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RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 02-21-2025

Last night was my 6th night on, I went back to 8 loops and it felt like it was needed. I'll have tonight off.

Some more noticable dreams, and felt good this morning and then felt like going somewhere.

Went to a music thing and market in a nearby town. I had the urge to message my friend and was going to, and I had this thought that maybe I wasn't feeling like hanging out with him and feeling disconnected from him, because the state I was in with what I was processing I might say something I don't want to, because i've noticed when something is processing that it feels 'right' and then sometimes I might say or do something and in a few days or so am like "what the fuck".

But then after I got there I started to feel shut down, anxious and weird. I walked around a bit and just shut down more, started to feel depressed mainly because I felt anxious and fearful, and also was giving off a repulsive kind of energy.. which I know by reactions. What's weird is when this is happening sometimes people I know, not who I talk to heaps but usually will say hi to will sometimes not even acknowledge me when I have this energy. I blame alot of projecting this energy on the porn binge though.

I got more frustrated and decided to just go home. I put a loop of PM on, then went to get some stuff from a shop and ended up talking to a guy I usually say hi to briefly, then made a few comments to the girl working on the checkouts and I was like "hmm why am I suddenly feeling less anxious" and I realized it was due to putting PM on.

Not long after getting home I got a message from my friend who was in that town I just went to. He was there for a bit but went home cos it was hot.

Not sure if it was the porn binge or not, but there is definately a pattern of i'll feel really good, be really confident and such then go out one day and be anxious like this for no real explanation.

Actually thinking of it now, I mentioned a few posts ago that I had 2 days (not one after another) of getting the most positive attention i've got in a long time, all the girls I talked to who served me were so happy and friendly etc.. well since then my mood has really been down and I haven't been feeling much of the vibe from PM, and today especially having a repulsive kind of energy and feeling invisible.

So definately resistance, though it's been going on for weeks. Part of the explanation could be the work I done earlier in the week that derailed PM a bit, though other aspects of PM seem to have kicked in, but other stuff I was noticing lessened.

EDIT: I realized the other source of resistance is the guy commenting "have your arms always been so jacked or have I not been paying attention?". I was feeling good about it and thinking it's awesome, but then strong resistance come up which reminds me of when I was losing weight years ago and someone would comment then i'd feel good but then it'd send me backwards. Seems this tendency is now coming up around getting in shape again.

I feel like I look worse in only 1 1/2 weeks since then, but it's likely my perception.

A little thing to show how this sabotage stops me from taking the actions that the subliminal is trying to push me to do. I had a dream a few nights ago about something to expand in my training that I already do a little bit of, I woke up inspired to research it more and improve it in the training and had a strong urge to do so. Then this sabotage come up and it lessens the feelings around it several times, then what happens is basically it doesn't seem as important anymore, it's almost like the realization disappears, and then I pretty much forget about it whereas if that strong feeling stayed and integrated properly i'd go and do it the next day and would remember.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 02-23-2025

Today is the 2 month mark, I took a video and hated the way I look, still fat and out of shape.. I mean some people wouldn't say that, but to my standards I am. Last night was having the urge to add extra sets to my workout that I took off it to add something else. But then I decided against it for now as i'm going to add something else on inbetween days.

The wanting to give up is even stronger, it's not even these intense emotions of frustration or whatever.. it's just a bit more matter of fact like "there's no point, it's not going to get me where I want" which is much more difficult to deal with as it's not as obvious. Even more frustrating after only 3 days went on another porn binge yesterday, when it was going so well and PM was keeping me away from it for longer periods of time.

I feel a bit overwhelmed too, I think the 6 days on was a bit much though I was following the urge. It's telling me to take a 2nd night off tonight so i'm following it. But i'm not sure as I know generally if it says to go less than the instructions it may be resistance.

So looking back through my posts the resistance has been strong since the 15/2/25. I seem to be able to trace it back to this and the 2 things I mentioned in the last post.

Basically sick of this sabotage derailing and ruining everything and not getting the shifts and results I know I should.. I know that because they start actually happening and integrating until it comes up and gets rid of it. Things come up in dreams and I wake up thinking about it and know it's being worked on, until the integration and processing is destroyed and disappears almost every single fucking time. I've thrown everything at this, all kinds of audios and different methods, spending $1,000s of dollars on courses, including 2 I did when I took time off subliminals before starting PM.. and I still can't get rid of it.

I might have said this earlier in the journal, but i'm not joking when I say it seems like the more of this work i've done, even with these methods that are so effective and others are raving about (the amazing reports i've heard from others about the method I did a 3 month course on before I started PM are awesome) but right now I seem to be in an even worse place.

So current thought is "just try 6g" maybe OSC and extra stuff in 6g compared to 5.11g might help. I'm also willing to try OGSF 6g if it comes out soon, even if OGSF v2 was one of my most hated programs. Shannon mentioned that's because it was the one hitting the closest to my core issues.

Cos I could do another month, get to the 3 months I decided on.. and still at the same place. Or I could do 6 months and still be dealing with this same shit. It's not necessarily resistance making it so difficult for me to use programs for the prescribed amount of time anymore, though that is part of it.. it's 'evidence' of doing the prescribed amount of time so many times and all of this nonsense derailing it, not getting the results, getting good results initially then it disappearing.

My higher self was constantly guiding me to use PM when I did this 3 month course which works with the higher self.. yet once again this 'guidance' I seem to be getting is wrong and doesn't lead where it should.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - NOMAD - 02-23-2025

Something that might help you is to consciously let go of the expectations you've put on the sub and focus on the positives that it's doing for you. Consider the progressive overload in your workouts. Consider how PM is guiding you to adjust your routine. Consider the instances when you're relaxed and less reactive. PM is doing its thing there. Take those positives, focus into them and through them. Forget what you think the sub should be doing. Focus on what it actually is doing and only that. Then work with it. That's how you'll get the most out of it.

To me, subs are like an escalator. On the escalator, you have 3 options. You can (1) walk against the direction of the escalator and never get to your destination, (2) stand still and let it slowly take you to your destination, or (3) walk with the direction of the escalator and get to your destination quickly. By focusing on what the sub is doing and working with it, you're choosing option #3.

You might also consider taking a week off, then resuming with the prescribed one loop. I suspect that you've spammed yourself, hoping that PM would provide results that it was never intended to provide. There's no reason you can't achieve your fitness goals and have women pouring into your life. But that's not specifically what the program was designed for, so it's not going to be the best measuring stick.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 02-23-2025

Thanks man,
          It's definately hard for me to drop the expectations. I've not been able to do that with anything pretty much, i'm not even sure how to.

But it is interesting, these 2 things the workout stuff and the attention I got were what I noticed from PM. I had hoped for the workout stuff, didn't necessarily expect that attention but liked it, until the resistance come up. Those are the things i've noticed the most, along with it directing me away from social media and similar bs and the think skin thing.

Interesting analogy. I guess the challenge with PM is that it's more 'self defined' which I attempted to work with by writing a detailed document of what Masculinity is to me.. but i'm not sure it's fully using that, though parts of it have made progress.

Doing the higher amount of loops is what seems to have got me results, Shannon had said a few times to experiment with a higher amount and i've been getting the urges from autoconfig. Though after reading your post I had a thought "hmm, if this sabotage is coming up so much, could it also be convincing me to do an amount of loops that isn't helpful".

Though last night seems to disprove that thought. I'll write that in a seperate post.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 02-23-2025

I feel much better today.

Last night I was on the edge of giving up. I had pretty much decided to stop PM, then something come to my mind all of a sudden.. when I had decided to take last night off listening earlier in the day, before bed I had the strong urge to put PM on and to do TEN loops, yes. I went with it and thought "Well if this doesn't do anything I may aswell just give up".

I woke up feeling noticably better, and I was thinking about stuff from early highschool in my friendship group and around some girls. So if it's going back to that it seems to be going deeper and further back hopefully.

I did my workout and a few other things before even going on the computer at 1pm which is good.

Also less interest in randomly looking at social media again, I just briefly looked at a training group and haven't gone to other groups reading all the nonsense. I also don't really feel too much like playing the game i've been playing and want to, and to do a few other things that I kept putting off.

So the 10 loops did finally kick something back in again, though it seems like a crazy amount and i'm even having urges to go higher. Shannon has said to follow these urges, but i'm questioning the urge due to the high amount. Still, following the urge for 10 last night did pay off.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 02-24-2025

More stuff from highschool coming up. Had a weird dream where I think I was a security guard on a train and there was some guys from school, actually maybe even primary school (the first school you goto, don't know what it's called in the us). But only one guy I recognized, he come and bumped into me on purpose and I did nothing, and there was another guy I knew was picking on me and an argument but I don't know who it was.

I don't exactly understand what it was representing or working on, other than I understood it was likely something around being picked on.

I felt a bit anxious and weird down the street, not too bad. Felt like I was slightly projecting some of the PM vibe like before.

This time atleast I realized how I was feeling was related to what I was dreaming about like it's processing.

Also yesterday after I did the 10 loops the night before I had less urge for social media bullshit again, i'd lose interest and close it. Then for a while I looked at bs on twitter then closed it. Today feel a little worse, I noticed I was feeling allright until I went on social media and my mood has gone down. What I was reading was stuff about houses being broken into, which is fear based and feeds into this fear of really engaging in the world, so my mood went down and my head has been a bit sore and constricted for most of the day since.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Shannon - 02-28-2025

Social media is very toxic. You might have noticed.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 02-28-2025

(02-28-2025, 06:03 PM)Shannon Wrote: Social media is very toxic.  You might have noticed.

Very much. It's full of the worst people ever. I had a thought when I read your comment "imagine if you were at an actual event, like a restaurant and everyone was behaving like on social media".

That would be an interesting thing to see, and alot of them would learn quick to stop their shit.  Lol

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 03-01-2025

Yesterday went to get some jeans, the woman in the jeans shop I usually talk to so can't report much there.

Then went into another clothes shop and made a few comments to the girl working there, and she kept talking even when I walked off a bit to look at stuff. Talked to her for atleast 10 minutes and I reakon she would have kept talking, from some stuff she said I figured she was around 20, and she expanded alot on what she said, shared personal information, but then a few times mentioned "her partner", before that I was thinking of getting her number.

But the progress from the last few I reported where I was worried I was disturbing them or distracting them from their job I stood there and talked to her for ages. Still was a little unsure but not as much. After a while I introduced myself and left.

After that when I went home I felt really tired. It may have partly been a bit of a 'pushback' response from the interaction even though it's good. What i'm seeing is for me it seems every little bit of progress I get is met with some kind of 'pushback'. It can also be partly explained by extending one of my workouts this week, but that was 3 days ago.

Last night was my first night back on PM after the rest night, 4 loops.

Today i've been feeling low. I went to go out in nature to try to relax and destress. I was struggling to wind down and relax, even when I left my phone in my car. The tiredness continues today and feeling depressed. Actually alot of the feeling down started when I was outside and frustrated at doing this alone and wanting someone to share it with.

It also seems when I go back down to 4 loops I start to feel like shit again, so tonight i've set it up for 8 loops again.

The other things with my energy could be resistance or sabotage, in that earlier in the week I was thinking about how it's good my energy is noticably better and more consistent, and i've been getting up earlier without much effort. Now the last few days this tiredness, kind of matches the pattern of what happens when I notice things like this in that something tries to sabotage it.

Also when driving home today, I started to get into a mental mood as I used to call it. This matches what used to happen when I was younger, i'd just get into this weird mood and be really silly or random. I was singing stuff while driving home and being weird, but it was fun. This isn't something I remember happening for a long time, i'm not sure why. It seemed like I didn't really relax at all going out into nature, but maybe I did a bit and that's why that come out.

With how i've been feeling today, it's been difficult not to switch to OGSF v3. When I read the page it just feels like something I should use, but with a bit over 3 weeks left until the 3 month mark which I committed to I realized that I have to stick to it to prove I can stick to the commitment. If I don't then it makes it easier to stop OGSF v3 at the 2 month mark for example instead of finishing.

It's still hard to know at times if these things are resistance, which I know is happening now at the moment.. or if it is legit that OGSF v3 is best for me right now, especially with the increase in technology.. which also even with resistance sometimes can legitimately be the case.

Actually the resistance i'm hitting upon now is "I don't even want this goal anymore". Which isn't true, I do want the goal of being Masculine and reaching my potential as a man.

Reading the types of resistance thread, lets see what applies right now.

Type 3: Agitation And Upset.

Type 6: Running Away.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Shannon - 03-01-2025

Every time you do less than 8 loops, you have trouble. Why do less? Sometimes you need 10 loops. I suggest you try doing 10 as your standard.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 03-01-2025

I seemed to be following the urge when I went back down to 4, like 8 would feel like too much after a while and like I needed a rest from that. But after it happening twice and realizing and from what you said, i'm guessing it's some kind of resistance.

After doing 8 last night I feel much better today. I'm thinking my inability to really relax when I went out yesterday was alot to do with stuff coming up from lessening the loops.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Shannon - 03-01-2025

I suggest, again, that you standardize on 10 loops and see how that goes over time. No matter what internal guidance you get. And try again to go out in nature and rejuvenate when you have the time and think it's reasonable to do so.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 03-02-2025

Ok so to 10 loops last night. I decided that to do so I had to goto bed earlier, well at my usual time, because i've been going to bed later recently, and also needing to sleep less and getting up earlier some days. I was attributing that to more energy from PM.

I originally set it up for 9 loops thinking that when the loops start i've been getting up earlier than 10 loops would finish. But when I went to bed I changed it to 10. And I slept like 12 hours. It's either the extra input, or maybe me 'coming down' from being wired or something from sleeping less and it catching up to me. I did say my energy has been low since late last week. It also could be going on my infared mat yesterday bringing my body down and allowing me to relax. I also had quite a few dreams which stood out to me as unusual, but I only remember one of them.

Today I woke up feeling kind of 'normal' but not like anything from PM is really kicking in. I've been feeling sensitive to things as opposed to having a thick skin to it as i've been noticing. During my warmup for my workout I was struggling and kind of just wanting to lay there on the floor, but after a few times I stopped myself and said "no, i'm going to push through this". Then when I got to the actual workout part it went well.

Also feeling down at the state of the world, that everything's fucked and the amount of crazy people in the world makes it hopeless kind of thing. I'd say this is definately PM working on something, and working on more stuff around having thick skin.

Also the resistance that's telling me "I don't really want this goal" even stuff like "oh nah I don't really want to be more muscular and have a better physique" was coming up, like trying to get me to slack off from my workout. I know this is complete bullshit and such nonsense that I noticed it straight away, but there is some feeling behind it, like it's something being dug up. I hope in the end when it's worked through it gets me to commit more to building my body and becoming stronger.

One thing i'm not liking about PM is that i've become more anti-social, haven't really seen my friends much or been to as many things. I thought it was resistance but then Nomad mentioned he's started to spend more time alone. I still think it's some kind of resistance in my case, because part of my definition for being the man I want to be is having a good group of friends.

Also since I work from home, workout at home.. i've realized it's difficult for me to notice my results with subliminals sometimes, or to be in situations where the work the subliminal is doing can manifest when dealing with things. Like I feel that if I was at a normal job then it would give me more opportunities to express it, or if i had more things I was going to. Before covid there was several good things I went to, an alternative healing meeting, acting classes, toastmasters, more gatherings and events.

Now I only really have toastmasters and the occasional good event that I find. Doesn't give me as many opportunities in general to be around more people, or to meet girls even.

RE: Masculine Prime (Primal Masculinity 5.11g) - Benjamin - 03-03-2025

Maybe 10 loops is doing something.

Last night in bed my sex drive coming up more again. I had a weird dream that i'm confused about, but it's obviously something around girls and sex as that's what I woke up thinking about.

I was some kind of villain, and dressed up like one, from where I remember in the dream I was walking with someone else with backpacks on and walked past a group of people and told them that we are going to destroy batman. One of them said "watch out up further ahead".

Then I walked further and there was this rope across the road, I walked into it and it moved a bit then I just stepped over it. I looked across from me and there was a girl there, like she had set a trap to trip me over.

I went over to her and was trying to recruit her, really because I wanted to have sex with her. So I was like "do you want to join the revolution" and she didn't, then I decided to be honest and I went and whispered to her "well, you have nice legs anyway". Then the dream ended.

One reason I feel that 10 loops is working in some ways also seems to confirm my thought that not wanting to hang out with my friends is partly resistance. I went down the street and seen a friend walking when I drove past, I waved but don't think he seen me. I messaged him about 15 minutes later and he was in a cafe so I went in and sat with him for a while. I felt more enthused to contact him and to hang out with him.

I feel like my vibe from PM has lessened, especially first since I had those 2 times of really noticable attention, then after that when I tried to work on my resistance and I interrupted it. I feel like it hasn't really come back like it was before since then. And a couple of other things that seemed to be starting to happen when I first started PM but that didn't continue or come back. Sadly i've had this on past programs where I have some motivation for some things I always put off and take some action towards it, then it disappears and doesn't really come back.

But still some signs i'm projecting some kind of vibe from it, it's annoying the full vibe hasn't come back though.