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RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - Shannon - 01-26-2019

For the time being, let go of any and all desire for and expectation of seeing DMSI affect the people around you. First you have to allow it to affect you. When it affects you and you are executing, you will know it without a doubt, and then you can start looking at other people. For now, what you're looking for is self effects.

Also keep in mind that hearing issues or not, louder is not always better. Ultrasonic is the format that can be heard through some types of deafness. The subconscious that has a very strong will and a high degree of fear will typically try to stonewall, which is what it appears you are trying to do here. That typically means that the program has triggered extreme subconscious fear. If the volume level is too high, it may result in stonewalling. If it is too low, it may result in stonewalling.

I think we are to the point with the FRM and the Magnus Engine that it should be only a very few people left who can and will be able to stonewall this version of the program. But regardless, we aren't very far along yet, and you have both time and format and volume options left to try. So relax, there is time, and there will be at least one more version of DMSI after this.

You don't need to put pressure on yourself. Just keep going.

Do you notice any difference from ultrasonic to hybrid formats?

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 01-26-2019

Hi Shannon thanks for the replys, i do notice i get sleepy at different times listening to both this version and previous version. Between ultrasonic and hybrid i havent noticed any differences yet, maybe the sleepyness at different parts while its playing on both but thats only thing i can safely say i have noticed. I havent noticed differences between the 2 types ultrasonic and hybrid though, i will keep listening to hybrid for rest of this cycle and see how things go.

I hope to see some effects in myself soon with frm working.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - Shannon - 01-26-2019

(01-26-2019, 05:41 AM)josh84 Wrote: Hi Shannon thanks for the replys, i do notice i get sleepy at different times listening to both this version and previous version. Between ultrasonic and hybrid i havent noticed any differences yet, maybe the sleepyness at different parts while its playing on both but thats only thing i can safely say i have noticed. I havent noticed differences between the 2 types ultrasonic and hybrid though, i will keep listening to hybrid for rest of this cycle and see how things go.

I hope to see some effects in myself soon with frm working.

Getting sleepy almost certainly means that you are using up most of your energy maintaining a steady state despite what the subliminal's influence is doing. In other words, the parts of you that are trying to cooperate are being overridden by the parts of you trying to resist, and the amount of energy being expended makes you tired in the process.

I think it will be very interesting to see how this goes over time, because I think what you will find is that over the course of a month or two, FRM 4.4 will begin to break through and you'll start seeing results that will build on themselves.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 01-26-2019

Thanks shannon, do you suggest using hybrid, i know on earlier versions without frm thought strong resistors would have better luck with masked but maybe with frm 4.4 i can stay on hybrid and hope it breaks through resistance faster?

With the tiredness it happens at different parts like i get tired at some points then wide awake at other parts.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - Shannon - 01-26-2019

(01-26-2019, 06:15 AM)josh84 Wrote: Thanks shannon, do you suggest using hybrid, i know on earlier versions without frm thought strong resistors would have better luck with masked but maybe with frm 4.4 i can stay on hybrid and hope it breaks through resistance faster?

I can't say what format you should use. It is therefore just as well to stick with Hybrid for 3.3.1 and see what happens, as at least that will give you maximum input.

I don't know which format will be better for you.

Quote:With the tiredness it happens at different parts like i get tired at some points then wide awake at other parts.

That signifies that there is a battle going on internally. When both cooperative and non-cooperative parts are attempting to assert dominance, you will use mental energy much faster, and become tired. When they are not both attempting to assert dominance at once, you will have more mental energy.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 01-29-2019

Completed the 7 day cycle now 3 days off, not feeling any changes internally yet or externally but as shannon mentioned concentrate on seeing the internal changes so im not worried about the womens attraction side of things but im not seeing any there yet.

After this 3 day off i will put hybrid trickling stream onto my phone as i currently play it through computer speakers which has 6 speakers, but will use headphones through my phone and start at 7 each night until 4am im unsure how i will go laying in bed with big headphones on as i normally lay on my side but will try my best for a week to get maximum effects and see how things go.

Im assuming since going through headphones the speaker part wont be an issue since going directly into my ears and not using the phone speaker if playing it without headphones so hopefully this method will create some results.

Also no dreams that im aware of either.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - Shannon - 01-29-2019

If you have the option of speakers, why not arrange them around your bed where your head is laying at night and use that?

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-02-2019

Hi Shannon for the first 7 days thats what i had done with the speakers, there is 5 speakers and subwoofer part in this computer speaker system. All 5 are on my desk where i am at most of the time but i move 2 of the speakers with the longest cables to the table next to my bed so its right next to my head playing, well within a foot or so.

Last night for first night of cycle 2 i used headphones for 2 loops before continuing with the other 6 loops through speakers with same setup as above. Tonight i will be doing 4 loops with headphones and will try to get atleast 4 with headphones per night, i dont play any other music or shows when listening so only audio playing is the subliminal to let it be most effective.

I dont feel anything yet but will continue and hopefully over next few weeks something will start to happen that can be noticed.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-03-2019

2 days in on cycle 2, first day did 2 loops with headphones 6 loops through speakers, last night did all 8 loops with headphones.

Today in a crowded gym with many attractive women and i was more invisible today then had been other days, ladies wouldnt even look up when near me.

Tonight will do 4 loops headphones and 4 with speakers and continue that for the next 5 days see if anything changes.

Internally yet to feel anything different.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-04-2019

I used headphones for 2 loops last night and rest through speakers, the night before i managed all 8 loops with headphones, ive decided since not seeing anything at all yet that wearing the headphones for hours from early evening and giving up on everything else like music and other shows i might want to watch during the night im going to just stick with the speakers each night and atleast that way im not wasting many hours each night listening to the trickling stream and nothing else in order to hope that the subliminal will be more effective.

Ive been in plenty of situations full of people and attractive women to atleast see if im no longer invisible but still they dont even look up in my direction, so a long way off any approaching me if they wont even glance my way. Physically im in pretty good shape not bodybuilder size but im lean and physically fit so looks wise im not that bad so thats not a reason for them not looking in my direction either.

So im just going to use the speakers each night for the 7 nights and see if anything changes, but even internally i dont feel any more confident then i had been previously so its a wait and see game for me now.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-09-2019

2nd cycle completed, no internal changes that i can feel or notice yet, maybe slight boost in confidence at times but very small even around people i see 2-3 times a week can make sometimes very small conversation with but thats all so far. When i mean small im meaning a few word response as they quickly and continually walk to do whatever they need to do. I can watch others make full on conversations with these same people when its slow but they dont try to make conversation with me, so externally nothing, internally hope that slight bit of confidence at times is not just me trying to push myself like ive been trying for years since i was starting to get these short responses done before dmsi and am hoping dmsi was going to skyrocket my self confidence and self esteem to make that easier for me but so far not as much as i am hoping for.

Around women a couple may say hi being polite in a situation such as at a bar pub behind the bar or walking around, but thats more good customer service.

3 days off and then start cycle 3 on tuesday night.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - Shadow2200 - 02-11-2019

Got to start some where

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-12-2019

Yesterday before using trickling masked last night to start cycle 3 was at the gym.

I said hi to a lady i have spoken to a couple times previously and as i was walking away wasnt sure if she said anything more than hi back to me i think she did so it sat on my mind a while, i went upstairs got on the stair climber next to her then when she finished tried to say sorry if didnt hear her and hope she didnt think i was ignoring her. She said she doesnt remember if said anything more and all good but it continued to sit on my mind, since clearly that lacks confidence and doesnt show any alpha traits either.

So now i feel bad incase she thought i ignored her then when tried to talk and say sorry about that was hard to talk being on a stair climber machine before she walked off.

So that didnt go well, so confidence and signs of showing self esteem improvements isnt there since if i had more i would of just let it slide and moved on instead of trying to apologise for something she didnt really care much about in first place.

Listened to trickling stream masked last night dont feel any different waking up this morning or any dreams. Heading to the shops soon see if anything happens there.

RE: dmsi 3.3 journal - josh84 - 02-14-2019

Half way through cycle 3 this time on masked trickling stream,

no changes internally yet or externally, no looks or glances yet from women when around them daily so far.

Will keep going but its looking like i could be one of the 3% that it might not work on but will keep listening each night and see if something changes.

Even when i talk to them they are happy to talk for maybe a minute before wanting to walk off to do other things, so the aura isnt kicking in yet either to get them to want to hang around longer.