RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - RTBoss - 09-26-2017
Start at 0:47
This is the perfect example of pure logic (Admiral Ozzel) vs. using intuition with right thinking (Vader).
Pure logic loses every time.
I was watching The Empire Strikes Back with my son today, and this popped into my head at that scene. Just thought I'd share.
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - RTBoss - 09-28-2017
Now that DMSI will be worked on in the next few weeks, these are my opinions and ideas (please take them as such, and only those ideas found helpful) for the direction of 3.2. They are in no particular order. Disregard anything already in DMSI, potentially redundant, or completely off-base (I also added a few bullet points from MLS I thought may be useful in DMSI):
- Gratitude and increased humility supporting the goals of DMSI, the person you are & are becoming, as well as for living a life of sexual abundance.
- Increased sexual abundance mindset from current level. Know, without doubt, that any attractive person of the sex you're attracted to (that you actually want) feels they absolutely MUST have sex with you, as much as you allow them to, as soon as possible!
- Disconnect from, outgrow, and overcome any substance, need, addiction, or drug that interferes with achieving the goal or the program in any way.
- Increase perceived comfort an entire order of magnitude (or utilize polymorphic comfort?) so that the affected person naturally gravitates into your LAP, hugs you as easily as breathing, and like a fly landing on a Venus Fly Trap, only realizes - too late - that they are SO irresistibly sexually attracted they MUST immediately act upon it any way possible.
- Bypass, any way possible, Affected resistance easily and completely. (Easier said than done, I'm sure!)
- Appeal to the Affected emotional-self/emotional-energy-body in an attempt to overcome rational thought/logical resistance with the more irrational/illogical "but, it feels SO right!" "It must be fate!"
- Fix/optimize energy sourcing/scripting for manifestations.
- Manifest more people of the sex you find sexually attractive in places you regularly frequent by casting "energy nets" that become self-powering/self-sustaining beacons, continuously growing in energy and intensity, that repeatedly self-execute and self-renew to attract your perfect sexually-attractive sexual partners(s) until you no longer frequent that particular physical space.
- Reword/fix/optimize sexual performance statements.
- Rework the Anti-Sniper to use the word "dangerous" instead of "unacceptable." Unacceptable may be too general a word, and discount an "unacceptably" wide array of people.
- Rework the Anti-Sniper to only sexually reject a person, not reject the person anti-sniped as a whole (in the case of "revulsion" from negative AS values). I can't be hating, disrespecting, or rejecting everything about a person I may NEED to interact with on a day-to-day basis.
- Decrease sniper sensitivity from only affecting 7's and above to 5's and above - let's see if it does indeed cause more people to be affected, and then if we, collectively, decide we like it better.
- Increase SDS (short-distance sniper) to 300 ft., if possible. Include metric conversions for those who use that system.
- Change LDS (long-distance sniper) wording to "the CURRENT most sexually attractive person of the sex you're sexually attracted to within 50 miles, whom you've physically met." (Include conversion of miles to kilometers). "Anywhere in the world, from anytime in your life" isn't feasible,and the (lack of) results reflect that.
- Create more subconscious "common ground" and agreement with the ideas presented in the script, so that they may be more readily accepted. There must be more trust and commonality so that the program is perceived as more "friendly" and less "threatening." Clearly many user's subconscious minds are still terrified of DMSI.
- Remove all negative reinforcement from the script, and focus solely on positive reinforcement/reward, both for the user and affected sides.
- Increase the enjoyment of the changes occurring. Make the DMSI journey as much fun as possible.
- Change the nature of the energy flooding to include "love" energy. Many of us feel this is a major/essential component of E2 that attracted massive amounts of attention/connection from the opposite sex - especially women.
- Include positive-thinking and positive-attitude programming.
- Increase luck magnifier power multiplier.
- Disconnect from, release, and transform all anger into a null value, and replace anger-programming and anger-reactions with a calm, relaxed, and rationale attitude favoring logical, positive, and thoughtful outcomes.
- Include anti-script-reversal anti-resistance module.
- Repair/heal any physical, genetic, or biochemical issues that repel attractive members of the sex you're attracted to, or that cause you to be rejected as a potential sexual partner.
- Create "flirtation is a fun, enjoyable game" programming.
- Increase care-free/happy-go-lucky/playful sense of humor, relaxed/come-what-may/"love life" attitude.
- Manifest people, places, and experiences for "pure fun & enjoyment," especially if it supports achievement of the goals of the program. Everyone would agree (unless you're just a downer-type) that "fun" people are attractive people. Downer/negative types need this the most!
- Completely remove "meet them halfway" scripting and replace with "being completely and totally sexually seduced is now my reality" programming. This should not affect the User if the User enjoys seducing, but would merely serve to magnify the opportunities to BE seduced by the Affected.
- Remove scripting that appeals to reproductive instinct. Plenty of women (and exponentially more men) are completely turned off by any possibility of reproducing, as their conscious desire (even subconscious desire) to NOT reproduce is strong enough to reject the User. I believe it hurts more than it helps, and is not necessary to achieve the goals of the program. I personally feel very strongly about this, especially now that my wife doesn't want more kids - ever. I feel this scripting may be part of the reason she doesn't want to have sex anymore.
- Completely detoxify "any part of myself that - in any way - interferes with achieving the goals of DMSI."
- Develop, integrate, and openly express/display appreciation, gratitude, and love, to show the User is deserving of being seduced by beautiful, sexually attractive people "of the sex you are attracted to."
- See people you are sexually attracted to as real people - beautiful, sexual beings with their own life goals, dreams, feelings, emotions, and sexual expression, and appreciate them as such.
- Exude infinite patience with the program, as infinite patience produces instantaneous results.
- Disconnect from impatience and unrest. "Fools rush in."
- From MLS (modified): Safely access and learn from future events - and multiple time/probability lines - as would be useful for achieving the goals of DMSI.
- From MLS (modified): Develop and configure the brain, mind, and body in the any way that increases the probability and frequency of achieving the goals of the program.
- From MLS (modified): Be considerate of those of lesser sexual irresistibility and capability/capacity.
- "Oneitis" Sniper: Snipe any person, of the sex you're attracted to, who dominates more than 60% of your sexual thoughts, 24/7.
- Manifest people - of the sex you're attracted to - of equivalent energy and physical attractiveness as any current "oneitis," and allow them to seduce you and have sex repeatedly, in order to teach you about your sexually abundant nature - that the "oneitis" is not truly unique or necessary.
- Reintroduce safe, non-physical energy sources that were utilized in DMSI V2.1 as additional sources for the aura and snipers to utilize, if not already included. The more options for energy, the better...? I remember enjoying these sources when I ran 2.1.
- Increase approachablity factors (ie. open, non-threatening body language, relaxed posture, genuine smiles, inviting/accepting energy - love energy-flooding would certainly help here).
- Come across as authentic, trustworthy, and safe - can be trusted to protect Affected's private thoughts and sexual advances.
- Communicate with respectful authority, and learn to criticize in a positive, helpful, respectful, and constructive manner.
- Include a "feedback" module. If the User is so willing, give honest subconscious feedback about how the program is working by reporting back to the program's author/creator (Shannon) on all aspects of the program.
- Develop "disarming charm," and a strong "spirit for adventure."
- Equal exchange of value - the Affected must feel they have something to offer/exchange with the User. They must feel valuable and wanted (on some level). DMSI is somewhat one-sided and unbalanced in that regard.
- Recognize and disarm Affected ASD tactics.
- Reward Affected for pursuing and seducing the User, energetically (and through other means of positive reinforcement). Affected should feel more valuable, in control, and validated the more they pursue and seduce.
- Already planned additions: P6, Magnus Engine upgrade, reality bending adjustment/increase.
- Any other adjustment that would shift DMSI to be more "heart-centered." So far, DMSI has been "All Head (haha) and No Heart."
- Energy "anchors" that effectively anchor/attach themselves to 9's and 10's energy fields, self-power, and snipe 24/7, until the user has achieved the goals of the program as much as he/she desires.
- Inuit, sense, and communicate the level of sexual interest any sexually attractive member of the sex you find attractive automatically to the conscious mind.
- Direct Affected to openly stare, as much as possible, as an obvious "tell." While some of us don't need this, others do.
Shannon, I know you already have a laundry list of items to add to DMSI. Once again, I want to reiterate that these are notes I've taken over the course of 6+ months running 3.1, along with thoughts I've had over the entire AOSI/DMSI experiment. If there's an idea you can use, cool. If not, just thought I'd share my thoughts!
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - Benjamin - 09-28-2017
I agree with some of them.
The opening up comfort factors could go too far, one thing already missing from DMSI is the masculinity type programming which is a downfall of it being gender neutral.
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - RTBoss - 09-28-2017
(09-28-2017, 04:36 AM)Benjamin Wrote: I agree with some of them.
The opening up comfort factors could go too far, one thing already missing from DMSI is the masculinity type programming which is a downfall of it being gender neutral.
I feel absurdly masculine on DMSI. Not sure why the polymorphic scripting wouldn't be able to cover that for you.
Right now, there's no comfort on DMSI. That's why I'm emphasizing it so much.
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - SargeMaximus - 09-28-2017
I like the list.
I've got some ideas of my own:
Another thing I think we need is to have people in general feel less threatened by the DMSI user. My only guess towards my lack of sales ability this year is DMSI, and I think it's because of jealous males or females, treating me as a threat or something.
It's all speculation of course but there is a decided difference between this year and last year WRT my sales ability. I've changed many things (hair/beard, shoes) but one of them is using DMSI.
Quote:[*]Appeal to the Affected emotional-self/emotional-energy-body in an attempt to overcome rational thought/logical resistance with the more irrational/illogical "but, it feels SO right!" "It must be fate!"
Agree with this. People act on their emotions then backwards rationalize. It's a well-known fact.
Another thing that would be useful is to have the user protected from negative consequences as well as negative energy.
Much of my inability to approach or act on manifestations (like the woman I saw yesterday) is from a knee-jerk reaction to what may happen if I do.
You may say this is simply fear, but when there is a real possibility of getting attacked physically, fear isn't the only thing running through your mind.
It's like if you stood on a train track as a train approached. You can remove fear all you want, but the resulting impact and death is not something that will serve you at all.
Quote:[*]Rework the Anti-Sniper to use the word "dangerous" instead of "unacceptable." Unacceptable may be too general a word, and discount an "unacceptably" wide array of people.
Yes! I believe this is happening to me on many levels.
Quote:[*]Rework the Anti-Sniper to only sexually reject a person, not reject the person anti-sniped as a whole (in the case of "revulsion" from negative AS values). I can't be hating, disrespecting, or rejecting everything about a person I may NEED to interact with on a day-to-day basis.
Yes again! I work in sales and IF this happens (or is happening?), it's unacceptable. People come in all varieties. Instead of focusing on differences, we should focus on our commonalities (add that to 3.2 too).
Quote:[*]Decrease sniper sensitivity from only affecting 7's and above to 5's and above - let's see if it does indeed cause more people to be affected, and then if we, collectively, decide we like it better.
I argue remove this entirely. Haave a blanket affect on ALL members of the sex we find SI. Leave it up to the user to decide how best to proceed.
With that, however, add modules that allow the user to telegraph, through BL/energy, a disinterest in those they are disinterested in so that those people will not pursue and will not create awkward or embarrasing situations
Another thing to add would be" removing one-upmanship or competition (I think that may have backfired lol). I've noticed this a LOT on DMSI. Not sure if it's ego or what, but guys (and girls) be trying to show that they, too, are in demand.
Instances that come to mind are:
- A sales appointment. The girl I set it with completely ignored the sales guy when he arrived. She was on the phone the entire time. Despite having a good interaction with her, she seemed more interested in proving she was busy.
- A waitress ignoring me and my brother for a LONG time (we almost left) talking to other patrons
- Managers at the same place doing the same
- 3+ girls at the gym I go to who initially showed interest in me but one by one disappeared after I saw them with a new guy.
Quote:[*]Remove scripting that appeals to reproductive instinct. Plenty of women (and exponentially more men) are completely turned off by any possibility of reproducing, as their conscious desire (even subconscious desire) to NOT reproduce is strong enough to reject the User. I believe it hurts more than it helps, and is not necessary to achieve the goals of the program. I personally feel very strongly about this, especially now that my wife doesn't want more kids - ever. I feel this scripting may be part of the reason she doesn't want to have sex anymore.
Agree with this. Sex should be a means to an end. The end being: more connection, more fun, impressing the DMSI user, gaining status, etc. (These were the initial ideas for DMSI btw)
Quote:[*]Disconnect from impatience and unrest. "Fools rush in."
Not sure about this one, especially if you want people to be more impulsive and "backwards rationalize" their feelings. It contradicts.
Quote:[*]"Oneitis" Sniper: Snipe any person, of the sex you're attracted to, who dominates more than 60% of your sexual thoughts, 24/7.
Not sure about this one either. I'm pretty sure I think sexual thoughts about porn stars more than I do people I've seen in my daily life.
I would say that having a sniper snipe the people we have consciously agreed to however.
For example: I don't think sexual thoughts about my hairdresser all that much (unless I'm sitting next to her with a boner like I did back in 3.0.1 but I digress), but I do want to have sex with her.
That should be enough. I don't want to have to consciously maintain DMSI. There's enough of that going on already (most of my limited results came from conscious actions I took with GREAT difficulty. I'm honestly too tired to keep doing that)
Quote:[*]Manifest people - of the sex you're attracted to - of equivalent energy and physical attractiveness as any current "oneitis," and allow them to seduce you and have sex repeatedly, in order to teach you about your sexually abundant nature - that the "oneitis" is not truly unique or necessary.
Absolutely LOVE this one!
Quote:[*]Equal exchange of value - the Affected must feel they have something to offer/exchange with the User. They must feel valuable and wanted (on some level). DMSI is somewhat one-sided and unbalanced in that regard.
This is a good one, and very insightful. I began to suspect this was an issue myself.
So yeah, those are my thoughts (hope you don't mind me adding/critiquing RT!).
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - Benjamin - 09-28-2017
Interesting. For me it seemed 3.1 had a bit much comfort comlared to past versions. Most girls would be happy to talk but it wasnt in a hitting on me kind of way. And the masculinity wasnt that strong for me, definately no AM6 type feelings.
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - Shannon - 09-28-2017
(09-28-2017, 04:36 AM)Benjamin Wrote: I agree with some of them.
The opening up comfort factors could go too far, one thing already missing from DMSI is the masculinity type programming which is a downfall of it being gender neutral.
Once again, Ben, you and others are misunderstanding something very fundamental about this "gender unspecified" type of scripting.
The "gender unspecified" scripting refers to the target. You choose the targets you are interested in based on your innate natural preferences. That's all it means. It does not affect your gender identity or your sexual preferences AT ALL. They remain exactly what they were before; we are simply using them as a guide for the goal targeting sub-system, not changing or affecting them.
So what we have here is a sub that does not affect your masculinity one way or the other, and focuses your goals on what you prefer.
I am planning to try to add some scripting for causing the expression of one's primary gender identity to be expressed in whatever ways are sexually attractive to the gender you prefer to have sex with, as well as focusing you in that presence. So for example, if you identify as masculine, it would enhance your expression of masculinity.
I have also figured out how to trigger "script resurrection", which will allow me to cause you to be affected as if you are running sub X at the same time, as long as you have run it previously. Theoretically, this will allow me to trigger the activation of previously used AM/AF programming while you use DMSI. It remains to be seen just how feasible this concept is in actual practice, but I am going to try.
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - RTBoss - 09-28-2017
(09-28-2017, 05:20 AM)Benjamin Wrote: Interesting. For me it seemed 3.1 had a bit much comfort comlared to past versions. Most girls would be happy to talk but it wasnt in a hitting on me kind of way. And the masculinity wasnt that strong for me, definately no AM6 type feelings.
Sarge, I only have time to reply to Ben. I gotta get my kid off to preschool. I will respond, in detail, to you later, as I'd like to confer on a few points for sure. Glad you like the list.
Ben, girls may be "happy to talk," but before getting to that point - they're scared to fuckin' death! You have to open them? Nah.
I'm not sure we can expect this sub to be AM/SM/etc all rolled into one. I just mean that I don't feel emasculated by the sub. I'm naturally masculine, and I don't feel like DMSI has made me more feminine. Being approachable and able to instill comfort and trust in women is not a feminine quality, alone, IMO. I feel like it's gender-neutral.
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - Shannon - 09-28-2017
(09-28-2017, 04:14 AM)RTBoss Wrote: Now that DMSI will be worked on in the next few weeks, these are my opinions and ideas (please take them as such, and only those ideas found helpful) for the direction of 3.2. They are in no particular order. Disregard anything already in DMSI, potentially redundant, or completely off-base (I also added a few bullet points from MLS I thought may be useful in DMSI):
- Gratitude and increased humility supporting the goals of DMSI, the person you are & are becoming, as well as for living a life of sexual abundance.
- Increased sexual abundance mindset from current level. Know, without doubt, that any attractive person of the sex you're attracted to (that you actually want) feels they absolutely MUST have sex with you, as much as you allow them to, as soon as possible!
- Disconnect from, outgrow, and overcome any substance, need, addiction, or drug that interferes with achieving the goal or the program in any way.
- Increase perceived comfort an entire order of magnitude (or utilize polymorphic comfort?) so that the affected person naturally gravitates into your LAP, hugs you as easily as breathing, and like a fly landing on a Venus Fly Trap, only realizes - too late - that they are SO irresistibly sexually attracted they MUST immediately act upon it any way possible.
- Bypass, any way possible, Affected resistance easily and completely. (Easier said than done, I'm sure!)
- Appeal to the Affected emotional-self/emotional-energy-body in an attempt to overcome rational thought/logical resistance with the more irrational/illogical "but, it feels SO right!" "It must be fate!"
- Fix/optimize energy sourcing/scripting for manifestations.
- Manifest more people of the sex you find sexually attractive in places you regularly frequent by casting "energy nets" that become self-powering/self-sustaining beacons, continuously growing in energy and intensity, that repeatedly self-execute and self-renew to attract your perfect sexually-attractive sexual partners(s) until you no longer frequent that particular physical space.
- Reword/fix/optimize sexual performance statements.
- Rework the Anti-Sniper to use the word "dangerous" instead of "unacceptable." Unacceptable may be too general a word, and discount an "unacceptably" wide array of people.
- Rework the Anti-Sniper to only sexually reject a person, not reject the person anti-sniped as a whole (in the case of "revulsion" from negative AS values). I can't be hating, disrespecting, or rejecting everything about a person I may NEED to interact with on a day-to-day basis.
- Decrease sniper sensitivity from only affecting 7's and above to 5's and above - let's see if it does indeed cause more people to be affected, and then if we, collectively, decide we like it better.
- Increase SDS (short-distance sniper) to 300 ft., if possible. Include metric conversions for those who use that system.
- Change LDS (long-distance sniper) wording to "the CURRENT most sexually attractive person of the sex you're sexually attracted to within 50 miles, whom you've physically met." (Include conversion of miles to kilometers). "Anywhere in the world, from anytime in your life" isn't feasible,and the (lack of) results reflect that.
- Create more subconscious "common ground" and agreement with the ideas presented in the script, so that they may be more readily accepted. There must be more trust and commonality so that the program is perceived as more "friendly" and less "threatening." Clearly many user's subconscious minds are still terrified of DMSI.
- Remove all negative reinforcement from the script, and focus solely on positive reinforcement/reward, both for the user and affected sides.
- Increase the enjoyment of the changes occurring. Make the DMSI journey as much fun as possible.
- Change the nature of the energy flooding to include "love" energy. Many of us feel this is a major/essential component of E2 that attracted massive amounts of attention/connection from the opposite sex - especially women.
- Include positive-thinking and positive-attitude programming.
- Increase luck magnifier power multiplier.
- Disconnect from, release, and transform all anger into a null value, and replace anger-programming and anger-reactions with a calm, relaxed, and rationale attitude favoring logical, positive, and thoughtful outcomes.
- Include anti-script-reversal anti-resistance module.
- Repair/heal any physical, genetic, or biochemical issues that repel attractive members of the sex you're attracted to, or that cause you to be rejected as a potential sexual partner.
- Create "flirtation is a fun, enjoyable game" programming.
- Increase care-free/happy-go-lucky/playful sense of humor, relaxed/come-what-may/"love life" attitude.
- Manifest people, places, and experiences for "pure fun & enjoyment," especially if it supports achievement of the goals of the program. Everyone would agree (unless you're just a downer-type) that "fun" people are attractive people. Downer/negative types need this the most!
- Completely remove "meet them halfway" scripting and replace with "being completely and totally sexually seduced is now my reality" programming. This should not affect the User if the User enjoys seducing, but would merely serve to magnify the opportunities to BE seduced by the Affected.
- Remove scripting that appeals to reproductive instinct. Plenty of women (and exponentially more men) are completely turned off by any possibility of reproducing, as their conscious desire (even subconscious desire) to NOT reproduce is strong enough to reject the User. I believe it hurts more than it helps, and is not necessary to achieve the goals of the program. I personally feel very strongly about this, especially now that my wife doesn't want more kids - ever. I feel this scripting may be part of the reason she doesn't want to have sex anymore.
- Completely detoxify "any part of myself that - in any way - interferes with achieving the goals of DMSI."
- Develop, integrate, and openly express/display appreciation, gratitude, and love, to show the User is deserving of being seduced by beautiful, sexually attractive people "of the sex you are attracted to."
- See people you are sexually attracted to as real people - beautiful, sexual beings with their own life goals, dreams, feelings, emotions, and sexual expression, and appreciate them as such.
- Exude infinite patience with the program, as infinite patience produces instantaneous results.
- Disconnect from impatience and unrest. "Fools rush in."
- From MLS (modified): Safely access and learn from future events - and multiple time/probability lines - as would be useful for achieving the goals of DMSI.
- From MLS (modified): Develop and configure the brain, mind, and body in the any way that increases the probability and frequency of achieving the goals of the program.
- From MLS (modified): Be considerate of those of lesser sexual irresistibility and capability/capacity.
- "Oneitis" Sniper: Snipe any person, of the sex you're attracted to, who dominates more than 60% of your sexual thoughts, 24/7.
- Manifest people - of the sex you're attracted to - of equivalent energy and physical attractiveness as any current "oneitis," and allow them to seduce you and have sex repeatedly, in order to teach you about your sexually abundant nature - that the "oneitis" is not truly unique or necessary.
- Reintroduce safe, non-physical energy sources that were utilized in DMSI V2.1 as additional sources for the aura and snipers to utilize, if not already included. The more options for energy, the better...? I remember enjoying these sources when I ran 2.1.
- Increase approachablity factors (ie. open, non-threatening body language, relaxed posture, genuine smiles, inviting/accepting energy - love energy-flooding would certainly help here).
- Come across as authentic, trustworthy, and safe - can be trusted to protect Affected's private thoughts and sexual advances.
- Communicate with respectful authority, and learn to criticize in a positive, helpful, respectful, and constructive manner.
- Include a "feedback" module. If the User is so willing, give honest subconscious feedback about how the program is working by reporting back to the program's author/creator (Shannon) on all aspects of the program.
- Develop "disarming charm," and a strong "spirit for adventure."
- Equal exchange of value - the Affected must feel they have something to offer/exchange with the User. They must feel valuable and wanted (on some level). DMSI is somewhat one-sided and unbalanced in that regard.
- Recognize and disarm Affected ASD tactics.
- Reward Affected for pursuing and seducing the User, energetically (and through other means of positive reinforcement). Affected should feel more valuable, in control, and validated the more they pursue and seduce.
- Already planned additions: P6, Magnus Engine upgrade, reality bending adjustment/increase.
- Any other adjustment that would shift DMSI to be more "heart-centered." So far, DMSI has been "All Head (haha) and No Heart."
- Energy "anchors" that effectively anchor/attach themselves to 9's and 10's energy fields, self-power, and snipe 24/7, until the user has achieved the goals of the program as much as he/she desires.
- Inuit, sense, and communicate the level of sexual interest any sexually attractive member of the sex you find attractive automatically to the conscious mind.
- Direct Affected to openly stare, as much as possible, as an obvious "tell." While some of us don't need this, others do.
Shannon, I know you already have a laundry list of items to add to DMSI. Once again, I want to reiterate that these are notes I've taken over the course of 6+ months running 3.1, along with thoughts I've had over the entire AOSI/DMSI experiment. If there's an idea you can use, cool. If not, just thought I'd share my thoughts!
I am going to copy this list verbatim into the list of ideas I already had, and worry about which is what and who and how later. Whatever I find that is feasible and useful, I'll try to implement, but no guarantees what or when. Thanks for the feedback.
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - Shawn - 09-28-2017
(09-28-2017, 05:27 AM)Shannon Wrote: I have also figured out how to trigger "script resurrection", which will allow me to cause you to be affected as if you are running sub X at the same time, as long as you have run it previously. [b]Theoretically, this will allow me to trigger the activation of previously used AM/AF programming while you use DMSI.[/b] It remains to be seen just how feasible this concept is in actual practice, but I am going to try.
This is HUGE!
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - Shannon - 09-28-2017
(09-28-2017, 05:46 AM)Mr. Anderson Wrote: (09-28-2017, 05:27 AM)Shannon Wrote: I have also figured out how to trigger "script resurrection", which will allow me to cause you to be affected as if you are running sub X at the same time, as long as you have run it previously. [b]Theoretically, this will allow me to trigger the activation of previously used AM/AF programming while you use DMSI.[/b] It remains to be seen just how feasible this concept is in actual practice, but I am going to try.
This is HUGE!
Only if it works without destroying what you're actually running...
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - RTBoss - 09-28-2017
Ok, I'm back. I thought about some things on my drive. Regarding talking to women, I don't think we shouldn't ever have to open them - that's why I think we should have scripting for being more open, friendly, and playful. Using sense of humor and flirting playfully does wonders with women. I do think that they should be opening us at least 50% of the time, however. I get opened...never. Maybe 350 lb. middle-aged women do, b/c they know they have to. Until there's enough comfort to get opened more, there's just way too high of an intimidation factor.
Another problem is the IDGAF is SO high, I literally don't care to ask anyone about themselves. There's a chick standing there, and I'm attracted? Oh, far as I'm concerned, she's just a life-support system for a pussy. That's not cool. These are people, and I should feel like connecting. Sex is a connection. We gotta start facilitating the human connection with DMSI. I should care about the people, but not the outcome. I should want the outcome, but not be attached to it. I should expect the outcome, because, well, fuckin' DMSI.
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - RTBoss - 09-28-2017
(09-28-2017, 05:18 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Another thing that would be useful is to have the user protected from negative consequences as well as negative energy.
Much of my inability to approach or act on manifestations (like the woman I saw yesterday) is from a knee-jerk reaction to what may happen if I do.
You may say this is simply fear, but when there is a real possibility of getting attacked physically, fear isn't the only thing running through your mind.
I wouldn't say it's fear, necessarily, but the use of rationale in the face of a consequence that's possible. Shannon always said his goal with OF is to replace fear with using logic and the rational mind to make a decision instead.
So, are you inferring that the auric shield needs an upgrade or optimization?
Quote:[*]Decrease sniper sensitivity from only affecting 7's and above to 5's and above - let's see if it does indeed cause more people to be affected, and then if we, collectively, decide we like it better.
I argue remove this entirely. Haave a blanket affect on ALL members of the sex we find SI. Leave it up to the user to decide how best to proceed.
With that, however, add modules that allow the user to telegraph, through BL/energy, a disinterest in those they are disinterested in so that those people will not pursue and will not create awkward or embarrasing situations
I see. You're saying remove the rating system, and then allow the sniper to affect all women you find attractive - perhaps by aligning its power with whomever you are most attracted to through the least?
Regarding your second point, you're saying you want the Anti-Sniper to fire and communicate "back off, sexually!" to women we aren't interested in? That would have to worded very delicately. Of course, I believe Shannon can pull just about anything off that he sets his mind to.
Quote:[*]Disconnect from impatience and unrest. "Fools rush in."
Not sure about this one, especially if you want people to be more impulsive and "backwards rationalize" their feelings. It contradicts.
It doesn't contradict, because one is the User side, the other is the Affected side. I advocate the User has patience, disconnects from being impatient, and shifty. I think the Affected should absolutely act on feeling and impulse. That makes all the difference in the world, IMO.
Quote:[*]"Oneitis" Sniper: Snipe any person, of the sex you're attracted to, who dominates more than 60% of your sexual thoughts, 24/7.
Not sure about this one either. I'm pretty sure I think sexual thoughts about porn stars more than I do people I've seen in my daily life.
I would say that having a sniper snipe the people we have consciously agreed to however.
For example: I don't think sexual thoughts about my hairdresser all that much (unless I'm sitting next to her with a boner like I did back in 3.0.1 but I digress), but I do want to have sex with her.
That should be enough. I don't want to have to consciously maintain DMSI. There's enough of that going on already (most of my limited results came from conscious actions I took with GREAT difficulty. I'm honestly too tired to keep doing that)
Your hairdresser example is really what I was trying to across with my point. I should amend the bullet point to read, "Who you have physically met," much like the Long-Distance Sniper. I, in no way, meant the "anyone, anywhere in the world" version of Oneitis-Sniper (like how the current LDS works).
Thanks for your input. I think we got some great versions of DMSI in our future!
RE: Trip.1e Bag It - Wrapping Up with my Aura Jimmy Hat - DMSI V3.1 - SargeMaximus - 09-28-2017
(09-28-2017, 06:51 AM)RTBoss Wrote: (09-28-2017, 05:18 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote: Another thing that would be useful is to have the user protected from negative consequences as well as negative energy.
Much of my inability to approach or act on manifestations (like the woman I saw yesterday) is from a knee-jerk reaction to what may happen if I do.
You may say this is simply fear, but when there is a real possibility of getting attacked physically, fear isn't the only thing running through your mind.
I wouldn't say it's fear, necessarily, but the use of rationale in the face of a consequence that's possible. Shannon always said his goal with OF is to replace fear with using logic and the rational mind to make a decision instead.
So, are you inferring that the auric shield needs an upgrade or optimization?
I don't know. All I know is males seem to be MORE territorial and aggressive near me these days.
I guess that's to be expected but cmon, it's DMSI! Where's the celeb effect?
(09-28-2017, 06:51 AM)RTBoss Wrote: Quote:[*]Decrease sniper sensitivity from only affecting 7's and above to 5's and above - let's see if it does indeed cause more people to be affected, and then if we, collectively, decide we like it better.
I argue remove this entirely. Haave a blanket affect on ALL members of the sex we find SI. Leave it up to the user to decide how best to proceed.
With that, however, add modules that allow the user to telegraph, through BL/energy, a disinterest in those they are disinterested in so that those people will not pursue and will not create awkward or embarrasing situations
I see. You're saying remove the rating system, and then allow the sniper to affect all women you find attractive - perhaps by aligning its power with whomever you are most attracted to through the least?
Kind of. Just have it affect all women period. I'll explain...
(09-28-2017, 06:51 AM)RTBoss Wrote: Regarding your second point, you're saying you want the Anti-Sniper to fire and communicate "back off, sexually!" to women we aren't interested in? That would have to worded very delicately. Of course, I believe Shannon can pull just about anything off that he sets his mind to.
Think of it like this:
You see a stunning woman. You're attracted to her. She looks at you, you smile, she smiles politely but looks away and never looks at you again.
Unless you have severe self esteem issues my guess is you still find her sexually attractive. You just wish she was more "open" to you.
That's the same effect we're going for I think.
In the example, you wouldn't approach the girl because she obviously isn't interested. But you're still attracted.
(09-28-2017, 06:51 AM)RTBoss Wrote: Quote:[*]Disconnect from impatience and unrest. "Fools rush in."
Not sure about this one, especially if you want people to be more impulsive and "backwards rationalize" their feelings. It contradicts.
It doesn't contradict, because one is the User side, the other is the Affected side. I advocate the User has patience, disconnects from being impatient, and shifty. I think the Affected shouldn't absolutely act on feeling and impulse. That makes all the difference in the world, IMO.
I think I see what you're saying. There may be a typo in there...
Are you saying:
- The user should be patient and disconnects from impatience and being shifty while the Affected does not?
If so then I see what you're saying and agree.
(09-28-2017, 06:51 AM)RTBoss Wrote: Quote:[*]"Oneitis" Sniper: Snipe any person, of the sex you're attracted to, who dominates more than 60% of your sexual thoughts, 24/7.
Not sure about this one either. I'm pretty sure I think sexual thoughts about porn stars more than I do people I've seen in my daily life.
I would say that having a sniper snipe the people we have consciously agreed to however.
For example: I don't think sexual thoughts about my hairdresser all that much (unless I'm sitting next to her with a boner like I did back in 3.0.1 but I digress), but I do want to have sex with her.
That should be enough. I don't want to have to consciously maintain DMSI. There's enough of that going on already (most of my limited results came from conscious actions I took with GREAT difficulty. I'm honestly too tired to keep doing that)
Your hairdresser example is really what I was trying to across with my point. I should amend the bullet point to read, "Who you have physically met," much like the Long-Distance Sniper. I, in no way, meant the "anyone, anywhere in the world" version of Oneitis-Sniper (like how the current LDS works).
I appreciate that RT! 
Cool, I guess that works. But again, I'm not thinking sexual thoughts about her that often (Certainly not 60%). I think it would be good enough to have "Of the people you've met who you want to have sex with"
Maybe I'm weird/unhealthy whatever, but I don't think sexual thoughts very often. It actually takes effort to do so.
(09-28-2017, 06:51 AM)RTBoss Wrote: Thanks for your input. I think we got some great versions of DMSI in our future!
Yeah I'm excited to see what Shannon does for 3.2
It's been a LONG time coming, that is for sure!