this point I think the majority of DMSI’s effects are just appealing to my inner 14 year old.

The date:

The date wasn’t anything too special. I didn’t really say or do anything besides be myself, tease her a little, and just be present. There are some really relevant bits that I’ve become aware of though.

One is that women close the distance between us very quickly during DMSI. You have distances reserved for family, friends, and intimate partners, and during DMSI women tend to cross into that intimate partner space in less than a minute. This comes with rubbing their boobs on my body, or continually bumping into me like we’re a pair of magnets. This happened with S last week as well as G2.

The date today was 101% autopilot. There was even a moment when we walked from a dark area of the campus into her dorm building and the change of perspective made me realize that I was doing absolutely nothing. Like, me, or what I think of as me, was watching everything take place without being involved, but I felt 100% safe and comfortable with the autopilot. When we had safely made it into her dorm room (read: achieved the goal) and we watched a little Netflix, “me” came out again for little spurts during our make out time, but I wasn’t really aware of all that, just going along with the sensations.

With both S and G2 there came times where they both began telling me they were sexually available.

With G2 today it was when she described her first semester at college and all the parties she went to, and how amazing all of it was. Then later when we went to her dorm, she immediately put Netflix on her laptop. Netflix and Chill, remember?

With S it was a while into our date where she mentioned how she loved being drunk and just having no filter, and being able to go along with whatever experience she was having. She was telling me she was adventurous and could have a good time.

My next question for S was why she had swiped right on me on Tinder. She referred to a part of my description where I wrote “non-adventurous women need not apply,” and she liked that because she was looking for some more adventure in her life.

Then she asked me why I swiped right on her profile. I told her it was because I liked her face, and she seemed to be really cool. She got a laugh out of that and soon after I invited her to my place. At my place it was fairly warm but she began taking off her layers of clothing (she’s from the mountain so she came layered up) and we just sat in my room and chilled for a while.

Out of nowhere she begins telling me about how her friend is allowing her to sleep over at her house, and she believes the reason why is because her friend’s room mate is a very obvious flirt (?). I didn’t really understand why she blurted that out at the time, but now it’s hitting me square in the face and it kind of hurts.

I was being very shy during our date, and that may have triggered the outburst. After a while I felt comfortable enough to make out with her and invited her over to my bed.

With both S and G2 I noticed I had a very pronounced effect on them both.

Today it was G2 begging me to come over.
Then the sheer look of pleasure on her face as we made out.
She wanted me to go to her class with her.
She also invited me to stay the night if I wanted to.
She asked me if I would come back after her class was over and I told her I couldn’t. So she invited me to my first college party (whoop whoop!) this friday.

With S it was mostly the fact that she drove nearly 2 hours through traffic and snow to come and see me, and brought me food as well. She had mentioned that the only thing she hated about being up in the mountain was that she was part of a small town and everyone knew everyone’s business. That totally didn’t matter when she let me put a series of hickeys on her neck.

Now with L (I date her on Saturday) she’s becoming extremely close to me through text and wanting to talk all the time.

With both of these dates it took me a while to open my heart enough to allow both of these interactions to proceed.

With G2, there was just a moment where I felt that I had to go all the way in, and that meant being vulnerable enough to get hurt, and I just let go.

With S I just told her I actually wasn’t very experienced with any of this stuff and that allowed me to relax and become comfortable. She said she thought she was being poolsharked because there was no way I could possibly be inexperienced and her face showed it quite clearly.

Guess I’m better than I thought.


Party with G2 on Friday.
Icecream with L, Saturday morning.
Then probably hangout with D (the bisexual chick) that afternoon?

I’ve been getting little feelings about S as well. She said her schedule was rather busy and I left it at that (“keep me updated.”) but I don’t think she’s out of the game just yet. She was certainly my favorite out of this new cast of women. Plus, I never got to go snowboarding with her.

I have 2 more women who I’ve established a connection with that I still have to text, god damn.

I think especially now I'm going to stop ***** and trying to **** my neighbors lol. There's no need for it. I may actually have to start friendzoning women at this point, never thought I'd say those words.

-Bookstacks DC737 said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 01-12-2017

Quote:Hi fellas I'm on DAY 15!

The script is well executing so far, I'm getting a lot of IOI from women, but on
the other hand, It's not like I care at all now.

I'm a totally different person from what I was 15 days ago, I'm now
self-sufficient, self-happy, I treat women like buddy I can have sex with and I
moved on in my life on this aspect.

That means that I'm not chasing women anymore and I now focus 100% on other
aspect in my life like my mission, my hobbies, and the amelioration of certain
aspect of my life.

I never was really hungry for sex, I have a low appetite which mean that if I'm
having sex 2-3 times a week I'm more than sated!
In that aspect DMSI gived me more than necessary as I already had 1 MLTR and 1
FB before starting it, but now the amount of women I could see is ridiculous.

For exemple yesterday I asked my MLTR to come to my place tonight and she was
really glad about it. Now this morning I received 2 texts from 2 differents
girls asking me to come to their place tonight.
I machinally answered to one : "No I won't come it's your turn this time!"
And she answered :"Allright I'll be there! Wink"
I just realised the moment after what the **** did I just send there is already
my MLTR coming tonight haha.
The other girl I said I was busy tonight.

Also I don't know if it's a side effect but like for kids staring at me, it
seems that DMSI is working on dogs, does anyone have reports about DMSI
affecting animals ? xD

Indeed Tuesday I went to see a friend of mine who has 3 (littles) dogs and when
I sat down on the couch they all went crazy on me!
They were scratching my jeans to ask me to take them on my legs, were barking
and during the whole appetizer they were fighting to be under my legs and were
also licking my fingers if I had the misfortune to let my hand at their level.
My friend had to take the dogs out because it was really annoying he said he had
never seen this as they usually listen to him ! lol

NoLimit said this here.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 01-12-2017

DMSI 3.0.1-A:

Quote:Day 40

I ***** C with a half limp dick. I was super nervous and I sabotaged myself by fapping earlier in the day. The entire day I was anxious about the night. When I came time to perform I was half hard when going in and flaccid coming out. I guess that counts? LOL... She was super supportive much like a girlfriend but she cheats.

After the act, we started acting like friends again. Usual conversations and such. But She flips me over for a massage and other acts of affection. Think I found a good mix of friends and benefits with C.

Edit: no alcohol nor mones are involved until after sex happened.

Congrats, Aventus, on being the first man to lose his virginity with DMSI's help!

This post can be found here.

[Image: achievement.png]

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 01-13-2017

DMSI 3.0.1:

Quote:If someone told me beforehand I'll be telling this story... take a deep breath.

Last night, I got more shit from girls (one in particular). We all had some wine after dinner. Surprisingly, wifey initiated. Hint. Kids had sleep over at their friends. Wifey was annoying with her favourite story, how her shoulders used to be stiff and sore, and I HAD to massage her all the time... and how I used to call it my playstation, as thumb movements are similar... f*cking annoying. I added onto it and laughed it off but then she told a story how I once asked her, if she liked my tattoo design before I got it inked, to point out how I asked her approval. The one on side of my rib cage. And another... I realized she'll keep on digging on my beta moments (I didn't think they were embarrassing or beta at all, but she definitely had an agenda... although I wasn't 100% sure if she was teasing and shit testing, or belittling me) and I admitted to it all calmly and playfully and the rest of it, and stopped commenting, and she stopped. Both made solid eye contact with me. Hint.

I went to the fridge at one point, I thought I heard girlfriend said to her he's a good husband then, I couldn't hear what wifey said to her but girlfriend burst out laughing then covered her mouth to shush. Girls locker talk? Wifey proposed a shot of brandy with them afterwards but I said I'll go for a run and shower instead. At that stage, I chickened out because I didn't know how to handle wifey. They looked at each other and girlfriend pointed with her chin to wifey and this one raised her eyebrows and looked at me. My heart got stuck in my throat and my brain lost oxygen. Then (my) wifey said, let's have a shot together... I got to taste it once myself. Girlfriend said something like, isn't it a perfect night to try new things? At this stage I thought they were f*cking with me, but no, that came later.

Barba said this here.

...and clarified here:

Quote:Man I'm not sure we're on the same page... Big Grin looking back at my post I see it's kind of vague but what actually happened is, we all ended up in bed straight after that. I was in threesome last night.

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 01-13-2017

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.0.1

Quote:Dimsee B is building and compounding upon itself every day. If this is where I'm at today, I'm dying to see how I will be on 3.1! Looking forward to the new clearing modules.

These poor women don't know that what is hitting them is going to get stronger and tease them worse and worse until they finally can't handle it and jump on my dong.

I don't even feel like getting into the specifics of what happened today, but the point of it is that I am becoming someone far superior to the man I was before. The deepest parts of me are finally starting to see the light of day. You know, the facets of my personality that I kept hidden from the rest of the world? Because society had shaped me into a being where those facets are NOT OKAY? When in reality they're completely okay and society just needs to get a grip. There are layers of me that have been hidden, that I thought I had already unlocked, but I realize now they had not been unlocked. And there are still more that I never knew existed, that are being realized...

-Eternity said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Benjamin - 01-19-2017

Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility 3.0.1

Quote:Design goal achieved.

Just received a text from the boxing coach's daughter. She OUTRIGHT said that she wants me to find a way to get her alone and spend all night f*cking her.

Exact words: "I want you to find out a way to carve some 'alone time' with me so you can **** me all night."

I want to make this very clear. VERY CLEAR. This is not any kind of "placebo b*llshit." In all the years of my life, I have never had a woman outright tell me this over text. Yes, I've gotten laid a lot, but those stories were more like the sh*t you'd see on the Red Pill, or a PUA forum, where I had to plot, strategize and plan. Never have I had a woman say, "find a way to f*ck me."

This happened AFTER I stopped running the sub for five days. Even though I don't feel the acute internals anymore, I'm clearly getting some strong externals. Getting women staring at me, going out of their way to help me at the gym. In fact, the new woman that works at the gym came to watch me hit the heavy bag. Then when I started talking to her, she giggled and said I smelled like "aggression." But, the look in her face was clearly, "I want to take you to the bathroom and I want you to rail me."

But... the bathrooms were full and I'm on a schedule today. ANYWAY -- for those of you still waiting to pull the trigger, get in now while the price is still low and GET TO CLEARING. Now that the emotional shield is weakening (because I'm no longer refreshing it everyday), I can use mental alchemy to see what's been changed.

The list is so long that I don't know where to start. I keep wanting to update this thread, but I get overwhelmed and run away, lol. It's THAT big. But here's a few things:

I'm no longer autodisqualifying myself when it comes to beautiful women. Same with job opportunities and partnerships with people that I feel are "above me." I'm applying for very high quality, prestigious positions. Even if I don't get them, it shows that I'm valuing myself much higher.

I'm healing quicker, I'm fighting more aggressively and without fear and I'm developing a "fighter's instinct." To me, this is a sign of increased testosterone and the such.

Etc. More later.

I'm arranging for that "alone time" to go down next Friday. She's been waiting 24 years to get a good dick down (she's a virgin) and I might as well be the one to give it to her.

-Chaosvrgn said this here

RE: Forum Quote Testimonials - Shannon - 01-20-2017

DMSI 3.0.1:

Quote:Now I’m at day 29 of DMSI, that’s 12 of DMSI A and 17 of B.

Things I’ve done this week. Sex was good. One night we did it to soundtrack of Iggy Pop and The Stooges “Raw Power” which is the dirtiest, sexiest and most f*cked up rock and roll album ever made. Sums up my mood and attitude in a good way.

I’m getting wifey to initiate more and more, and I got a thing to get her started. The lift scene from the other day? Exactly that. I’m not suggesting it to her, saying or hinting at anything. I just look at her in a certain way. I’m not thinking of anything in particular except turning her on, but close approximation of thought process, or the gist of it would be “I know and I can see you’re interested; it’s written all over your face. I’ve seen it before. I eat girls like you for breakfast. Things I can do to you, your girlfriends only read about. But you’ll have to do the first move and earn my attention now”.

It’s too easy and too much fun.

I was in training at client’s office all week; once out of boredom I’ve texted Freckly and she said she was sick, but I didn’t quite get her message so I called, and she actually sounded pretty bad and delirious, and even scared. I worked out that she’s by herself, that her mom will come in afternoon (it was morning) and I offered to come over, in same breath she said no don’t, then yes do. I went during lunch break, it is 5 minutes down the road, bought her a fluffy toy; and when I came she looked terrible and said she’s exhausted from fever. I was then surprised she agreed for me to come in, but then we got talking; I was sitting next to her in bed. She said a few things about when she was a kid, how when someone was sick at her house, they’d put them in a room alone and not disturb them until they got better. Basically, left them to die. We laughed. She then asked me to share something. I said a few stories from childhood and she loved it. Then she finally sat upright and went to have a shower.

We talked more and had tea, she was looking better by the minute. I had to go but she dropped a bomb and out of the blue said “I want to f*ck you so bad right now”, and I was surprised, I thought I’d never hear anything like that from her. Strictly language wise. She even silences “sh*t” to a whisper usually. I said really, I think you’re hardly in shape now, and she said yeah, I know, but you look hot right now, it’s not fair. Later she texted and thanked me for coming, said she felt heaps better. I’m wondering whether it’s to do with DMSI addition 14. Added scripting to the AOSI to cause the affected to forgive and heal themselves in the ways that will result in sex with the user, or aura or whatever. Anyway, glad I went.

That's it. I’ll keep running DMSI.

Barba said this here.